Author Topic: Obi-Wan Kenobi Series (SPOILERS possible)  (Read 56668 times)

Offline McMetal

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #225 on: June 25, 2022, 02:56 PM »
I was away on vacation and just watched the finale last night. Definitely my favorite of the series so far. The Vader/OBW duel was great, from the use of the Duel of Fates music, the eerie setting, to the whole fight choreography.

Loved loved loved: Badass Beru. They finally found a way to breathe some life into that character and wow, she really ran with it. Owen came off similarly more nuanced and admirable than you would have thought based on his ANH appearance. Both those actors really shined I thought.
                            Obi-Wan beating the mortal crap out of Vader’s chest plate…I felt a thrill I had not felt since ROTJ watching that scene, honestly. Smashing him with all the rocks was super badass too.
                             Battle-damaged AniVader looked amazing behind the helmet, and with the alternating voice. Great callback to the final battle with Ahsoka too.

The whole thing with Reva ultimately felt a little contrived to me, like they were always planning for some kind of spin-off and just used the series as an elaborate way to launch the character. I grew to like her more as the series went on, but not sure how she would work as the focus of a whole show. (Throw in Kumail and I’m in though!)

Overall I guess I feel like it was well executed affair, not something I felt like was “necessary” from a canonical standpoint, but for sure some great moments. The only thing that still bugs me is how they portrayed the Grand Inquisitor. Really missed the mark there imo.

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Offline Dave

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #226 on: June 30, 2022, 02:35 PM »
What were we supposed to take from Obi-Wan looking at the box of lightsabers that members of The Path had collected? 

Were they from dead Jedi? If so, how did The Path get them?

Were they from Jedi that have gone in to hiding and didn't want them anymore - similar to what Kenobi did by burying his and Anakin's saber in the desert?  Does that mean Quinlan Vos is out there in hiding and left his saber behind?

Offline Matt_Fury

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #227 on: July 1, 2022, 09:05 AM »
From what I understand, Beskar is very rare and also takes a lot of skill to work with.  It's not something you're going to see a lot of in the galaxy at large.  It doesn't shock me that Vader's suit is not made from it.
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Offline Qui-Gon Jim

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #228 on: July 5, 2022, 12:29 PM »
What were we supposed to take from Obi-Wan looking at the box of lightsabers that members of The Path had collected? 

Were they from dead Jedi? If so, how did The Path get them?

Were they from Jedi that have gone in to hiding and didn't want them anymore - similar to what Kenobi did by burying his and Anakin's saber in the desert?  Does that mean Quinlan Vos is out there in hiding and left his saber behind?

I think the insinuation is that they were from Jedi who left their past behind them to go into hiding juxtaposed with Kenobi doing the exact opposite. 

I just don't know what to say if nothing in this series made an OT fan smile.  I thought it was awesome.  I think that people just need to get rid of their "head cannon" and enjoy the ride.

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #229 on: July 5, 2022, 01:51 PM »
I got the sense that having a lightsaber would be a giveaway to anyone that the person possessing it was a Jedi.  It was reports of someone wielding a lightsaber in that Tatooine saloon that drew the Inquisitors there.  The Grand Inquisitor gestured to the slashes on the wall while he was talking about the key to hunting Jedi.  And sure enough, they flushed Nari out.

Obi-Wan had buried both his lightsaber and Anakin's in the desert.  He knew well enough to keep it hidden.  He couldn't keep it in his cave since he was clearly concerned about scavenging Jawas.

The Path seemed to collect the lightsabers and Jedi attire as a matter of collecting any incriminating evidence as they guided the Jedi in hiding on to safer locations.  While the Inquisitors took the lightsabers, and even the dead Jedi themselves, as trophies. 
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Offline 77Skywalker

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Re: Obi-Wan Kenobi Series (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #230 on: March 1, 2024, 07:07 AM »
I have grown addicted greatly to the series here.