Multimedia > The Original Trilogy

Where'd the AT-AT go?

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ROTJ, Vader's shuttle is landing on Endor.  AT-AT can easily be seen slogging along in front of the landing platform.  

Why wasn't it there to crush those pesky little Ewoks? ;)

That's a very good point there!  I can only assume it was probably out on patrol, and those things weren't fast enough to have made it back to the battle.

Jesse James:
Endor's a tough thing to explain, and just like the Space Battle I think we miss probably 80% of what is going on there just so the movie fits in a decent ammount of time.

I've always chalked up the lack of AT-AT patrols at the rear bunker to two things.

1) AT-AT's are powerful, but the large trees still tower over them and would cause a vehicle of this size and design a lot of trouble in a tight spot.

Thus the AT-ST makes a better vehicle in the still heavily wooded areas of the Imperial Base.  The secondary access bunker was heavily covered with trees, yet the area around the landing platform, and presumably the area around the main generator dish/bunker were probably pretty well de-forested and were the presumed areas of attack...

2) distance...

If the AT-AT walker(s) on-planet are a large distance away, they may not reach the battle area on time...  Or simply they were to stay in defense of the heavily de-forested areas around the main bunker and landing platform(s), or other garrison zones.

The AT-ST simply made a better vehicle in a tight area where maneuveability became key though...  The AT-AT's maneuverable, especially for its size, but when the canopy of the trees would obscure its vision, and the trees themselves would impede the AT-AT from being effective anyway, the AT-AT(s) probably just hung back near the areas they were most effective in.  IE: the cleared out zones nearer to the main areas of the Endor base.

Seeing the AT-AT on-screen in ROTJ is still one of the neater moments of that movie I think...  A little reminder of those behemoths that slaughtered the rebels at Hoth.  :)

Angry Ewok:
I agree with Jesse... The ATAT probably wasn't the fighting vehicle of choice in the forests of Endor, and the one that we do spot was dropping off the prisoner (Luke) captured who knows where. Luke could have been captured far away as to divert Imperial Forces to a farther-off location. So while the ATAT and how many ATST's escorted it out to "mop up" the other rebels near the same spot Luke was "captured", the rebels were attacking the back door - out of range.

Okay, who else wants to see an extended version of the Battle of Endor with AT-ATs blowing away giant redwoods like they were toothpicks? Let's see the Ewok defend against a half dozen of those big boys, George.

(I mean, if you're gonna totally F up the OT, at least have some fun doing it.)


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