Community > Watto's Junk Yard
Here are the Sci-Fi Channel DVD's, the two Movies cover the first three books. They are fairly faithful to the books in their story. The books are a lot deeper than the movie ever will be discussing religion and A.I. and lots of other good stuff. If you don't want to read lots (and I will say the first book Dune isn't so bad but the the 2nd Book on gets pretty heady and out there) I would recommend buying these (They are like $10 a piece at Best Buy) or renting them. As I said, except for the effects, they are actually pretty well done movies
I've been re-reading the Fire&Ice books and now that I'm almost finished with Dragons (again), I've decided to go back and re-read the Dune series.
Looking forward to it because I haven't read them in at least ten years (pre-kids).
I've been getting lots of books on CD from the library to help bide the time with the traveling I do, I have ASOIAF right now except for the 1st half of Crows. I never even thought about getting the Dune books on Audiobook...great idea Jeff!
I could never get past the first one, which I love and have read at least a dozen times. The story just seems more or less complete to me where it ends, kind of like Aliens. Everything after that just seems to be an effort to tear down that happy ending.
--- Quote from: Jesse James on December 24, 2004, 01:33 AM ---I've never watched the movie... That actually was what got my brother into the series. Is it worth a look to entice one to it?
I took, seriously, a Lord of the Rings class this upcoming semester... I kid you not. Finally leisure reading with a visual end-result too. :)
--- End quote ---
You think that's strange? A college near around here offers a degree in Wyrven's Studies.
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