Author Topic: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 4/14)  (Read 60804 times)

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/19)
« Reply #60 on: February 19, 2006, 03:57 PM »
Great use of overkill for these droids. I'm planning on using Overkill to make Klickson from Droid World someday. These droids fit nicely in the star wars continume. I agree that CC would keep his droids in tip top shape. It just shows that someone in the star wars universe washes their equipment once in a while.
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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/19)
« Reply #61 on: February 19, 2006, 04:51 PM »
Nice job Spec I love to see Joe tie in's with Star wars! ;D
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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/19)
« Reply #62 on: February 19, 2006, 05:03 PM »
Wow... that is ONE HELL of a droid squad.  Really great job on those Spectre, you've been busy!  I kind of wish they had made the thigh/calf region on that figure a little less round, but still it doesn't take away from your customs.  Excellent work and inspiring.


Offline Gregorbian

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/19)
« Reply #63 on: February 19, 2006, 05:18 PM »
Nice work Spectre!

I like the backstory/journal entry that you made, it reminds me of some Warhammer 40k stories.  They look pretty badass, I'm sure they could tear through clones and droids alike.
The scariest thing that I've ever seen,
Is the terrible AT-AT walking machine.
It's as big as a house on walking legs,
and whatever it steps on it crushes like eggs.

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/19)
« Reply #64 on: February 19, 2006, 06:03 PM »
I love the droids.  Keep it up.  I like that fact that you don't just make one custom, you make an army all at once ;)

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/19)
« Reply #65 on: February 20, 2006, 03:22 AM »
Hmm, great work as always, spec.  CLean, precise work, but I got a question.

Is your work meant to be a toyline, a photonovel?  A shelf display?

I only ask because I am curious, they seem to have a heck of a back story for just customs.

Then, again, you do seem to have an endless supply of creativity.


P.S> Black dragons!

Offline Spectre

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/19)
« Reply #66 on: February 20, 2006, 03:42 AM »
Hmm, great work as always, spec.  CLean, precise work, but I got a question.

Is your work meant to be a toyline, a photonovel?  A shelf display?

I only ask because I am curious, they seem to have a heck of a back story for just customs.

Then, again, you do seem to have an endless supply of creativity.


P.S> Black dragons!

Thanks Narceron (and everyone else who has taken the time to reply :) ).

They're not really meant to be anything but an exercise in transferring characters/concepts from one media to another and having them make sense to be there.

I always provide a decent backstory for all of my customs as I think that a truly well thought out custom should have more behind it than just fancy paint apps or great parts choices (it's the unpublished author in me ;) ), they should have a "reason" to exist in the first place unless they're simple repaints (droids, Clones, etc.) or a custom of an already "established" character (someone from the films/comics/novels/etc. that people are already familiar with).

All of the crossover characters in this thread (The Brotherhood, GI:JOE, Predators, Halo, Doom, etc.) are characters that I have a fondness for in their original incarnations and wanted to have Star Wars Universe equivalents for. Also the fact that doing the same types of customs over and over again can get stale after awhile so it's nice to throw a little variety in ther to keep it interesting :)

There are alot more crossover characters up my sleeve, some of which will really surprise you, keep watching this thread in the future. My current crossover plans include finishing off the Brotherhood and GI:JOE lines by the end of the summer (with a few other non Joe-related characters sprinkled is as well) and then beginnig a fairly ambitious top-secret project alongside my already announced "Deep Sea Danger!" line (which is somewhat of a continuation of GI:JOE as it features my version of Deep Six on a solo mission on an aquatic planet and the threats he faces there).
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The Brotherhood Of The Serpent: MAMBAs
« Reply #67 on: February 26, 2006, 04:03 PM »
Personal Log recording from Galactic Intelligence: Joint Operations Elite surveillance specialist, codenamed Sneak Peek:

"This is Sneak Peek reporting from the colony world of Trucial Abyssmia, the Brotherhood Of The Serpent has launched a surprise attack against the colonists here. This is not just another of their usual get in quick and take everything sorties though, it's a wipeout raid. They're going door to door killing every man, woman and child in the colony. It gets worse though, and more unusual. There's not a single human Viper to be seen, the raiding party is entirely comprised of droids!

While Copperheads are a common sight in the Brotherhood's battlelines, they are always utilized alongside human troops or at the very least they are under the command of a Viper Officer. Not so this time, they are under the command of a new class of battledroid, a Command Droid if you will. These command droids seem to be capable of changing their battle tactics on the fly, almost fast enough to actually predict the next defensive move of their targets.

Even more unusual, these new droids have been observed operating the Brotherhood's H.I.S.S. (Hover Interceptor Speeder Sentry) and Repulsor Pods with lightning quick response times, almost better than any of the Brotherhood's human pilots. I'll bet you credits to mynocks that the F.A.N.G.s (Fully Armed Negator Gunships) flying overhead and blasting away at targets on the ground are piloted by these droids as well.

I've lost two of my spybots and am currently in hiding, being hunted by a squad of Copperheads led by one of these new droids. I've just got to get back to the LZ so Zap can pick me up and get the holos I've recorded back to New Republic Intelligence asap so they can look for a weakness in these new killing machines the Brotherhood has unleashed on the galaxy..."

Technical Report supplied to Cobra by Destro regarding the results of the first field test of their new M.A.M.B.A. Command Droids:

"The first field test was a resounding success. The M.A.M.B.A.'s (Mobile Advanced Multifunction Battlefield Automatons) secondary battle processor (located in the droid's chest cavity) was able to monitor the battlefield conditions, formulate adaptive strategies and relay updated real-time commands to their Copperhead infantry with near 100% accuracy!

While lighter armed and armored than the Copperheads, they are still more than sufficient to send against any adversary. Their dual, arm mounted light repeating blasters are excellent anti-personnel weapons and are also highly effective against light armor. For heavier fortified targets or armor, their dual, under-arm mounted proton grenade launchers have proven to be quite devestating and their internal 3 round magazine provides adequate ammunition for standard engagements.

The unarmed, vehicle pilot variant was an even better success! Programmed to operate each vehicle in your organization's arsenal to ther peak performance specs, they can out-drive, out-fly, and out-shoot all but the most proficient human pilots.

So, how many units can I put you down for?"

Standard M.A.M.B.A.:

Head- VvV B.A.T. MK IV (modded w/ MK V neck post)
Body- DTC B.A.T. Attack B.A.T. MK V w/gun arms (heavily modded)

Vehicle Pilot Variant:

Head- VvV B.A.T. MK IV (modded w/ MK V neck post)
Body- DTC B.A.T. Attack B.A.T. MK V w/manipulator hands (heavily modded)

MAMBA leading Copperhead squad:

I made 3 MAMBAs for this project, 1 Vehicle Pilot Variant and 2 Standard:
« Last Edit: February 26, 2006, 04:05 PM by Spectre »
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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/26)
« Reply #68 on: February 28, 2006, 09:00 PM »
Just wanted to update this thread and let everyone know that my Warthog MKIII took "Best Custom Vehicle" (tied with a cool tank by Steel Bonnet!) in the 2005 JoeCustoms Awards! :D

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/26)
« Reply #69 on: March 6, 2006, 05:01 PM »
Congrats Spectre, looks really great.  It would be intresting if you could give it some sort of crack in the glass or bullet/blaster hole in it.  great weathering none the less.

pm sent your way.
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Offline Gregorbian

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 2/26)
« Reply #70 on: March 6, 2006, 06:22 PM »
Congrats on the Best Custom Vehicle Award Spectre!  I always liked that Warthog that you made.

I also really like these M.A.M.B.A.s that you have been making.  The only thing that I would do differently would be to replace their heads with regular battle droid heads, maybe with some slight modifications (like how the Super Battle Droids have regular battle droid type heads build into their torsos).  Still, since you're going for the G.I. Joe-Star Wars crossover, the Cobra B.A.T.s heads work fine.  Very cool backstory on these guys too.
The scariest thing that I've ever seen,
Is the terrible AT-AT walking machine.
It's as big as a house on walking legs,
and whatever it steps on it crushes like eggs.

Offline Spectre

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Galactic Intelligence: Joint Operations Elite - Doc
« Reply #71 on: April 8, 2006, 02:41 AM »
Nahn'si Stek'r had a promising medical career ahead of her at the beginning of the Galactic Civil War. Stationed at the main medical center on the mid-rim world of Kammlott, she treated anyone who needed aid, without hesitation. Although a law-abiding galactic citizen, she sympathized with the Rebellion To Restore The Republic, and provided clandestine medical aid to wounded rebels.

Her promising medical career was cut short, however, the morning when Imperial Field Marshal Velko and his stormtroopers entered her medical facility looking for information on a suspected local rebel cell. Accused of treason against Emperor Palpatine's New Order, Velko threatened Stek'r with imprisionment unless she revealed the location of the rebels or the names of their leaders. When Stek'r denied any knowledge of the rebels' location or identities, Velko's troops tortured and killed all of the patients in her care and her entire medical staff. Stek'r was left alive to pass on the message to her "rebel friends" that Velko would be coming for them next.

Velko ordered Stek'r's medical license be revoked. Devestated, and defeated, Stek'r was left with nowhere to turn but the very rebel agents who's identities she had protected from Velko. She dropped out of public view and joined the local rebel cell as their resident medic. Early in her tenure with the rebels, her cell's base was attacked by Velko's forces. Velko had recieved the location of the hidden rebel base from an underworld informant and was out to make a name for himself by eradicating the rebels with his own private squad. During the raid, Velko was injured by a stray blaster bolt to the wrist, and cowardly hid while his troopers were cut down by the rebels who's numbers he had greatly underestimated. Velko stumbled into the rebels' makeshift medbay looking for a bacta patch for his wrist when he ran into Stek'r as she was evacuating the patients in her care. She felled Velko with a stun blast and laid him out on the floor. The last thing Velko saw was the look of cold fury on Stek'r's face as she stood over him with a hypospray in her hand. When a larger Imperial force arrived to investigate the disappearance of Velko's squad, a grisly discovery was made in the medbay. Upon finding Velko's body, eyes wide, face twisted into a silent scream, the ranking officer commented on how unusual it was for someone to have died in such obvious agony from a blaster burn that barly grazed his wrist...

Stek'r currently serves as the field medical officer for Galactic Intelligence: Joint Operations Elite, hand picked by General Madine for the compassion she shows for her fellow sentients as well as her vast medical skills. Her hatred for the Empire also had a hand in her selection...

body: Chap Mei "Rescue Squad" female paramedic (highly modded)
lower head, forearms: Chap Mei "Wild Quest2" Vet Cassie (African American variant)
upper head/helmet: "Xyber-9" Skybike Jack w/ various greebles
pouches: various Chap Mei, BBI, and Joe
gun: repro Vintage Han Solo blaster
Medkit: Tiger Force Lifeline w/POTF2 Mynock Hunt Cinema Scene mask

I tried to match not only the colors of Doc v1 (check out her glasses :) ), but the general "feel" of the figure when I set about designing this entry in my reimagining of the G.I.Joe mythos. I also tried to make her as much of a functioning, practical, field medic as I could, hence all of the pouches. I always felt that Doc v1 should have at least had a medical bag to complement the tiny little pouch on the bottom of his stretcher.

As you can see, alot of time went into modding/painting every square centimeter of this figure and her accessories! Note that her medkit says "RESCUE" in Aurebesch along the bottom of the front cover as an homage to the original Lifeline figure :)

The top of her helmet says "MEDIC" in Aurebesch (read in decending order from the top of the crest down to her goggles).

Ready to save some lives:

A little bit of background reasoning on the use of a known earth symbol on this figure-

It has been brought up before whenever anyone makes a Star Wars medical-themed figure that the common earth symbol of the red cross would not be appropriate in the Star Wars Universe since not every species has red blood (the red cross is a universal symbol here on earth for blood- every culture/nationality recognizes this fact). However, in some established media (mostly comics) the red cross symbol has been featured on medical characters (some Clone medics seen in the Clone Wars issues of "Star Wars: Republic" come to mind right away) symply for the audience to recognize the function of said characters without having to be explicitly told. Following this example, I have taken the artistic license of also utilizing the red cross symbol on this custom.
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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 4/08)
« Reply #72 on: April 8, 2006, 03:49 AM »
That's a sweet sweet medic design. I love the Aurabesh writing on the different articles of clothing and accessories. I haven't ever stumbled on your thread before, so I think I'm going ot take a look-see at the rest of it! Thanks for sharing man.
-Matthew H.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 4/08)
« Reply #73 on: April 8, 2006, 03:56 AM »
Wow, I never thought that medic Chap Mei figure could really be used as a Star Wars custom, but you proved me wrong. Awesome backstory and painting/assembly of parts on this Spectre! 

My only suggestion is the Red Cross - I think that's almost too much of an "Earthly" symbol... maybe a small difference there might look more Star Warsish to me.  The Aurebesch writing on her is awesome.


« Last Edit: April 8, 2006, 03:58 AM by CHEWIE »

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Re: Spectre's Star Wars Crossover Customs (Updated 4/08)
« Reply #74 on: April 8, 2006, 10:27 AM »
Hi there Spectre,

I really enjoyed examining your custom medic. Really top notch. Great attention to detail on all the accessories and paint scheme. I do have to agree with Chewie on the Earthly look to the character. Right now, she looks like she is between two diffrent toy lines; GI Joe and Star Wars. I would recommend the design that is already on the med kit, the circle with verticle lines, should replace any red cross patches and the blue cross patch on her chest. Also, I am not sure you ment to do this or not, the colors you picked, tan and green, looks a lot like Doc from the '80s Joe line. I would research some of the costume designs used in AOTC or ROTS movie extras and compare the color pallet to your figure. Change these things and the figure would then look more Star Wars then GI Joe. Just my opinon. Again, really great work there,  I would love to see more of your work in future.

"When I first started, I was just a learner. Now I Am The Master Sculptor!" - Jedi_Master_Ben