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Disney+ Streaming Service

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So sick of the streaming wars nonsense…

I just noticed that Young Indiana Jones got added to Disney+.  Not sure when that happened, but I'm pretty stoked to have those added to the catalog.

I saw something about the Young Indiana Jones adventures being added to Disney+ on social media, and I have to say that I was thrilled by the news!  Last night I started watching it and it looks like the entire series dropped.  It had been so long since I had seen the show that I didn't realize every episode was 90+ minutes. 

Trying not to get Indy overload right now.  I just re-watched Temple of Doom over the weekend while it was still on Amazon Prime.  I guess I'll switch my IJ re-watches to Disney+ now.

I just noticed that they're jacking the price up another $25 or so.  Can't say I'm surprised, everyone everywhere is taking their pound of flesh... but it's definitely disappointing.

Hey so… Willow…I know the reviews are bad, but I wanted to watch it anyway.

So I started a couple weeks ago when my wife was out of town, and got through all but the finale before she got back home. 

Since she didn’t care I stopped watching it… and then I went today to load up the last episode to discover that they removed it from Disney Plus.

So first, does anyone know anywhere that I can watch the last episode?!?

Ans second, what the ****?!   Why take it down?  It’s new content, it’s paid for…what’s the harm I leaving it there


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