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Messages - Karma

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Modern Classifieds / FS: Target 12" Leia, A-wing
« on: August 18, 2003, 08:37 AM »
For sale, both minty boxes and unopened:

Target Saga 12" Princess Leia and Speeder Bike $54.25

These are retail after sales tax prices.
Please EMAIL me if you are interested.

Will consider trades that include any of these: Ashla and Jempa X2, Library Droids, Snowtrooper, C3PO Ambush, Jango Fett Kamino Gold, Luke Throne Room, Vader Throne Room.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: SuperTarget = The New TRU?
« on: August 18, 2003, 08:34 AM »
A SuperTarget recently opened up near me, two exits down from the regular Target. SuperTarget rocked in the Toys section- new Clone Wars vehicles galore but not much in the figures area. Regular Target still has Jango Fett Kamino warming the pegs.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who are these People!!!
« on: August 18, 2003, 08:31 AM »
Helllo again everyone...the last month had me very busy with work and school (and GenCon) so I hadn't posted too much. This thread sounded like a good way to get re-started!


Name: Karen
Age: 29
Occupation: Aircraft mechanic
Location: Daytona Beach, FL
Status: Married
Pet: None, allergic to everything

I'd seen Star Wars a zillion times but didn't get into collecting until after the anniversary re-releases. I collect mostly all modern Star Wars figures and am contantly filling in the holes in my  POTF stuff. It never ends!!!!

Ive known since I was a teenager that I do not want to be a parent. I don't have much patience for children (especially brats or other badly-behaved kids) and am rather uncomfortable around them. I never know what to say or do with them. Perhaps it is because I did not grow up with kids younger than me around.  But I digress....

My husband and  I have been blissfully kid-free for 5 years, but ever since his sister had a baby this year, the subject keeps creeping into our conversations. I think he's changed his mind about kids, but knows I don't want any so he doesnt push the topic too hard.

Sometimes, after watching :"Adoption Story" or "Family Story" on the Discovery Channel,  I catch myself thinking, "How bad could it be?" and then I see the neighbor's uncontrollable, noisy and destructive brats and think, "That bad!"

I believe my biological clock is wired backwards.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who actually "exercises," and how?
« on: July 31, 2003, 08:50 AM »
Good job wayne. From what you've described I bet you'll have an easier time keeping it off that those who follow fad diets. Cool!


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: I'm getting a tattoo, need help
« on: July 31, 2003, 08:48 AM »
May I suggest starting off small for your first tattoo, and maybe placing it where you don't need to worry about future dress codes...? This way you can also find out if you like the idea of being inked and want further work done....

I've got 6 tats so far...I started small and inconspicuous as I didn't know where I'd wind up in the career field. These days I pretty much know I will never wear a suit to a job and my art has gotten bigger.

Next up is some kind of SW-related tattoo but I am waiting until after Ep3 to get it. That way I've the whole SW saga to choose from.   ;D


Power of the Force 2 / Odd Wal-Mart finds
« on: July 18, 2003, 09:29 AM »
The Wal-Mart near me is undergoing remodelling. I guess they are also cleaning out their storage area, because over the last week some POTF2 figures have popped up on the shelf (nothing rare or HTF). However, I went in last night and cruised by the toys, and found a purple carded Dash Rendar! It had a sticker on the bubble for $4.79, but it rang up for $2.49. Score!

1:6 Scale Figures and Collectibles / Re: What's this worth?
« on: July 16, 2003, 08:51 AM »
Thanks for the input everyone.

A quick count got me to 21 Ep1, 11 POTJ and 26 Sagas.
All are MIMB and never opened. There are store exclusives and 2-packs included in that count. If I got a good enough offer I'd sell everything including the more HTF items.

I would think $15 is a good avergage price, as there's probably some worth more and some worth less, it all evens out in the end.


1:6 Scale Figures and Collectibles / What's this worth?
« on: July 15, 2003, 01:20 PM »
Hi everyone,
Hope I can get some feedback on this.
I am considering selling/trading my 12" collection. I never really liked the 12"s in the first place because they hardly ever  look like the characters. But, I was a completist, and had to have everything. I've got all of them from Ep1 to the present. The ones I want to sell are just the single character 12"s, not store exclusives (like Fambaa or Capt Tarpals).
Now they're just taking up space, and I thought about expanding my 3 3/4" collection.
Do you think I would be better off selling it a a lot, or piecemealing it out?
What would you ask if it were sold as a lot?

Feedback / Re: Emperor Zuckuss' feedback
« on: July 15, 2003, 01:11 PM »
Had a great trade with Emporer Zuckuss, always a smooth transaction.

Sometimes I think there should be a ban on retirees shopping/banking/going to the post office/etc during the hours of 12-1, when most working people are on their lunch break and trying to run errands.

I waited in line at Wal-Mart for 25 minutes while an old lady (definatly not of working age) bought cat food, changed her mind, bought it again, forgot her coupon, tried to beg the cashier to give her the coupon discount anyway, searched for exact change, gave up, and then filled out a check for $3.19 while she had a $10 bill in her hand. This wasn't the first time something like this has happened to me. It always happens at the post 12pm there is a line of about 40 people, 80% of whom are 'older' and clogging the line, and if I go at say, 4pm, there is no line whatsoever.

When this happens I always want to say, "Excuse me, but could you let me go ahead of you so I can get back to work  so you can get your social security check?"

Sorry, just venting.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who actually "exercises," and how?
« on: July 9, 2003, 02:19 PM »
My doc knows about the tyrosene, and I've been keeping an eye on stuff (pulse, blood pressure) while trying it. No side effects yet, but I am taking the smallest dose (500mg) right now.

Feedback / Re: DSJ's feedback
« on: July 9, 2003, 02:13 PM »
Thanks for the fast payment DSJ!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who actually "exercises," and how?
« on: July 8, 2003, 02:55 PM »
I was extrememly active (martial arts, skating, lifting) until about a year ago, when I started feeling run down and tired all the time.  I chalked it up to "getting older" and my weight steadily creeped up from 135 to 150.
While I'm not "fat" the extra weight did bother me, because my clothes started fitting tighter and I just didn't feel good. I t to the doctor, who did some tests, and I found out I am allergic to a bunch of foods- wheat, soy, corn, peanuts, and to a lesser extent milk. And since all those ingredients are in every day food (who knew there was corn in Rice Krispies?) I was basicaly gorging myself on allergens, which makes one's systems very tired. So I eliminated all that stuff from my diet and felt a little better, but still tired, and the weight stayed the same.
More tests. Now I've found I have hypothyroidism, which shed light on many things. I've started taking replacement thyroid hormones but haven't gotten to the point where my thyroid functions correctly yet. It's a slow process.

I read a book called "The Mood Cure" and it suggested I try "tyrosene", which is an amino acid. I've only been on it a week and already I feel a difference. I don't feel like napping at work, and my appetite has decreased slightly. I am hoping that when I've taken it for a little while my energy will be back up to my previous levels and I will want to hit the gym more often.

So the moral of this story is: if you previously were active and are now feeling sluggish, I would recommend asking your doctor for a thyroid function blood test. Hypothyroidism is quite common but often undiagnosed.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Your Favorite Character in the Saga?
« on: July 8, 2003, 02:45 PM »
Han Solo! He could rescue me any day.


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