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Messages - Nicklab

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The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 1 (New TVC Wave 40)
« on: February 12, 2025, 02:15 PM »
The upper body on Dedra Meero is new.  It seems like the lower body was repurposed from the existing Imperial Officer buck.

The gear with Chewbacca could have been colored a leather brown and gold, and it would have driven up the potential appeal dramatically.  But I suspect the bright colors are meant to draw in parents and kids.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 1 (New TVC Wave 40)
« on: February 12, 2025, 09:06 AM »
So I realized after the snafu in the other thread that I cancelled all my Amazon preorders for this wave because I thought my Pulse preorders were shipping soon... now I realize they didn't ship and are not shipping soon.

So I was able to go right to Amazon and order the Clone, Indara, and Anakin... Luke is expected to ship on February 23.  Dedra Meero isn't available.

Things are getting weird again.

While I'm happy I have Dedra Meero....she's not that exciting of a figure.  Should've come with a hat at least.

I think Dedra Meero's figure is pretty good.  Not perfect.  I've seen a lot of criticism about the legs relative to the rest of the body.  And there might be a case to be made for different lower legs.  Other than that?  I think a datapad would be a good accessory for her.

I would actually like to see Hasbro come up with a trenchcoat for the Imperial Officers.  Dedra Meero has the Imperial cap and a trenchcoat on in at least a couple of episodes of ANDOR in season 1.  And there are a number of officers with the trenchcoat in new media.  I know I've seen them in Rogue One, Solo and Andor.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 2 (New TVC Wave 41)
« on: February 12, 2025, 08:39 AM »
No signs of any status changes on the case of Snowtroopers that I ordered from EE.  Waiting to see if I get any kind of status update on that.

I just checked out a number of TVC items on Amazon, and thankfully I have not seen the prices increase on preorders.  The news about 10% tariffs on imports from China spurred me to finally order the deluxe IG-12 with Grogu. 

But I don’t think this issue is going to go away anytime soon.  In 2023 the toys, games and sporting goods products imported from China amounted to about $32.3 billion in goods. 

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: January 31, 2025, 04:58 PM »
That poster really got some wheels spinning throughout the community!  And it's good to see how a tease like that got some excitement and discussion out of a small image.

The Landspeeder seems like a natural offering in the Return To Tatooine theme.  I honestly don't know if I ever bought the TVC version of the Landspeeder, though.  I know that I bought the Saga version that was released in 2002, and the TVC 1.0 version is a repaint of that.  Can Hasbro convince me to buy this again?  We'll see...

As far as the figures go?  The Ben Kenobi figure looks pretty promising.  The likeness looks excellent, and the softgoods are reminiscent of how Hasbro improved the Jedi robes for figures like Sol and Indarra.  When it comes to the Sandtrooper?  I think it's likely that Hasbro adapted the new Stormtrooper buck as the basis for a new Sandtrooper.  But the Sandtrooper in the background looks like it has the exact same blaster that came with the 2005 Evolutions Sandtrooper.  I know that Hasbro's photographer often uses figures from his own collection for some of these images, and I don't think this situation is anything different.  And then there's C-3PO.  I *REALLY* want this to be a new C-3PO, but I am fully prepared for the possibility that it's not new.  Jayson at Yakface added Threepio to his unofficial TVC figure release list, and his information tends to be really good.  I guess we'll know more around the end of February as Hasbro prepares for Toy Fair.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 Hasbro Pulse Fan Stream Reveals
« on: January 30, 2025, 11:53 AM »
Always read the fine print, eh?

I was on the verge of canceling my Amazon orders for Baylan and Shin with the intention to re-order them through Hasbro Pulse.  But that’s not happening if Hasbro’s going to pull these types of shenanigans. 

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2025 Droid Factory R2-BNE (Easter)
« on: January 27, 2025, 05:56 AM »
My hopes for an LEP droid to celebrate Easter have been dashed!

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 Hasbro Pulse Fan Stream Reveals
« on: January 26, 2025, 08:33 AM »
Shin's likeness is definitely not easy to capture in this scale.  Ivanna Sakhno has VERY distinctive model-like features.  Between her hair and her eyes?  They're very specific.  Hot Toys nailed it, but they're Hot Toys, and that figure sells for well over $300.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 3 (New TVC Wave 42)
« on: January 23, 2025, 03:31 PM »
Used the links.  Thanks, Jeff!

I'm still considering buying a case worth of 501st Clones from EE.  Have to think about that.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: January 23, 2025, 08:00 AM »

I think it's just Hasbro sending Pulse account holder contact info to the research firm, and they randomly choose who they're going to contact.  I've heard about these going out before, but I had never been contacted.  First time for everything!  Although I think I leave enough of a footprint in the online collecting community that all they'd need to do is get a few account ID's and they could just take all of that in.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: January 22, 2025, 06:11 PM »
Check your inboxes.  Some fan media surveys are circulating, and it looks like the company doing the polling has been hired by Hasbro.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 Hasbro Pulse Fan Stream Reveals
« on: January 22, 2025, 11:43 AM »
The lack of cloaks on both Baylan and Shin is disappointing.  But I agree that the potential for a double dip is certainly there.  But seeing how Rory McCann is taking over the role of Baylan for the next season?  I wonder if Hasbro would go there with a second Baylan release?

Jayson had updated the Yakface master list a little under an hour before the livestream, so the 501st Clone and the Mauldalorian weren't a surprise at all.  The Mauldalorian appears to be a repaint of the Mandalorian Super Commando Captain from back around 2022.  And repaints like these are the cost of doing business - they help average out those new tooling costs over multiple releases.  The OWK cardback makes sense to a degree for the Clone, but it could also use context.  Releasing that 501st clone along with characters from the Order 66 flashbacks in the OWK series would help this figure land better.

The TVC Battle Droids needed A LOT OF HELP.  And I'm wondering how successful the effort were in solving the issues with the bendy legs and sourcing firmer plastics.

Overall?  The TVC reveals seem like Hasbro was clearing the decks in advance of the Return to Tatooine rollout.  I think that's likely coming in time for Toy Fair, which is in the beginning of March.  Whether or not that's preceded by livestreams remains to be seen.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 Hasbro Pulse Fan Stream Reveals
« on: January 22, 2025, 11:25 AM »
Not many surprises on the basic figure front.  But the re-working of the B-1 Battle Droid in order to put it in a troop builder 4-pack?  That's a very welcome surprise!

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 Hasbro Pulse Fan Stream Reveals
« on: January 22, 2025, 08:53 AM »
My guess is 1-2 more figures from the Yord/Obi-Wan wave (I think there are 4 in that wave yet to be revealed).

Not sure if the reveals will be from the pipeline list (Baylan, Shin, Obi-Wan, Han, Chewbacca, Ahsoka Mauldalorian) or something new. 

Maybe they will give us a look at the pipeline DLX Hammerhead/Momaw.

I had originally thought that the OWK Obi-Wan and Yord Fandar were shipping with Chopper (Imperial disguise) and the Snowtrooper, but then I checked back.  Those figures are in the previous wave which has been completely revealed.  The wave with Obi-Wan and Yord still has 4 characters to be revealed, accounting for 5 slots in that case.  Here's the listing for the case:  Star Wars The Vintage Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figures Wave 22 Case of 8

This Star Wars The Vintage Collection Action Figures case contains 8 individually packaged figures:
1x TBD
2x Jedi Knight Yord Fandar
2x TBD
1x TBD
1x Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend)
1x TBD

I'm curious to see if there will be something new revealed for this wave today, or if it's going to be an exercise in delivering on those pipeline reveals.

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