Collectibles > Power of the Force 2

Spirit of Obi-Wan

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Here's a picture I just found of the much nicer mailing box from the UK Spirit of Obi-Wan giveaway:

Some people actually like to get those custom cardbacks.  I know in the case of a friend of mine, he's gotten several figures on custom cardbacks.  For instance, he got a Rystall, from the "Jabba's Dancers" cinma scene like that.  He knew it was a custom, and he bought it to get autographed by the actress who played the role.  It actually looks a bit better than the Cinema Scene I got signed by the same actress.

Of course, that doesn't really apply in this instance.  First, Sir Alec Guiness wasn't a prolific autograph signer, and the man passed away a couple of years ago.  

Just a question.  How many bags of chips did one have to consume to get this figure?

At this time, I was in the 6th grade and the Froot Loops Han is what sparked my collecting.  I was completely unaware of this figure however.

Actually there was a carded protoype of this figure...
Thought the proto card was far from any other Hasbro carded figure.

If I can find pics of it on some of my saved disks I'll post it here.

The proto though was a pretty rare piece itself... a lot more rare than some protos out there.

Actually went a checked Gus' site (which was far quicker) and found pics from Ed Albano on there. Not sure if Ed still owns the piece or not but here it is...

Obi Wan Spirit proto carded

Jango Fettish:
Pretty decent custom, as well..


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