Collectibles > The Force Awakens

I know this isn't the place but could someone help me ID these 2 figures?

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That 2006 version of E1 Obi-Wan came with the 2012 Trade Fed MTT, but that one was in a bubble type thing and not a baggie...  can't recall another time they used that particular kitbash of E1 Obi-Wan.

Funny you say that, because I initially thought I'd gotten him out of the MTT, but then when I looked it up all the photos were of him in the plastic tray.

That Evo Trooper is an interesting repaint.

I'm pretty sure that the Obi-Wan came from some sort of set in either EPI or POTJ.  That's the only reason for the baggie.

The Padawan braid is one of the big distinguishing markers on that Obi-Wan Kenobi figure.  The color of the pants is the second.  Those are some of the indicators that seperate this particular Obi-Wan from the EPISODE I Obi-Wan that had the softgoods Padawan braid.  And the figure this most closely resembles is that 2006 TSC version.  But this one is missing the lightsaber and the softgoods Jedi cloak.

But the plastic baggie is the real head scratcher here.  Is it possible that you bought this from one of the Asian eBay sellers?

Sorry, just saw this... he definitely didn't come from Asia, I ended up with him as an extra.  My best guess is still that he came out of the MTT I bought on clearance at TJ Maxx, I just can't figure why he'd be in a baggie and not a tray.


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