One of our local Walmarts finally got this wave in today and I was able to score two Thrawns, both red/blue insignia - one to open and one to keep carded. Now I just need to track down the variant version...
His rank badge. One is accurate and one is wrong. I'm betting the wrong will be fairly hard to get as it seemed to get caught fast.
The accurate badge for the figure should be top row all red and bottom row all blue right
So the v1, red and blue one is the error that's been corrected right? I like Thrawn enough to consider overpaying for one and want to make sure I don't overpay for the one that will be common.
I finally scored some of wave 3 at a brick & mortar store. Sure enough, I was able to get Jyn, Bodhi and the Deathtrooper. At some point I'll find the Shoretrooper and Thrawn, but not yet.