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Messages - TheBlackDog65

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: Any TSC Pegwarmers?
« on: April 13, 2006, 10:45 PM »
Genosis wave here in UT. I see tons of Poggles, lesser degree Sun Fac. Sora Bulq is peg warming to some degree. This is at Target, Wally, and TRU.  I am beginning to think that Poggle is becoming the Nemodian Warrior of last year (so far).

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: April 13, 2006, 08:28 PM »
Annatar, a member here and fellow collector in Utah found the VTSC in Utah today at a TRU for $9.99! Good find!

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: April 13, 2006, 05:30 PM »
Picked up 2 Cody's (both spoken for by fellow collectors) a Firespeeder pilot (my 2nd), 2 Utap. Clones and a Dofine (fellow collector serving in Iraq). 

Also picked up as posted in the ROTS thread, 4 Jedi Temple Assults from Kmart. They are hitting again but cost more; $29.99 minus 10% so $26.99 plus tax or $28.77. Sure like those 501st better than the Tac Ops though!

Edit: I have 2 JTA's so I am going to return the other 3 and keep only 1.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: April 13, 2006, 05:26 PM »
Found 4 of the Jedi Temple Assult at a local Kmart today (two other collectors split the 4 at another store).  Picked em up since next to a custom, I like these far better than the Tactical Ops Clone.  Pricey at $29.99 minus 10% plus tax. 

If you want/need here is the item number for them:


Make SURE you specify that you want the Jedi Temple Assult as the one with the Emperor was in the case (well, the case had 4 Temple Assults and 2 of the Battle Packs with the Emperor and the Royal Guard).

Edit: Guess I got buyer's remorse and returned to Kmart 3 of the JTA's. Too much money and I already have 2 so that give me 3 or 9 clones and that is a good enough with 4 customs and 6 Tactical Ops. The legion looks decent behind the Evolution Anakin. Now to work on the background diaramha of when they are coming to the top of Temple Stairs.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TRU Exclusive Endor AT-AT
« on: April 11, 2006, 12:44 AM »
I thought I wanted one but . . . . IF I can find one on clearance maybe, but that is just too much money considering I have it already. I probably will change my mind, but that is alot of money for a strip down version.

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Scorch (Republic Commando)
« on: April 9, 2006, 12:37 AM »
Jesse, I TOTALLY agree with you on this. Yet I don't think that Hasbro is going to change. Look at demand. I bet their first quarter report does quite well, which will only reinforce from a business stand point that their plan for this year is working.  What is a shame is that it is just evident that they don't care. But what do we do, we keep buying and many buy in large amounts.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Episode 3 Heroes
« on: April 9, 2006, 12:13 AM »
I am an opener and a non-completist so these are so easy to pass on.  There is no interest whatsoever in the figures they have picked. Here's a scarey thought. I think we'll start seeing a lot of rehashes and then these will hit and guess what, the pegs begin to fill and fill and no one buys 1/2 of the waves because they have what they want for em. Means we could see a long hard summer as the pegs are filled, but filled with poor figures.

trying the DCPI's so far are not coming up in the system...(yet)

Actually, here in Utah I can pull up on the store scanners that the info on this. No isle is assigned though and not in the stockroom.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Endor Wave
« on: April 8, 2006, 09:49 AM »
Very easy wave to pass on. Might get C3P0 for the articulation.  Very disappointing wave, but it makes my decision to scale back and really stop hunting so much easier . . . .

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: April 8, 2006, 05:43 AM »
My favorite hands down is the Tusken. I know that more people will like and probably want the Biker Scout, but I just love everything on the Tusken! Finally one that makes sense! Cannot wait to do a couple of diaramha's showing the Anakin scene in Ep. II as he emerges from the hut where Shimi has just died; and also a scene with Tusken's shooting in Ep. I AND the Ep. IV scene with Luke and the Tusken!
Guess I need to find my Bantha and see how these look next to that.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: April 8, 2006, 05:20 AM »
Picked up several Cody's, two for me, and four for other collectors. These were at Walmart in elongated cases that had displays in them. Done with Coruscant and only wanting 3 from the next wave (1 of each of the Catinia, and maybe 1 Sandtrooper). Other than that, I think I am done  for this year except for a battle in the senate, and 1 ARC exclusive.

Anyone heard any more on release date besides Spring? Do we think these will hit in April?

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Retail Situations
« on: April 7, 2006, 07:10 PM »
Question. Is it retail's fault by holding back ordering product due to seasonal history (and yes, buyers who order this for the major retailers do consider seasonal time of year when the order), or Hasbro's fault for limiting production? Or are there just more people coming out of the woodwork right now to buy? Is it a combination? I would say if you can shop early, Target is it. If you can hit late Walmart. Then during the days you have your Kmart's, Shoko's, etc.  However, everyone seems to be getting limited cases.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Retail Situations
« on: April 7, 2006, 01:56 AM »
Walmart, which is due to my career and schedule. I teach and am at school so I can only hit a local Target on my way to school. The others are too far out. I will say though that I have hunted hard at Wally and the first 3 waves I cleaned up there with, but Coruscant is harder. It is harder because you have ALOT more people out looking for Cody (and multiples I have found, I mean multiples like some wanting 6 to 10) AND you have the collector/scalper and the scalper out. So you have to hit a store at just the right time in order to score I think. 
I'm off track (no teaching) for 3 weeks now so I'll be back to hitting Targets so that works good for me as a balencing tools. Just in time for the VTSC!

This line has surprised me. I have bought more than I thought I would. I would like to capture a couple more Cody's though, but he is near impossible to find here in Utah. Seems every collector and scalper who I haven't seen in 3 months is out in force. Hopefully in April he begins to arrive in plenty and that takes more preasure off of him as I hope the VSTC will also.  I will eventually pick up my 2 other Cody's, the Catinia Aliens (2 each, 3 of the Ithorian) for collecting and customizing. I was hopeful that some of these out of the woods people would disappear but I think the Sandtrooper will stop that. Alas, though, I am backing off after the VSTC and that Tat. wave. The hunt has worn me down and I am way tired of hunting.  My days are almost done.

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