Collecting > Star Wars Action Figures

Should I put up my customs again?

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Boba Binks:
Many of you know that I have customizing since POTF2 was released in 1995/1996. I had a website showcasing my work.
I took down that section of my website for I was finding many of my customs on other sites saying that they were their own creations.

Anyways, I have been getting some e-mails from people who ask where did my customs toys go? I told them I took them down. It seems that some people want me to put my customs back up on my site. So I have to ask. Should I or should I not I re-take pictures of my custom figures and put them back up on my site?
If there is a demand to do so I will in time.
If I do I will have to watermark them in some way so others do not steal my work and pass it off as their own.

An update on my customizing. I have not had the time to do any customizing since last May or so. So I do not really have anything new. But I have a list of customs that I want to do. I will be getting back into customizing again, when I do not know. It is a passion that I have and want to continue.

So what do you think you fellow customizers?

Yes or No!?!

I say throw them back up David!  Based on some of the other nice work I've seen you do (like the props), your figure customs must be pretty nice looking as well, and I always enjoy perusing some nice custom figures.  Just throw some watermarks on them, and you should be fine.  Looking forward to seeing them...

You bet ya David. Water mark them & post them. I don't do customs myself but I really enjoy the customs that people make. Go for it.  :)

Boba Binks:
Ok. I will retake some pictures of my customs so that they at least have a uniform background, slap on a watermark, and build a page for my custom figures.

It will take a bit of time...

i'd like to see them too.

i like the big lego lightsaber you have.



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