Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy

Bail Organa...Expanded Role


The latest Hyperspace Set Diary is chock full of scenes Jimmy SMits is currently filming in Episode III

I am excited about this because he was one of the biggest wastes of AOTC

So...what do we know about this guy

Senator from Alderaan
Adopts Leia
The Diary hints that he makes a dramatic escape from Coruscant is this with Baby Leia in tow???

Darth Broem:
Yeah hopefully this character does something important.  You think he would since Smits is the actor.  Although they did kind of waste Chancellor Valorum on Terrance Stamp.  

I am sure we'll get to see Leia's adopted dad in action.

urban fox:
On hyperspace it said that Bail returns fire near his speeder ( a mighty fine, sleek red and silver number)  So hopefully he will become heavily involved in the action.  "You served my father during the clone wars" What service is this?  I always used to think that he fought for him, but now I'm thinking that Bail gave obi orders to hide luke and he would take liea and padma.

Bail will have a greater role in EP3. There will be a major speeder scene with him.


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