Collectibles > The Vintage Collection

2023 TVC ROTJ Speeder Bike with Scout Trooper

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Don’t forget Hoth speeder bikes… speeder bikes with Clones on them… speeder bikes riding on speeder bikes…

Of course!  Can't forget those.

So... what do you think they are going to charge us for the all-new ROTJ 40th Anniversary Speeder Bike with Scout Trooper = $40? $50?  $60?

And then, like you all said, be prepared to shell out for -
- repack with VC191 Endor Leia
- repack with VC198 Endor Luke
- repack with VC190 Paploo
- The Mandalorian Repaint with Scout Trooper
- The Mandalorian Repaint with IG-88/Grogu
- repaint with VC045 AOTC Clone Trooper
- repaint with new TVC ROTS Clone Trooper
- ESB/Hoth repaint

Everyone excited to shell out $600 on countless Speederbike repacks/repaints/rehashes?

Definitely not excited for the cost of it... but I'm happy to get a new speeder bike, and supposedly a new Scout Trooper as well. Knowing the endless repacks will be a part of the plan, I'm ok with it.

Qui-Gon Jim:

--- Quote from: Ryan on July 27, 2022, 12:57 PM ---Definitely not excited for the cost of it... but I'm happy to get a new speeder bike, and supposedly a new Scout Trooper as well. Knowing the endless repacks will be a part of the plan, I'm ok with it.

--- End quote ---

Agreed.  I'd be happy getting one that isn't the same basic version as the one made in the 80's.  And a new, more modern Scout would be welcome too.  That other stuff can be left to the completionists.


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