Author Topic: 2024: What Are You Collecting?  (Read 211509 times)

Offline iFett

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #240 on: December 22, 2011, 12:20 AM »
This is the year I've decided to buy a house, so I'll be lucky if I can just keep up with GI Joe. I really like the TPM stuff next year, but I really feel that I bought it all 12 years ago. And it'll be an added luxury if I can pick up any MOTUC figures. Guess it's a wait and see attitude for me.

I just purchased my first home last March and sadly I had to say goodbye to carded SW collecting after 11 years, but I'm still going strong with non-movie TF & just trying to find scraps of GI Joe here and there.  Sucks to cut corners, but I have way too many toys as it is, so was a good time to refocus.  Time to start selling sometime now............

Oh...LEGO SW is always in my mix as well and that is all
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Offline efranks

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #241 on: December 23, 2011, 01:32 AM »
Looking back at my predictions for 2011 I was pretty solid.  Here's a quick recap

Star Wars:

Hasbro - I bought new characters from the Vintage Collection line, one or two upgraded characters like the Senate Guard, but stayed away from army builders and repacks. Snagged a couple Starfighter vehicles and the Attack Shuttle (Thank you Amazon) and bought more Clone Wars figures than I thought i would.

Sideshow - I did buy a Sideshow figure, Yoda, in 2011 and pre-ordered Boba Fett and IG-88.  The Yoda figure was the only deviation but he's such an excellent figure I couldn't pass him up.  Now that we've seen the Hot Toys figures, I'm impressed, but I'm also holding off due to pricing.  It would have to be a character I just can't stay away from in order to bite on their line. 

Gentle Giant - I stuck to my guns on Gentle Giant, I bought the SDCC McQuarrie Snowtrooper and have Darth Maul coming as my PGM choice.  Oh, and my Commander Fox figure from the 2010 PGM subscription came, and was promptly sold.  I also bought the SDCC Jumbo Jawa, just because.  But I'll probably move him also.

Lego - Only picked up the bagged mini sets and the Advent Calendar at retail but I did buy the Republic Dropship w/ AT-OR.

GI Joe 3.75": Picked up most of the POC/30th releases, managed to get the Club Dial-Tone and bought the Adventure Team Land Adventurer.  Didn't get the convention set, though.  Added the Sky Striker and a couple vehicles.

GI Joe 12": Grabbed the annual Club membership figure (but still need his uniform) and passed on the convention set, which I now regret.  But I did get the convention exclusive Space Diver, which I think is really fun.

Other: Picked up the SDCC Indiana Jones release.  And I also picked up a couple MU figures this year just because I thought they looked cool.  Also ended up with a couple cheap Tron vehicles.  I didn't buy a lot, but I did end up with more Transformers figures than I'd intended.

I hadn't planned on it, but I added a bunch of Harry Potter Lego in 2011 and I want to pick up the last couple of sets that I didn't buy yet. 

For 2012, hoping to cut back on some Star Wars stuff, especially since it sounds like the Clone Wars line will be dialed back and the EP1 stuff, at least in Movie Heroes, will be a lot of repeats that I already have.  The Hobbit is the wild card this year and the GI Joe movie will probably spell trouble.

Here's what I'm looking at for 2012

Star Wars:

Hasbro - I'm in for basically whatever fun comes along.  New Vintage Collection figures, a ship here and there and probably any exclusives.  New Clone wars figures, even though it doesn't sound like we're getting many, and I'll pick up the Walmart Exclusive EP1 figures but not the whole line.  Movie Heroes?  Maybe, if there's a new character or a significant upgrade somewhere.

Sideshow - I pre-ordered Fett and IG-88 and I may go for the other TESB bounty hunters if they come up this year as well.  And any AT-AT Driver releases.

Gentle Giant - Sounds like we'll see a McQuarrie bust again this year for SDCC and I may spring for the PGM again just because we don't know yet what they'll do for Celebration VI.  If nothing else, the exclusives have paid for the membership each year.

Lego - No plans for anything other than the new mini line and whatever bagged vehicles show up around holidays and whatnot.  I'll get the Advent Calendar again and, as always, Republic Gunships and AT-AT Driver minifigures are always on the buy list.


G.I. Joe - I think Hasbro has to take a more measured approach to the movie release than they did for ROC so I'm not even going to try to lie to myself, I'll be buying figures from this line. Who doesn't want a Rock as Roadblock figure?  I just hope they do a decent job on Jinx and Lady Jaye.  I'm in for the Club membership figures again this year and maybe the convention stuff, that's always on the maybe list.  Also need to work on the rest of the AT figures.

Lego - It could go either way on Harry Potter Lego for 2012 but if they do any new sets I'll probably get them.  And unless the action figure line is a hit, I'm probably all in on the Hobbit/LOTR line.  Not even going to try and kid myself on that.

Other - The Hobbit?  We'll see. I'm steering clear of the Avengers figures and don't see any Marvel Universe in my future either, unless they do a must-have Gambit and finally a Rogue!  Gotta stop buying Transformers, but with no film next year I don't see that being an issue. 

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Offline McMetal

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #242 on: December 23, 2011, 09:41 AM »
Star Wars:

Vintage Collection - Maybe Aurra Sing, Aayla Secura, the Vong...if they turn out well

Clone Wars - 1 MOC/MISB of everything (such as it is) - maybe an opener here or there if they decide to actually release any interesting figures. Krell probably. I really want the MIA Walmart 2-packs and the Mando Transport as well. Will also likely track down the remaining European exclusives I still need: the Warriors and Droids multipack and those 3 new 3-packs.

"TRUE" Vintage - Carded DROIDS A-Wing Pilot, Carded DROIDS Boba Fett, Orange Hair Luke, Double Telescoping Luke, and Vinyl Cape Jawa.


Fantastic Four #1-5, #12
Darkchylde Redemption Ice Blue Demon Foil Variant (most impossibly hard to find comic ever)
Full run of original Wrightson Swamp Thing

Misc Swag:

Walking Dead: All of the TV figures, plus whatever future offerings that may be forthcoming...this line is killer!

Stuntman Mike MOC

vintage ROM Spaceknight figure MISB

Zandor & Zok Herculoids set (#3 of 3)

Babylon 5 Shadow Sentient figure

vintage Micronauts figures and playsets

vintage Black Hole figures

vintage Battlestar Galactica figures

vintage LOTR figures

That should take care of whatever disposable income I may find myself with next year...
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Offline Diddly

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #243 on: December 29, 2011, 01:59 AM »

-- Star Wars: Focusing on the Vintage Collection, or whatever the "main" movie line switches over to in the fall. I always say I'm going to cut back but it never happens. I mainly pick up basic figures and the occasional battle pack or vehicle and I doubt anything changes here.
-- Marvel Universe: Loving this line and I'll pick up various Spider-Man and X-Men figures, along with other figures that tickle my fancy.
-- Spider-Man: There's a new movie line coming out so I'll pick up any decent comic series figures (if they do a comic subline for the movie line)
-- Avengers: Same as Spider-Man, if they do a comic series subline I'll pick and choose, if not then I pass entirely


-- Star Wars: Going to try to stick to OT sets only, but some of the PT sets are really nice too...
-- Super Heroes: Definitely snagging this specifically for the minifigures :-[
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Offline Brian

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #244 on: January 5, 2012, 09:29 PM »
The more I look at things (as I've been going through the entire collection, boxes/cardbacks and all, through the past couple weeks), I think I'm really going to try to stick a couple areas this year.  Hopefully (as I hope every year) scaling back a bit more again:

Star Wars - Primarily vintage, maybe a figure or two from the other collections.  A new/updated OT vehicles/beasts/etc. and an odd PT vehicle.

Marvel - May be more spent here than SW for the first time.  Interested in Universe, Legends, and likely Spidey and Avengers movie stuff as well.

LEGO - Just dabbled here, with a handful of SW sets.  The fact that they've picked up the LOTR/Hobbit license, as well as Marvel/DC, will make it awfully tempting.  Not completist at all, but maybe a couple more sets as I can afford them.

Other than that, it is just going to be an odd figure here or there.  Stopping with MOTU sub, likely not any or many Joes (perhaps a movie Snake Eyes), likely no TF.  I'll continue to pick up any DCUC-style Batman universe figures, and maybe a few other odd DC figures here or there.  Could be tempted by the Hobbit line, if it is decent at all.

Offline TheSon

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #245 on: January 7, 2012, 09:36 AM »
My work should be easier this year.

Hasbro: Clone Wars figures. If I can find some vintage figures from last year, like Ponda I will grab them as well.

Lego: I talked myself into only Hoth items, so nothing new here to buy.

Offline Greedo The Green Menace

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #246 on: January 15, 2012, 11:04 PM »
I've got quite a lot going on collecting wise.

Star Wars - Pretty much TVC since Clone Wars is all but non existent this year. I'll buy what I like the look of, I'm not a completist.

Marvel - I'm enjoying the Universe line right now, picking up what I can find and what I like the look of. I may grab a Legend or two when they come back, but only the big guns. I'm also down for the movieverse stuff when that hits.

DC - I've got the sub, so 1 a month starting in April. Also gotta finish off the last two waves. Not too much going on for DC this year.

Transformers - Also pretty dry from what I've seen so far. I'll pick up any cool Generations stuff, and I'm down for a couple things from the movieverse and Prime, but not much more than a couple of items hold my interest. I'm attempting to back track and pick up some of the old Beast Wars stuff though.

Masters of the Universe - I've got the sub, so I'm all in. It's a fun line, and I'm really enjoying it and it looks to be a good line up this year.

Lego - Lego is the wild card for me this year. I picked up a couple Atlantis sets for 50% off after x-mas and it kind of broke the flood gates on me. Lego is just so much more fun than all those figures I fiddle with for a few minutes and stick on the shelf, so I'm down for pretty much whatever looks cool and I can afford, looking forward to some Star Wars, Marvel/DC, Lord of the Rings, City and the upcoming Monster Hunters stuff.

So thats it for me, a lot of categories, but many of them are pretty slim pickings this year. It'll mostly be Star Wars, Masters and Lego.

Offline Brian

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #247 on: July 17, 2012, 09:08 PM »
Just a post SDCC bump, since we have a little better idea what is on the way for the rest of 2012 and beginning of 2013.  For me, I guess not too much has changed.  The two lines I primarily collect (Star Wars and Marvel Universe) were pretty quiet showings at CC, while the Hobbit stuff has me interested.

Star Wars - Vintage/Legacy Droid Factory - most to all.  I'll get all the OT characters, and selectively pick the rest.  The build a droid aspect may get me to "collect 'em all", but I'm at the point where I don't really care about more new/re-released clones, droids, etc.  We don't know much about CW or Movie Heroes stuff, but if it is much like this year I'm not expecting to buy much from either line.  I'd still get new CW stuff, but didn't really buy much Movie Heroes this year and likely won't next year unless they change the format and release better figures.

Marvel - Legends and Universe.  I'll likely continue with both.  I've been all in on Legends since they came back (forgot how much I missed that line), and I'll pick and choose with the Universe stuff (although I get most of them right now).  If the MU line does slow down/end as sometimes rumored, I'd just stick with Legends.

The Hobbit - The new line here.  After seeing some pics from SDCC, it looks pretty nice and I'm guessing I'll get pulled into at least some of it.  The fact that they have a smaller scale that is more space friendly helps too.

LEGO - I've slowly been getting pulled in.  I haven't had to buy much of it on my own yet, getting most sets as gifts, but building the sets is something my daughter and I really enjoy doing together, so we'll likely continue to get some.  The OT Star Wars ones, Marvel, and Lord of the Rings/Hobbit are the ones we've dabbled in so far (oh, and the "Lego Friends" sets of my daughter's)

Overall, not much new outside of the Hobbit.  I buy some DC stuff here and there, primarily Batman-related figures, but that's about it.  The LEGO sets are either as gifts, or as we can afford them.  I'd be fine with spending less, so if the Droid Factory stuff next year is down to 30-40 figures, and CW/MH doesn't have anything interesting, that would be ok too.

Offline evenflow

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #248 on: July 18, 2012, 12:49 AM »
Masters of the Universe Classics - totally in love with this line, have my subscription and hope it keeps going for a few more years.

Star Wars Vintage - I will finish out the basic figures on the classic cards and the 2 ewok sets

Star Wars BAF - I will pick and choose a few never before made characters but for the most part i am content with my Star Wars collection.

Marvel Legends - Picking up just the ones i really like, if the BAF is a must have, not opposed to getting the whole wave

Marvel Universe - same as always, just buy the ones i want

Marvel Select - Have Venom, Rhino, and Barbarian Hulk on pre-order. I tend to buy the larger characters.

DC figures - Probably just Lantern related characters, also content with what i have, not much more that i want

Hot Toys - just waiting for Hulk to finish out my Avengers

In actuality, not that much.
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Offline Brian

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #249 on: September 7, 2012, 10:49 AM »
Bumping this up with all the discussion of collecting habits in the TVC forum.  It seems like many people are considering a shift in focus, or just cutting back in general.  As always, I'm looking to cut back too, but stuff always catches my eye.  I'm still interested in the lines I've listed before, but on a smaller scale.  One thing that I've been thinking about more lately is vintage toys.  The combination of my parents moving (and thus, me going through a lot of my old toys/stuff) and watching things like Toy Hunter really makes me remember and realize why I got into collecting in the first place.

One of my longer term goals was always to complete the SW vintage line (loose), but part of me is interested in picking up (or completing) some of my favorite lines from my childhood like He-Man, Joes, Super Powers, Secret Wars, etc.  I wouldn't try to get the entire runs necessarily, but some of my favorites from back then.  The vast majority of what I collect now is because of similar lines/interests from my childhood, so it seems like it might be right to go back to that eventually.  Not sure if/when that will happen, but it is something I've been thinking about more.

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #250 on: September 8, 2012, 10:07 AM »
I've really thought about that Brian, getting into lines from my childhood that I collected like Joes or Transformers, but don't necessarily desire to complete. I have a scattering of both of those still from when I was a kid, and every time I go hunting with Ben I think about how neat it would be to get that piece or that one. Usually it's a Transformer since these were the ones I could never afford as a very poor kid. Since vintage Star Wars for me is limited to a few bigger and expensive pieces now that sort of happen as they happen, and since I am pretty sure I'm not collecting modern SW next year at any level comparable to what I have been, this may be the route I go.

And Toy Hunter got me inspired too. :)

Offline McMetal

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #251 on: September 26, 2012, 09:52 PM »
Just completed my collection of 2000AD Judge Dredd action figures, finally snagging Dredd to go with Death and Hershey. Nice to close that out in time for the new movie release.

Anyone else old enough to remember the Aurora Prehistoric Scenes model kits from the 60's-70's? Those things were really cool, had totally forgotten about them from my childhood but stumbled across a recent eBay auction and have been thinking about them ever since. I think I will be getting most of these, despite the cost. Pure, uncut nostalgia!
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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #252 on: September 29, 2012, 10:13 AM »
Star Wars 3 & 3/4 - All First Issue figures and Ships, Battle Packs, Deluxe, etc.

GG Star Wars 12" Retro Figures - Cannot get enough of these and just need 3 more to get caught up

Marvel Universe - Mainly just the Avengers related figures, but will stray here and there to other heroes

Marvel Legends - Same for Legends, I will nab most of the Avengers figs like US Agent, Iron Man, etc.

MOTU Classics - I nab one or two of these a year if like the character and sculpt

Transformers Masterpiece - Getting hooked on these again with TRU's MP Thundercracker.  Trying to resist buying the super expensive ones off Big Bad

Transformer KRE-Os - Picking up sets with some of the classic characters when I can find a good deal.  Considering some of the blind box mini-figs, but haven't taken the leap to that yet.

Star Wars Kubricks - Assuming they ever make new ones

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Offline Greedo The Green Menace

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Re: 2012: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #253 on: October 5, 2012, 02:36 PM »
Star Wars - The final TVC wave and that looks to be it for this year.

Marvel Universe - Just picking and choosing what I like.

Marvel Legends - Mostly backtracking on stuff I missed from way back.

DC Universe - Have the su, so 1 a month more or less.

MOTUC - Have the sub as well so pretty much everything.

Gremlins - Love these guys, I'm in for it all. Just need series 2 and the mogwais.

Transformers - Maybe a couple of the Generations guys....maybe...

TMNT - Love the new line and would love to get all the cool looking mutants.

Overall it looks to be quite a slow time for me despite my hefty amount of interests, since most of them are little to no new products. Just as well though as I'm looking to cut back anyway.

Offline Brian

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Re: 2013: What Are You Collecting?
« Reply #254 on: January 4, 2013, 09:06 PM »
New year, new outlook.  What's on your collecting agenda for 2013?  It sounds like it may be a light year (or at least half year) for Star Wars, so does the budget get spent elsewhere or just saved?  For me, I'm trying to cut back a bit more again, although I've been bitten by the LEGO bug.

Star Wars - Whenever the new line comes back, I'm guessing I'll buy some of those.  Otherwise, it may be a bit of a light year.  The vintage re-releases are nice, but I'm pretty caught up there.  Hoping to just save this money for future releases (or just save money in general), or I may try to fill in some more missing figures in my real vintage collection of loose figures.

Marvel - Not sure here.  Legends most likely, just a few waves a year and relatively easy to keep up on.  On the fence with Universe, I've bought most of them so far (and like the line), but I have a pretty full shelf of these now too and they've made a lot of what I want so far.  I'll see what is on the way beyond the announced stuff.  I usually buy some of the Marvel movie stuff, but if the Iron Man 3 line looks like some of the leaked pics, probably not.  If we see the exclusive Legends stuff for Iron Man, Thor, or Wolverine, I'll likely get some of those.  Beyond that, we'll see.

LEGO - This is where things could get dangerous.  I started out slow with some smaller stuff, then got the Falcon for Christmas in 2011 and the X-Wing shortly after that.  Then, between my daughter and I, we got sets from SW, the Hobbit, LOTR, and TMNT for Christmas, and have had a lot of fun putting them together.  I'd like to get some more of the OT sets (like Jabba's Palace and the Rancor pit in particular), and would like to get more of the LOTR stuff too, but its a slippery slope.  These could eat up the supposed saved money from lack of SW pretty quickly.

Other than that not much else probably (hopefully).  I'll pick up some DC stuff (mostly Batman related), but it isn't much over the course of a year really.  I got most of the first round of Hobbit stuff, and will probably continue (or at least get all the dwarves) if/when that continues in the summer.  I still have all the stuff from the last Joe movie that I bought packed away, so I'm unlikely to buy anything from the new one.  I always look at the higher end SW stuff from afar, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get any of that either.  Depending on what happens with the SW action figure lines, it could be a mainly LEGO year for me possibly.  Marvel may be lighter too, we'll see - and the Hobbit stuff is so spread out it doesn't hurt much financially either.