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Messages - Adam_Pawlus

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Cody turned out really nice though, a great improvement over the 2006 figure.

As a plaything goes, it's pretty good-- the backpack won't stay on still-- but it's nice to have the articulation.

The one thing I noticed this year, in particular with this wave and the AT-ST, is that it seems Hasbro has shifted gears from spending money on deco and put it into articulation.  Cody being a fine example-- less dirt, the "signature" thing on his shoulder armor is gone now, the antenna isn't painted, etc.  Plus there are sculpted dents, but no deco to bring it out.  The AT-ST feels very plain, and numerous other figures just seem like paint isn't a priority.   (I'd rather have great deco over ball elbows on some figures, specifically most Cantina characters, as they're going to spend eternity standing around.)

...I love the Plo Koon though, wish the mask wasn't removable.  If this wave ends up being hard to get in the grand scheme of things, I vote his mask/goggles as the most easily lost part of the year.

But yeah, Ki-Adi seems like an odd fit here.  He's a nice figure, but not something a lot of folks were asking for (were they?).

In all seriousness, yes-- this and dual-bladed Plo Koon were things I've been muttering for.  So I'm actually pretty thrilled.

R2 is a lame rerelease

You say "tomato", I say "about damn time we got one with a non-chrome dome, this is my favorite R2-D2 figure in years."

...and I gotta agree, I don't think we'll see the Kal Fas eye variant.  The run on this figure was most likely complete before Hasbro noticed.  (It happens.  The Tan AOTC Battle Droid was caught in early 2002 and made it out in the correct red color in early 2003.)

The Legacy Collection / Re: Walmart Legacy Collection AT-ST
« on: November 4, 2009, 12:57 PM »
I found mine this morning, $43.96.  No sign of the comic packs or, surprisingly, Dewbacks-- but there were plenty of the Clone Wars trooper 2-packs, finally, as this store hasn't had 'em before so far as I saw.

Gone now.

This dude (Scanner Technician) goes fast!  :o

Does anyone know when Hasbro said the 2nd variant would be out??  ???

Hasbro said that it would be in the EU wave.  Problem is, the EU wave does not have a Scanning Trooper in it.  So it might not make it out.

I believe in an older Q&A Hasbro once stated that they were not 100% certain that it would be released during "Legacy" but I can't seem to find that one as I am presently lazy.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Distribution Whining
« on: October 28, 2009, 10:18 PM »
Adam, thanks for the informed insight, I get what you are saying but I just have a different take on the whole "street date" thing. I think it helps a lot to make new releases an "event" based on firm dates because it allows you to build a targeted marketing and production push at a national level. If Hasbro had any control over when their product hits the shelves, it would really enhance their ability to accurately forecast sales projections over the course of the year, so they can refine the release dates over time and optimize their strategy.

Hasbro certainly thinks it has the ability to control their product, as most of their new male action lines do have specific launch dates for the first wave(s) when a big push happens.  (These include: Episode I, Saga/Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Transformers [Movie], Transformers [Animated], Indiana Jones, The Clone Wars, Wolverine/Marvel Universe, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra.  These all had street dates on the boxes for some or all of its early waves of product.)   As you probably noticed, Hasbro does have a strategy as to when new products and waves hit.  And these targets (more ranges than specific dates) are sometimes missed, in particular, you can see this in Q4 of 2007 and 2009 Hasbro Star Wars lines.  Things just happened to get pushed back for various reasons, some of which I am not at liberty to discuss.

For marketing purposes with lots of items, it definitely has a (potential) place.  For some reason, retailers are usually able to coordinate things with Star Wars nicely on those big launch dates.   (The big ones, anyway.  There were sometimes secondary dates for like a month after the main launch and these tend to be totally ignored.)  A big launch gets free press attention (local news), fans go out with friends who may not be collectors who want to see the spectacle, and stores get big sales.

If you've watched this stuff closely the stores basically ignore it for everything that isn't Star Wars, Wal-Mart in particular.  The 3 3/4-inch Marvel Universe line and Wolverine were supposed to have a strict street date, which Wal-Mart ignored at many locations and put everything out early.  With Transformers, some items got put out early for the first movie and a lot of stores put stuff out a little late for the second one, thus missing the entire point of a large launch date.  And with Transformers: Animated, there was an advance release in (if memory serves) Ohio while the rest of the country was supposed to wait to put them out until a specified date-- who  benefits from this?  Some Wal-Marts, again, ignored this and put them all out, which is why I got my Animated stuff at Wal-Mart.  A lot of the stores I frequent missed the Rise of Cobra date and just put the stuff out whenever, typically late.

The thing that really gets my goat is restrictions-- when an item scans as "do not sell."  Usually because the store is uninformed and thinks the item has been recalled, which it rarely (never) is.   As a collector, I know the score, but what about the kid who finally convinces mom and dad to buy a figure, they take it to the register, and the kid's out of luck?  That sucks.  Just sell the damn toy.

I agree with Jayson that with exclusives, it does seem sensible.  When it works, of course, assuming the store remembers to put it out and/or it doesn't get siphoned off before the street date.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Distribution
« on: October 28, 2009, 08:37 PM »
The release date/availability for action figures vs DVD business model is hardly a synonymous comparison. Have you ever tried to get a DVD out of the stockroom before its release date or have you ever seen them out available for purchase before then?

Yes and yes.  (Video games, no, but DVDs, yes.)  A friend of mine and I used to go out to Best Buys and Wal-Marts (and Blockbuster Video stores) specifically to do just this.  It is doable, although we found more out on the floor than we ever saw stuff come out of the back if asked for.  Employees who just don't care are your friends, sometimes.

Action figure release dates to some extent are marketed as such in some Japanese lines, specifically I've seen this in Transformers marketing, but their stuff is also largely solid-packed.  Doing release dates on a specific figure (and I'd argue DVDs, games, and CDs) never *helps* you get the figure.  It just alerts people which day to wait out in front of the store to buy something up, creates even more hype, and often causes stores to hold items in the back until a specific date, rather than just putting them out when they show up.  I may be alone here but I *HATE HATE HATE* street dates for products.  If you have it, you should be able to sell it-- why turn down a sale?  Street dates just prevent people from getting stuff early for marketing/hype purposes.

In the case of Star Wars street dates-- arguably one of very few lines which have managed to do a successful "launch" (which Hasbro has tried to do with Marvel, Joe, and Transformers to very little success in terms of coordination)-- it doesn't hurt when there's a huge aisle reset with dozens if not hundreds of new SKUs like the TPM/AOTC/ROTS/TCW launches.  But if they didn't have that launch date, you would be able to find those items out on the pegs much earlier at most stores, due to the AZ Wal-Marts' not giving a crap, I bought a ton of AOTC Saga items about a month before the official date.  They were out and about, just the way it should be.  Get it out, let it sell, and then reorder and sell some more.

The way figure assortments work, street dates for specific waves and figures is just not doable.  A store might only get 30 cases, putting that kind of marketing effort for a batch of 6 figures is a waste of time for all involved.  For the hundreds or thousands of a game or DVD, though, it makes good sense.  TRU experimented with in-store pre-orders with dates for later wave Episode I stuff in 1999... it didn't work.

...and yes, I do agree that 2009 (black/red) as of today is absolutely the worst year for Legacy figure distribution from what I see in the wilderness.  Clone Wars, it's about the same as the movie lines used to be on an OK day.  Blue was basically OK except for Wave 7.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Ralph McQuarrie Concept Figure Box Sets
« on: October 28, 2009, 08:25 PM »
Question for Adam if he has both the TAC versions of the figs and the new boxed sets.  When you compare them side by side, does it look like to you the paints apps are slight variations?

It's very slight, nothing big and obvious really.  C-3PO seems to be the most different but I think to most people it'll be pretty insignificant.  I was hoping they'd redeco these as a draw to buy them again-- particularly R2-D2 as I've seen this design in different colors-- but oh well.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Distribution Whining
« on: October 27, 2009, 04:58 PM »

I think I've seen each figure at retail several times except for the "last" wave with the Padme, IG droid, Matchstick, etc. 

Yeah, apparently that Wave is an "Online-Exclusive".  ::) Most e-tailers have had them for weeks now, but not a single one has shown up at a brick and mortar ANYWHERE. That's a pretty significant lag, IMHO.

WHOAH! No way - I don't normally order figures from online - I always buy them at retail. Feeling disappointed ....  >:(

He's kidding. :) I've seen that wave at retail.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Ralph McQuarrie Concept Figure Box Sets
« on: October 27, 2009, 04:54 PM »
Just out of curiosity - is this based on someone just looking in the package or someone actually opening a set?

Is there a chance that the remaining accessories were put in a baggie off to the side where they can't be seen instead of them taking the time to have the accessories fit into slots in the tray with all of the figures?

If by "someone" you mean me, yes, that's why I posted it. I opened a set and looked inside. No paperwork, no accessory pouches, nada.  WYSIWYG.  Some accessories are clearly visible in the package, and that's what you get.

The Legacy Collection / Re: New Return Procedures @ Wal-Mart
« on: October 26, 2009, 07:29 PM »
Wow, that seems bizarre, but good that they are doing something I guess.  How about just looking at the figure/ship and comparing it to the back of the box?

Doesn't always work out, with most companies it does but sometimes Hasbro takes shortcuts with its packaging. 

Hasbro's Valor vs. Venom line frequently had figure repaints use old figures artwork, so they don't match up.  For Transformers Energon, a handful of toys didn't match the box photos at all.  A great example is Energon Ultra Magnus, which not only showed the wrong color of toy (it's a blue repaint of a red toy, the box showed the red toy), but some showed Mini-Con accessory figures of cars.  The actual toy included space equipment.  During Revenge of the Sith and The Saga Collection, we had some variation figures that showed the wrong deco-- to an uneducated person trying to do their best, it certainly looks like someone swapped out a plain white Clone Trooper for one with green markings, for example.

On the other hand, people who put a plain white POTF2 Stormtrooper in a Vintage cardback likely would slip it by (and have, from what I saw) because it did basically look correct.  This new policy is probably to avoid people buying dolls and returning phone books, I'd wager.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: October 20, 2009, 10:09 PM »
I'm not holding my breath waiting for those sets since we might not even get to the seven sets that were scheduled to arrive before them...

At SDCC, they listed 5 of the 7 as being due in "September" but I don't think there is any place out there that is even taking pre-orders for them yet.   If no one is taking pre-orders, that means Hasbro hasn't solicited them yet.  If Hasbro hasn't even solicited them, that's not a good sign for the long-term future of this line.  :-\

Agrievous.  I was a little surprised these didn't show up in the last round of solicitations that we posted, I find it surprising that there wasn't a rush to get more clone repaints in the marketplace.  That seemed like a solid addition to the assortment, if two characters you've never heard of are a tough sell, I have to assume 2 clones for $13 is a slam-dunk.  I was actually looking forward to the little Blackhole-- the clear dude, not the Stormtrooper.  Maybe it'll show up later... or at Wal-Mart.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Beginning of the End?
« on: October 8, 2009, 04:15 PM »
When BAD ends and invariably it will, the cost of figs must come down by at least $1. That was one reason for the price increase per figure. I think people are forgetting that.

Whoa!  No, Legacy, Saga Legends, and Clone Wars are the same price.  (Prices may vary by retail location, but they all have the same SRP.)  It's just a happy coincidence that we had something nice with the price increase to rationalize it.

Hasbro decided to give us a cooler "bonus" that we happened to really like (as a group) with this particular price increase. It could just as easily have been a stand, a coin, or nothing at all (like The Clone Wars range).  Hasbro increased the prices of its products across the board since early to mid 2008-- we as Star Wars fans were not singled out. Transformers, G.I. Joe, Littlest Pet Shop, NERF, everything had a jump in price over the past year and a half.  Build-a-droid had nothing to do with this increase, and there's no reason for Hasbro to throw out a decrease unless their costs changed or they think it will help overall sales.

During the Power of the Jedi era after Episode I, Hasbro actually did decrease its price to retailers-- those retailers mostly opted not to pass along the savings to us and kept retail at around $6.99.  Pricing is a really tricky thing dictated by a variety of factors, some of which are... shall we say difficult to discuss in a public forum.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 6 - The Empire Strikes Back
« on: October 6, 2009, 09:31 PM »
This isn't the first time Hasbro had packaged product that no retail human being has ever seen-- Rebelscum got a sample of the Saga Legends black pauldron Sandtrooper from the 30th Anniversary-style cardbacks, and that thing never hit stores.  Hasbro eventually made good and put it in the 2008 Saga Legends packaging, but since it was a simple pauldron swap, anybody could fudge a loose one anyway.

Or in other words, it didn't get made-- if the only samples exist are in Hasbro's hands or the hands of people who may have got them through a special contact, I would say that doesn't count.

If the beardless Hoth Rebel shows up I'd almost bet it's going to be in some other country in a quantity of a couple dozen, tops.  I'm not hopeful.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Beginning of the End?
« on: October 4, 2009, 02:33 AM »
It's gotta end eventually, but we're probably a ways off. Even the most successful movie tie-in lines don't last as long as one packaging line look does for Star Wars.   Seriously, aside from tiny little sad lines of 2 figure a year from NECA or another company, nothing is as huge as this line, nor will anything ever come close to this level of success for quite some time.  If ever, given the toy business today.

If history is any indication, the line is going to end as a surprise-- the last series will be hard to get, and future series will just not get made.  The original TMNT line had a year or two of showings at Toy Fair where a chunk of product never got made before going away, and when it went, it was pretty quick.  Playmates' original Star Trek range ended with increasingly goofy limited editions and exclusives, with the final batches being Target exclusive figures probably culled from the main line.  Or Indiana Jones... just kinda up and ended there, but the writing was clearly on the wall.  Which, for Star Wars, it is not.  Show me another line with this much new stuff every year that isn't the same body with a new head on it (excepting, of course, the clones.)

Comic Packs have already been pared way back-- the Dark Empire Luke/Palpatine and Republic Quinlan/Faie set were very late 2008 entries.  In 2009, we have been given exactly 6 non-exclusive packs, 3 of which just hit about a month ago.  It's already on the way out the door, but it's interesting to note that Wal-Mart has had 3 already this year and 3 more are due any time now.  On the whole, anything but basic figures tends to come and go in fairly short order, the fact that we got about 3+ years of comic packs is pretty gosh darned great and certainly bolstered the expanded universe toy lineup.

There's still plenty of money to squeeze out of us, so it's not going away.  Fans may remember 2004 as a particularly slow year for new basic figures, between Saga and non-Vintage OTC, only 28 new figures were made, plus a couple of POTF2 repaints.  By comparison 2003 had 45 basic numbered figures (the last 2002 figures hit early 2003), and 2002 had 54 if you count the Rebel Trooper variant.  Things come and go, go up and down.  Don't forget, Wal-Mart virtually dropped the entire line save for basic and deluxe figures around the end of 2003 during the Clone Wars push, it was really tough to find some of these items for a while.  Things have been absolutely nuts since 2005, and frankly, I'm just fine with a year that doesn't have $600+ worth of exclusives in Q4 before the basic line even comes into consideration.

40-45 "new/refresh" (assuming "refresh" is slang for "new accessories/slight retools/repaints") is totally reasonable to me.  We got 44 in 2008.  We got 35 so far in 2009, with another 22 or so likely before the end of the year.  I'm sure there will always be a couple of token Cantina aliens and Jabba's Palace aliens each year, just to keep us interested, alongside the token Han/Luke/Anakin refreshes.   If Hasbro and Toys "R" Us can successfully sell a $50 TIE Interceptor this holiday season, seriously, what do we have to worry about?

When Wal-Mart drops the basic movie-themed figure line (which probably won't be "Legacy" or "Build-a-droid" forever anyway), that's when I'll expect the line to die in 6-12 months.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: October 1, 2009, 03:09 PM »
Don't think I'm not tempted, but my darling wife (She Who Must be Obeyed) might have an apoplexy if she finds out I am wasting money on magic beans toys. When I am about to be unemployed in 6 weeks.

I found a really good workaround for this.  I've tried it once or twice.
Her: "Is this new?"
Me: "No."

FOOLPROOF!  And true in some cases, at least in terms of percentage on some of those Battle Packs...

That works a lot better when you buy the item with cash and then throw out the receipt. When it shows up in a box at your front door and your CC statement says EE on it. Saying oh I bought that six years ago, but it just showed up doesn't work.

Hm.  Paypal Debit card? :) Those work online...

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