Collectibles > Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars Rebels - Class II Vehicles

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Jesse James:
This seems very doable in this scale...  I really wish they'd go to $30 vehicles and just do ones that are back to the old size(s) though.  I get why they're not...  Things don't sell at $30.  It's like figures don't do so hot at $10.  But new meat...  Surely they can do $25 and make the most out of the Rebels line while they can.

The AT-DP looks like it would fit well in a $25-$30 line too...  Those current ships in Class-II are dismal though, honestly.  I wouldn't even touch them for fodder.

I'd hate to see half-assed attempts at things like the AT-DP done for Rebels...  I'd rather pay more and get something awesome.


--- Quote from: Jesse James on October 14, 2013, 11:52 PM ---I'd hate to see half-assed attempts at things like the AT-DP done for Rebels...  I'd rather pay more and get something awesome.

--- End quote ---

In the case of Rebels - the half-assed attempts come first (under-scaled $20 vehicles, 5POA figures) - then four years later, a few awesome Rebels items will be released (maybe one nice signature vehicle and some Vintage/Black-Series style figures).

It will follow the same pattern as the Clone Wars, the only difference was that the Clone Wars was given a good run, I don't see Rebels getting half of what the Clone Wars did - it's going to rapidly be overshadowed by a new movie.

Yeah exactly - if the new movie does come out in May 2015, rebels will get all of one quarter to make a splash. Which opens up a question of what the line in general looks like going forward. Heavily segmented? Rebels, VII, black series, legends, angry whatever? Or more limited in scope?

Jesse James:
AT-DP and TIE Advanced Confirmed!  inquisitor flies an Advanced...  guess maybe Vader's ship isn't as advanced as once thought?

AT-DP I'm hopeful on it being really nice. :)

Man oh man I am so excited for this thing:

I guess this is the AT-DP? Anyway, this was one of my favorite designs when I played Galactic Battlegrounds on the PC waaaaaaay back when I was a kid. I was excited when I saw Rebels was using it in the show last year, but I really didn't expect a good looking toy like this to be made. I'm stoked!


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