Collectibles > The Force Awakens

TFA 3.75" First Order Legion 7-Pack Box Set

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Delayed long enough that the next SA waves will be announced and army building fans will be like "forget the 7 pack, I'd rather spend money on more articulated figures"

I'm not broken up about it either. I'm in the spreading the costs out camp.

Jesse James:
Yeah I saw all the outrage on social media over this and couldn't understand why they're mad...  You pre-ordered, you're getting it...  does when really matter to you?  All the cool extra gear almost is making me want to order it actually.  I dig that heavy weapon on a stand, the riot gear, etc.

I don't want the snowtroopers particularly.  That's my buggaboo there.

Probably the entitlement generation. Gotta have it NOW!

I like CHEWIE's theory over at Yakface, that Hasbro miscalculated how many figures to make, so they're focusing the supplies on single carded figures.


--- Quote from: Jesse James on September 23, 2015, 07:00 PM ---All the cool extra gear almost is making me want to order it actually.  I dig that heavy weapon on a stand, the riot gear, etc.
--- End quote ---

My only issue would be that by the time the set is released in February 2016, everything could have already been released in the basic figure line by then. 

It's a nice set, but if I already have everything in it by the time it comes out, I'll cancel and save the $50 probably.


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