Author Topic: Mitsukara's WTB List, Most Wanted: Cheap Outland Peasent Anakin  (Read 2413 times)

Offline Mitsukara

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It should be noted that I don't always have a whole ton of money to spend on Star Wars figures, sadly, so I'm sorry if I'm not able to take you up on some of your offers. I do not wish to set prices in advance, but I will most likely not be able to pay more than $14 for any single figure (except for a complete evolutions set or something like that, of course).

Should I run out of money to spend for a while, then I will post saying so and mention when I should be able to buy stuff again at that time.

Since the list is a bit long, I know some might not care to read it. Therefore here's a short version of items I'm especially interested in:

Cheap Outland Peasent Disguise Anakin (all I really need is the torso/waist/lower torso really)
VOTC Lando at a good price
EU Mara Jade
VOTC Chewbacca
Fodder: Lando Calrissian Heads, Cantina Han/Cantina Han Legs


ROTS Early Bird Kit Chewbacca, R2D2, or whole set
Min condition: loose, fairly stiff joints/no major damage. Accessories prefered, but depending on price I could do without,

Cheap POTJ Bespin Escape Leia
Min condition: loose, fairly stiff joints. Blaster(s) not required, but if you have them that's good too.

Cheap Stormtroopers, Snowtroopers, and Biker Scouts of various kinds
Whatever you've got for less than $5 apiece I'd like to hear about... unless it's a POTF2 Stormtrooper, and then I'm still interested if it's dirt cheap. But generally, POTF2, POTJ, TSC, loose vintage, whatever! Paintwear and playwear must be within reasonable limits and please describe what you're offering if you reply.

Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader evolutions set
Min condition: loose with all accessories, no major paint wear, joints as tight as they should've come in the package. Can be varient with or without scar on the episode III Anakin but with scar is preferred. Vader with tighter grip right hand preferred if such a varient exists.

POTF2/EU/POTF Commtech:

EU Mara Jade
Minimum condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints; accessories would be nice but are not absolutely neccesary.

Cheap "All New Likeness" Princess Leia Organa or heads from this figure
Minimum condition: loose with no major paint or joint damage, okay if accessories and freeze frame are missing.

Final Jedi Duel Cinema Scene (from ROTJ)
Min. condition: loose with all parts included in good condition. Might be interested if Vader is missing but the rest of it's there.

Cheap Final Jedi Duel Cinema Scene Luke Skywalker
Min. condition: Loose with fairly good joints, no major paint wear, lightsaber included.

Cheap Ceremonial Gear Luke Skywalker
Min. condition: loose with decent joints. Accessories nice but totally unrequired, however his removable "vest" part of his jacket must be included. Freeze frame not needed.

Cheap Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper disguise (Purchase Pending?)
Min. condition: Loose with decent joints, no major paint wear, helmet included.

Cheap Commtech Luke Skywalker
Min. condition: Loose with good joints, no major paint damage, accesories good but not neccesary.

VOTC Figures:
VOTC Chewbacca
Min. condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints. Should preferably include bowcaster accesory; I don't mind if you don't have the VOTC bowcaster and steal a ROTS or similar one though ^.- Just something better than a POTF2 bowcaster...

Original store-cost or less VOTC Han Solo
Min. condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints. Blaster would be good but isn't neccessary.

Original store-cost or less VOTC Lando Calrissian
Min. condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints, and undamaged cape. Blaster would be good but isn't neccessary.

VOTC Stormtrooper
Min. condition: loose with no major paint damage and tight joints. Blaster would be good but isn't neccessary.

2006 Saga Collection:

Cheap TSC Boba Fett
Min. condition: loose, minimal paintwear/reasonably tight joints, should include blaster and stand, "flame" piece and hologram mini-figure are not neccesary

2002-2004 Saga and/or OTC figures:

Cheap Outland Peasent Disguise Anakin Skywalker[/b]
Min condition: as long as he's got both halves of the torso, I'm interested ^.-

Saga/OTC "Jabba's Palace" ROTJ Jedi Luke
Min condition: loose, decent paintjob if available, tight joints preferred. Preferably with accessories.

Saga/OTC TIE Fighter Pilot
Min condition: loose, decent paintjob, tight joints preferred.

Mega cheap Saga Throneroom Duel Luke Skywalker... actually, just the lightsaber is good too
Min condition (if it's the figure): Black right hand, otherwise in about as good a condition as this dude could ever hope to be. Must include lightsaber, rest of accesories are good as well.

Custom Parts/Fodder I'd be interested in:
Lando Calrissian heads, especially a Bespin Escape Lando heads. (Some pending, but can you have too much fodder?)
EU Dark Jedi, POTF2 Bespin, or Commtech Luke Skywalker Heads
"All New Likeness" Leia Heads
Cantina Han/Cantina Han Legs
Saga or newer Imperial Captain/Moff/Admiral-type body parts

Cheap Micro Machines Star Destroyer, vintage or 1995-era
Min. condition: loose with no major damage.

Titanium Series Star Destroyer
Min. condition: loose with no major damage.

Thank you for reading! :)
« Last Edit: June 2, 2006, 01:52 AM by Mitsukara »

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Mitsukara's WTB List, Most Wanted: Mara Jade
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 11:55 PM »
Good list.  I'll hopefully be able to rummage through some stuff and let you know what I have.  Seems like you collect like I do in your needs.   :)


Offline Mitsukara

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Re: Mitsukara's WTB List, Most Wanted: Mara Jade
« Reply #2 on: April 1, 2006, 12:31 AM »
Thank you! I very much appreciate it.

Not to discourage, but you probably don't need to hurry much- I'm going on an out-of-town shopping trip in about a week and I'm not entirely sure how much money I'll have to left to spend, unfortunately. Although on the other hand I might come back with a good $20, who knows :)

In the worst case scenario that I have no money after next week, I should definately have some on April 18th if no sooner. Hopefully I won't have to wait that long though ><

But I'm definately interested in hearing what you've got for sale at any time, and will try to get back to you on some of it as soon as I can!

In my collecting and fledgling kitbashing I pretty much aim to do a piece at a time, usually filling in the gap that's most noticeable at the time. When reading the Thrawn trilogy I just had to run out and get a Thrawn figure, and paid $11 for a mint loose one with accessories- not a good price certainly, but he beats what a lot of EU figures seem to be going for. But I'm pretty happy with him and he adds something special to my collection I think :)

But of course, once you've got Thrawn, you need Joruus C'Baoth, right? And so on...

For another example, Lando is a pretty weak spot in my collection- it's a sad state when your best Lando figure is the POTF2 General Gear version! So I aim to buy some better ones and moreover to make a "Dark Force Rising"-type smuggler gear Lando.

And then when I find a piece that's really outstanding, I make exceptions to try to get it, as with getting my Dark Jedi Luke figure (for the head really) and now I'm trying to get my hands on a VTSC Han. I reaaaally hope I don't miss the line altogether as I did with the VOTC...

Offline Clone Hunter

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Re: Mitsukara's WTB List, Most Wanted: Mara Jade
« Reply #3 on: April 1, 2006, 08:05 AM »
I have:

2x POTJ Scout troopers $ 5 each, loose complete
1x TSC General Veers $ 5 loose complete

LMK, if interested
My trade thread:
Email is your best bet to contact me.

Offline Mitsukara

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Re: Mitsukara's WTB List, Most Wanted: Mara Jade
« Reply #4 on: April 1, 2006, 04:01 PM »
Awesome! I'm sorry to have to say it though, but I'm not sure how soon I can get back to you on those. Is it okay if I wait until next weekend? I'll understand completely if you sell the figures elsewhere first, of course.

Err- one other question- what does LMK stand for?

I should point out that the items that are underlined, I am more likely to be able to make exceptions to get in a hurry. That is to say, for example, if someone were selling a VOTC Chewy I could afford or cheap Lando heads or something, I would try to buy them ASAP and override more other stuff to do so, whereas things like a Saga TIE fighter pilot might have to wait a little longer.

Sorry if this is a hassle :( Like I said, there should be a bit less of this sort of thing after next week's trip.
« Last Edit: April 1, 2006, 04:26 PM by Mitsukara »

Offline BrentS

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Re: Mitsukara's WTB List, Most Wanted: Mara Jade
« Reply #5 on: April 1, 2006, 04:36 PM »
LMK = let me know

Offline Ook

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Re: Mitsukara's WTB List, Most Wanted: Mara Jade
« Reply #6 on: April 7, 2006, 07:53 PM »
I have:

Loose Final Duel Luke (and Vader), mint complete
Loose POTF Lando (dried glue on his back and cape)
Loose POTJ Lando, mint complete

Offline Mitsukara

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Re: Mitsukara's WTB List, Most Wanted: Mara Jade
« Reply #7 on: April 7, 2006, 11:42 PM »
PM sent about your offer, OOK.

Since I'm posting anyway, I should point out again what I edited the first post of the thread to say- I'm almost completely out of money (I have $4 and will probably be spending it elsewhere) and will not be able to make any further purchases until April 18th. But I am still open to new offers and interested in hearing what you have :)

Offline Mitsukara

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Updated after several purchases, added items, and some other changes. Also, I've added a mini-list for those who don't care to read through my whole list- although, it's good if you read that too/instead ;)

Offline Jedidave37

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Re: Final Jedi Duel Cinema Scene
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2006, 10:48 PM »

I have a MINT version of this Cinema Scene- Final Jedi Duel.

If interested please e-mail me Thanks.

$20.00 plus $5.00 S/H
