Collectibles > Power of the Force 2

POTF2 Recent Purchases

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I never got $10 AT-AT's.  :'(

I still never got the cruise missile trooper. The idea of a non-removable figure was offensive. Strangely, in all my garage sale goings, I've never come across one or parts of one.

Jesse James:
I got one but man it's one of the goofiest things ever made.

Hills was where the toys were...  And that's where I got the $10 ATATs back in the day.  They were blowing out stuff since they were going under.

Picked up today the potf2 Expanded Universe Speeder Bike with pilot.

My dad found a Darth Vader's TIE Fighter at a yard sale. The top hatch snap/connector tab is broken but the hatch was surprisingly still there and its tabs keep it on. No torpedoes, of course, because...kid-owned.

Why is it almost always the character ships? LOL.  I've got a squadron of TIE ADVANCED now...(even though Vader's design was unique even for a TIE advanced...bah!)

An A-Wing today for 25 cents. The side guns and canopy were missing and the landing gear needs fixing.

Good thing there's a healthy star wars repro parts industry.... :(


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