Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy
EP3 now on
You can finally check out the EP3 updates on Be sure to check it out. There's only a few things you can check out right now, because most of the items require the new "Hyperspace" pass. It's still pretty cool though.
DID YOU SEE THAT JAR JAR IS IN EPISODE III !!!!!!!!! That means another Jar Jar long as it is him dying I will not mind as much!!!!
Darth Broem:
Jar-Jar is going to be the one that will save the newborn Jedi twins. I'm looking forward to a 3 pack of Jar-Jar with the twins in a running pose, outstrethed tongue, rump aimed upward in tooting postion, and some sort of beast's poop accesory. The ultimate Jar-Jar Binks moment forever in plastic.
Mister Skeezler:
--- Quote from: Darth Broem on June 6, 2003, 06:12 PM ---Jar-Jar is going to be the one that will save the newborn Jedi twins. I'm looking forward to a 3 pack of Jar-Jar with the twins in a running pose, outstrethed tongue, rump aimed upward in tooting postion, and some sort of beast's poop accesory. The ultimate Jar-Jar Binks moment forever in plastic.
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Oh man...I almost shot coffee out of my nose there!!! ;D
--- Quote from: Jedirhino on June 6, 2003, 09:31 AM ---DID YOU SEE THAT JAR JAR IS IN EPISODE III !!!!!!!!! That means another Jar Jar long as it is him dying I will not mind as much!!!!
--- End quote ---
My prediction: Jar Jar annoys the crap out of Anakin so much, that Ani kills the bumbling Gungan, and that completes his final journey towards the Dark Side. See, once again, it's all Jar Jar's fault... ::)
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