Collectibles > The Black Series 6" Figures

NYCC 2018

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--- Quote from: McMetal on October  8, 2018, 08:47 PM ---If they want to go with more current entertainment, make Zeb.  :)

--- End quote ---

They're already tackling Ezra and Chopper.  I'd be up for some villains from REBELS, like Kallus (pre-turn) or the Grand Inquisitor.  And if we're talking current entertainment, how long will it be before RESISTANCE characters turn up in the 6" Black Series?

Overall, the Vintage Collection reveals were decent.  Seeing them all lined up together it looks like a reasonably diverse selection.  But it seems like except for the new Rey exclusive, Crait Luke and Ahch-To Luke, that core characters from the Sequel Trilogy are getting short shrift.  There are ZERO droids in the TVC line, and only 4 figures from SOLO thus far.  I'm curious to see how the line will continue to develop moving forward.

There are a couple of TVC exclusive figures that I'm curious about if we're looking at the number sequence (VC 136 & 137) since they ahead of the Han Solo and 41st Elite Corps Clone that were announced.


--- Quote from: McMetal on October  8, 2018, 08:47 PM ---If they want to go with more current entertainment, make Zeb.  :)

--- End quote ---



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