
Community => Watto's Junk Yard => Topic started by: SilverZ on January 5, 2004, 09:28 PM

Title: CES
Post by: SilverZ on January 5, 2004, 09:28 PM
It's that time of year, my fellow electronics nerds! Time to fuel up the car, print out a list of every Target/Walmart from Southern California to Las Vegas, and hit the road for the Consumer Electronics show! I head out Wednesday morning and come back late Saturday.

Is anyone else on the boards going?

Alternately, is there anyone that wants me to research or take pictures of anything there?

For me, I'm looking into new upconverting DVD players that scale and output to 720p/1080i over a DVI connection, and checking out the new Roku network mp3 player. Also have to hand out a few resumes.

But the most fun of a road trip like this is the search for figures on the way there and back. Need those Target animated CW figures still!

Title: Re: CES
Post by: BigDumbWookiee on January 5, 2004, 10:55 PM
Well if you want to go to Las Vegas by means of going through Crawfordsville Indiana, we have plenty of CW Animated figures ;)

I love CES and would love to go, it's a ton of fun seeing all of the new geek toys.

I'm personally interested in home automation and home entertainment networking, if you see any stuff of the sort. I have a structured wiring catalog with a lot of cool crap, like RCA Cable to RJ45 adapters, so you can route RCA or SVideo over a home network, very cool and very handy. If you see anything that falls into that category, I'd love to hear about it!
Title: Re: CES
Post by: SilverZ on January 6, 2004, 01:01 AM
No problem BDW, if I see anything that sounds cool, I'll be sure to get info.
Title: Re: CES
Post by: JediMAC on January 6, 2004, 02:26 AM
For me, I'm looking into new upconverting DVD players that scale and output to 720p/1080i over a DVI connection, and checking out the new Roku network mp3 player.

Please speak English Jared...   ???

Damn, I'd love to tag along with you man!  That'd be fun, but somehow I don't think my boss would take too kindly to me missing 3 days of work (without notice) this early into the new year.   :-\  I've got that full list of stops between here and Vegas somewhere though...  Do you already have one?  If not, I'll see if I can dig it up for you.  Where you staying?