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Messages - Scott

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 ... 952
1. Willrow Hood
2. FX-7
3. 2-1B
4. Ugnaught
5. General Rieekan
6. Lobot
7. Bespin Guard
8. Hoth Trooper (trench)
9. Echo Base Trooper
10. Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training)

Other Toy Lines / Re: ReAction Lines
« on: February 17, 2019, 03:08 PM »
Just reading through memory lane, I can’t believe these made it through the clearance cycle and came out the other side just as strong and still cranking out new stuff.  Can’t wait to finally add Teen Wolf, Robocop, They Live and Pee Wee to my Reaction shelf!!

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 6" Black Series Solo Wave 4
« on: February 10, 2019, 05:20 PM »
Man are these late to etail...I ordered day 1 and no sign of them anywhere

Not at retail either

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The let's get JediMAC to post again thread
« on: August 3, 2018, 10:52 PM »
 Texted with ole Fatty Sweater this week, he sent me a picture of his fry and a llama

So he’s still alivw

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Ye Olde Nintendo
« on: June 29, 2018, 11:43 PM »
Targets just had them in their case and GameStop had them behind the counter

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Ye Olde Nintendo
« on: June 29, 2018, 10:12 PM »
Almost every store I went to today had 12-20 of these today, I hope the scalpers (like Troy’s dad) got their balls stuck in the sand

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: January 19, 2018, 02:37 PM »
Agreed on editing etc...they really could have cut it down to a 2 hour movie pretty shortening Canto Bight and cleaning up the end (did they really need a Falcon chase?)

All in all I still really enjoy it and think the naysayers are full of **** but to each their own

In General, I really think we've hit a tipping point on Star Wars/Marvel overload so it will be really interesting to see how Solo turns out, especially with all of the production issues

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: January 19, 2018, 12:33 PM »
One scene that has bugged me....

Leia is watching over the shield door...the Resitance crew is behind her and she says "Here they come"

The shuttle crashes and they all start firing at the wreck and out pops Finn and Rose

Why was she waiting?
Why was the door open?
Why did she say "here they come"?

The last one could be seen as Here comes the First Order...shut the door

And obviously Johnson wanted to echo the archive base door closure just didn't make much logical sense

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 16, 2017, 07:50 PM »
BTW did Fox still have all of the rights to A New Hope Aliens?  I understand Abrams Edwards and Johnson all want to make their own new freaky designs but NOT including Rodians or Aquilish just seems weird...Canto Bight would have resonated a little more for me with some familiar "faces" in the crowd
I picked up the Art of TLJ yesterday and noted all of Canto Bight concept art scene paintings DO contain Rodians Twi'lek and Gran etc. So, they made an obvious choice or due to rights (again much like Abrams) decided to exclude any OT's just sort of weird especially after Lucas did that in the PT all over the place

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 16, 2017, 09:55 AM »
Was that the Jedi sacred books in the drawer of the Falcon?  Rey took them before she left?

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 15, 2017, 10:25 PM »
Isn't the whole point of the cave reveal that  She asked to see her parents  and she is shown herself...which could mean on a base level that she took care of herself and doesn't need her parents but I took it as a deeper meaning in that she has no parents and was of the force and the true Chosen One in a way Anakin never could have been...the force willed an Evil one now it willing a Good and Chosen one to restore Peace/Light/Love etc what all of this death and destruction brought on by one poor decision by one misguided Boy who had mommy issues and a forbidden wife

The Last Jedi / Re: TLJ Movie / Figure and Vehicle Choices - SPOILERS
« on: December 15, 2017, 03:54 PM »
I laughed out loud when the Jetpack Maz showed up on screen...mainly because of all of the bitching done about the Jetpack Maz toy

Also including Yoda was a good tip off that Yoda was going to be in the movie...and I thought Ben as well...maybe next flick.  In the same vein as Vader and Bespin Luke were supposed to be in TFA and  got cut

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 15, 2017, 03:47 PM »
BTW did Fox still have all of the rights to A New Hope Aliens?  I understand Abrams Edwards and Johnson all want to make their own new freaky designs but NOT including Rodians or Aquilish just seems weird...Canto Bight would have resonated a little more for me with some familiar "faces" in the crowd

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS)
« on: December 15, 2017, 02:24 PM »
I share a lot of the Canto Bight really was there to build up the relationship of Rose and Finn but it fell flat...and made no sense.  Why not have the hacker be part of the Resistence already and why not just have Finn use his FO knowledge to get into the ship...

I had a little trouble suspending disbelief on the slow moving get away and them just picking off ships one by one instead of full thruster assault or sending out their TIE fleet

The bombing run also had a little suspension of disbelief as well but it was still a cool sequence

Overall though I really really loved it

The 3 scenes I said mesmerized me on Twitter were:

Slicing the Super Duper Mega SD in was awesome and I heard audible gasps in the audience when that happened
Luke getting bombarded by the Super Duper Mega AT-ATs at the end and coming out and brushing off his shoulder
Luke staring at the setting two suns on Ach-To was a fitting end to his physical story...can't wait to see how they use his force ghost in Episode IX

I've heard complaint about Yoda (that was my son's biggest gripe) and the Force Connection thing but I was OK with both

I don't believe Kylo in that Rey was abandoned by 2 drunks...I'm pretty sure the gave is hinting that she is like Anakin Skywalker "The New Chosen One" and was begotten, not made

While I read WoW when if it comes out...I am so happy they went ahead with the show and can tie everything well before probably it comes out...let alone the last book

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