Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy

Stormtroopers and Chewies Motivation EP3

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Here is a quote from

"So you're hearing rumblings that in Episode III there's to be some Wookiee fighting? Yup, Lucas has stated publically there is a small action sequence involving the classic creatures including Chewbacca.
Well, the original version of the scene involved them fighting alongside Yoda - fighting off stormtroopers. They're all dressed up in battle armor and everything. At one point (not sure how this will play out in the end) it was decided that everyone of them would die except Chewbacca, giving him motivation for helping the Rebellion against the Empire in the original Star Wars movies."

Darth Broem:
Hmmmm, interesting.  

Mister Skeezler:
so...freakin....sweeeet.....  :o

That would be awesome,  but I thought that Chewie joined the rebellion with Han Solo?  Interesting...


--- Quote from: roguestormtrooper on August 19, 2003, 02:43 PM ---...I thought that Chewie joined the rebellion with Han Solo?
--- End quote ---

Perhaps. Remember, this was described as "the original version," so take what you read with a grain of salt. The scene may have changed. (Heck, the Cantina scene did.  >:( )

And as far as onscreen canon goes, Chewie and Han didn't join the Rebellion until the Battle of Yavin. But this Wookiee battle scene is just to give Chewie motivation for joining, not actually depict it.

Offscreen, it's been suggested that the Wookiees were enslaved by the Empire. That storyline should probably go away since Anakin himself was a slave. If anything, he'd sympathize with the plight of such technologically proficient beings as himself.


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