Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy

Jedi dying in space!

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urban fox:
 "Peter Mayhew, the dude in the furry suit, told a British journalist that the opening scene of the movie is a Wookiee battle sequence that takes place on a never-before-seen planet. More startlingly, Mayhew also said that Chewbacca acts as midwife to Natalie Portman's Padmé when she gives birth to twins Luke and Leia. We hope he washes his paws first."  Just conformation of that quote above.  It's from the so I'm guessing it's reliable.

I had heard the rumors of a gigantic opening space battle as well...
I think it make more sense to me though that the planet is Neimodia or perhaps Dooku's home planet which ever would be the home planet of the Separatists

wookie Battle Sequence=Kyshhk...or howver tf its spelled.



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