Obviously the fire did not kill the coven, and we still need to see what caused Osha to walk away from the Jedi.
SPOILERS for anyone who has not seen it yet...I kind of keyed in on Jedi Master Tommen Baratheon. He drank that poison pretty willingly in Ep2, so he had to feel bad about something. In that temple, his face was all scarred and his eye was messed up. In the flashback episode, at the start, we see Jedi Padawan Tommen get possessed by the witches and his face is fine. Taking blood from Osha, face still fine. Later in the episode, when Osha is waking up on the Jedi ship, you can see Jedi Tommen in the background next to Jedi Master Trinity and his face seems to be wounded in the same pattern as the scars we'd see in Ep2.
My guess is that the witches got into some kind of disagreement about Mother Mama wanting to let Osha go with the Jedi and Mother Lady-Maul wanting Osha to stay with the witches. There was some kind of throw-down, Mother Lady-Maul kills Mother Mama. Jedi showed up (maybe to collect the girls or sensing the danger?). Mother Lady-Maul attacks the Jedi in an attempt to stop Osha from leaving, Padawan Tommen gets his pretty face messed up, some portion of the Jedi take out the witches, they blame it on the fire.
I'll agree with you guys that this show's pacing and excitement level is not setting the world on fire, but I'm willing to see this ride to the end and judge then.