Collecting > Collections

Updated. GI Joe and Vintage Star Wars pic(New)


Here's a link to my website.  You can see my GI Joe collection by clicking on the Storm Shadow picture.  The Star Wars collection is under construction and should be up in a couple days.  It won't be much though, most of my stuff is boxed away in storage, except my POTF2 vehicles, my vintage figs, and my 12" Vader.

Only the Joe collection is up though....

Angry Ewok:
Awesome collection and awesome tattoo.  ;) Let us know when that SW section is completed.

Great pictures of your GI Joe collection.  Looking forward to seeing your Star Wars collection.   :D

Added a picture of my Vintage Star Wars collection.  Half my figs are still in transit(from Trade or Ebay).  I'll update as soon as I can, and will add POTF2 after moving at the end of July.


A very nice GI Joe & vinty collection there Joel. Looking forward to the rest of the collection.  :) Hope the move goes well.


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