Author Topic: ROTS - #57 and beyond  (Read 59796 times)

Offline Jim

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ROTS - #57 and beyond
« on: March 30, 2005, 07:37 PM »
Okay, a bit off topic here but. Besides the 5 pack of recrap we have seen.  Any chance we'll have some OT by years end?  Even with all the big happenings with the E3 line being released this weekend it seems like old news since so much stuff has been released already and we have been discussing, reviewing this stuff for a bit.  Im already to finsih up and move on :-\  With no mention of anything in the near future will we even see the E3 line expand upon #56 for the Fall/Winter months?  Wont everything from 40-56 be released by Summer.?

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: More OT or E3 figs before years end?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2005, 08:56 PM »
I could be wrong, but I don't think the last 8 or so ROTS figures in the 2005 lineup will be available before Oct or Nov...

For OT stuff, I could actually do without it this year... except for some sort of ESB stuff to celebrate its 25th anniversary.


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Re: More OT or E3 figs before years end?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2005, 09:52 PM »
This is the year of Ep3 RotS, I personally don't want any other movie stuff this year, I wan't it all to be about RotS.
eh but that's just me :P
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Offline Pete_Fett

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Re: More OT or E3 figs before years end?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2005, 09:21 AM »
I too would prefer that the line remain purely ROTS this year. There can be the odd item here and there like the 500th Vader figure or the 5-pack sets. But I doubt we're going to see any serious effort made at OT figures until the "relaunch" in 2006.

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Re: More OT or E3 figs before years end?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2005, 09:24 AM »
I believe the last Collection 2 case said it was shipping in August.  I'd guess Collection 1 would ship in September which means October, November and December would either be early '06 or this relaunch we've been hearing about

Offline CHEWIE

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ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2005, 12:26 PM »
Anyone care to take a few shots in the dark as what to expect with the figures beyond #56?


Offline Rob

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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2005, 01:07 PM »
I was under the impression that after 56 comes a new line - all 6 movies wrapped up into one, starting with the Early Bird figures.

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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2005, 01:17 PM »
I was under the impression that after 56 comes a new line - all 6 movies wrapped up into one, starting with the Early Bird figures.

Hasbro kinda squished that talk at their QnA at C3...

They made it sound like the EB Kit was a 1-off kinda deal and that there would be more RotS figures in the winter (late fall) leading into new OT products next year.
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Offline Jim

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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2005, 01:39 PM »
I was under the impression that after 56 comes a new line - all 6 movies wrapped up into one, starting with the Early Bird figures.

Bingo.  On top of the first 4 early bird figs I bet we'll see Cantina Han make and appearance once again.  Its been a while :P

Seriously, I bet we see more colored Clone variations, balance of ROTS figs, a few resculpts, a few repacks and a few new OT figs.

Offline Gatillo

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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2005, 01:50 PM »
#57 Cantina Han
#58 Tatooine Luke
#59 Princess Leia -ANH (white dress w/hood)
#60 Ben Kenobi
After these we will get an R2-D2, C3PO, Yoda, Destroyer Droid, and Vader.

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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2005, 02:24 PM »
I just hope we get a normal Obi-Wan figure at some point...with no action features (unless you count SA as an action feature).
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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2005, 02:42 PM »
Funny, but I was thinking of starting this exact same topic 2 days ago (laziness set in), but you beat me to it Justin!  Anyway, I was surprised to see we didn't have some type of thread already covering this, but I did come across this thread that Scott started a while back, on what figures haven't been covered in the initial 56.  So that's a good place to start looking if you're tyring to project what may still be on tap.

Some of the more notable ones that came to mind were:

Padme x100
Lars family
Jar Jar
Multi-flavored Clonetroopers x infiniti

I haven't followed the spoiler too much so far, so I really couldn't make any guesses besides those obvious ones so far.  But considering we're already up through #44, and the movie hasn't even come out yet, I'd say we'll be through #56 by the early summer, which leaves a good 5 months left to pump out a bunch more as-of-yet undisclosed ROTS figures.  So I'm sure Hasbro's got plenty of surprises still in store for us.

Hopefully Hasbro way lying at C3, and they do indeed have some more Evolutions sets on tap, to cover a lot of the SA main characters most everyone would still like to see get made.

I'd expect to start seeing some new OT stuff in the last quarter of the year though.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2005, 02:43 PM by JediMAC »

Offline Darby

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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2005, 03:03 PM »
At the rate they're going with 44 figures out before the movie, Hasbro will have run through all 56 by July.  So I definitely expect to see plenty more this fall and winter.   

I expect lots more clones, hopefully Padme, hopefully Sidious in his correct Senate Duel outfit, and a Duel Yoda with a senate pod!  There's so many more.  Bariss.  Nick Gillard Jedi!

Offline Jim

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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2005, 03:08 PM »
Though this should be in a different forum, we should be getting more CW Animated before years end.  

I notice that no one mentioned a carded Stas Allie or Barriss Offee in the ROTS line ???

I still really hope for some much needed resulpts in the next year.  Notably: Luke and Han Stormies, Luke Ceremonial, Han Carb, R5-D4, Han Endor, Tarkin, Biggs (Rem Helmet), Uncle Owen and DS Trooper.  

Would also like to see Hasbro release some of the pack-ins and exclusive figs on single cards (Oola, Figran Dan, Muftak, Wedge, A-Wing Pilot, etc.).  I would not mind if these were straight repacks.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2005, 03:10 PM by rebeltrader »

Offline Pete_Fett

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Re: ROTS - #57 and beyond
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2005, 03:31 PM »
I'm sure that we'll have all 56 figures by the end of July. The known remaining assortments include these figures:

Wave 4 Col 2 - Tarkin, Ask Aak & the Mon Calamari Senator (45 - 47)
Wave 5 Col 1 - R2, Baccara & Mustafar Anakin (48 - 50)
Wave 5 Col 2 - Antilles, Jedi Teen & Utapau Warrior (51 - 53)

So if we start to see the Wave 4, Col 2 figures later this month, and then both of the Wave 5 cases come out in June - then that leaves only 3 figures for July.

We do not know when Hasbro has set the release date of the last Collection 1 set of figures (#54 - #56). Assuming that is Collection 1, Wave 6, why is there no Collection 2, Wave 6 to be shipped with it?

Also - none of the Collection 1 Wave 5 case ratios contain more of the SA Clone #41. So the only thing I can figure that MIGHT thrown a wrench into the release of a new wave each month is if Hasbro plans on shipping the Army Builder assortment (Col 1, Wave 4) for a couple of months - there is supposedly a case ratio for Wave 4 that is simply 3 of each of #41 - #44. Perhaps we'll have to wait for them to ship out the Wave 4 with all of the paint-op variants of the clone before they move on to Wave 5?

If however, we do see "Wave 6" of collection 1 by July, unless they do something else, August - December are going to be pretty dry.

I too hope there are at least three or so more Evolutions assortments coming down the pike - there needs to be AT LEAST one dedciated to PT Obi-Wan, another dedicated to Padme and a third nice one would be Jedi Masters (Qui-Gon, Mace Windu & Ki Adi Mundi).

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