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Messages - Pete_Fett

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The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 6" Black Series Solo Wave 6
« on: July 4, 2019, 02:59 PM »
Got my Chopper and Ezra figures from Hasbro Pulse the other day - they are great additions to the Ghost Crew that Hasbro is slowly working their way through in the 6" scale. I don't collect every figure in the 6" scale - but I have been getting the Ghost crew. While I'd love to see Hasbro do them in this style in 3.75", I doubt we'd ever get them done this way, so that's why I went in on the 6" ones. I am holding out hope we'll eventually get a 6" version of Zebb, it will be interesting to see how they interpret him for the line.

Got a notice from my credit card that EE has charged me for my case plus a set of this wave, so hopefully I'll have this wave soon!

How do you get them to change back again?

My guess would that you could put them in warm water, probably let the tap run on "hot" for a few minutes, get warm to the touch and then "dunk" the figure again.

Wait... the promotional pictures made it seem like the "off" colors were the default states - so black C-3PO, red R2, blue BB-8, imperial colors Chopper, etc.. were all going to be the "default" states.

So the "default" state of Chopper is his "normal" colors?

Or is it that your room was particularly warm when you took the pictures?

Don't expect it to last long on HasbroPulse based on other recent exclusive sales though...

The last 3.75" 3-pack convention exclusive was Doctor Aphra and her Droids and that featured a new sculpt, a new Build-a-Droid Astromech, and a black C-3PO repaint - the latter two, according to Hasbro will never be re-released - and that set was EASY to get on Hasbro Toy Shop.

While I get it that Aphra was released on a Vintage cardback a little bit afterwards, I find it hard to believe that this Luke 3-pack of resculpts will be in any more demand than the Aphra set was. I know it's Luke, and I know it's OT, but a new character is a new character and I'll take a new character any day over another rendition of Luke in his X-Wing Pilot gear - and if Hasbro is going to give that to me, then I want it on a numbered The Vintage Collection cardback - I don't want it in this three-pack format. I'm honestly surprised they packaged this set this way instead of like how they're doing those skiff guards. If the Lukes were individually carded The Vintage Collection figures in a single package like the Skiff Guards, then yeah, I agree with you 100%.

The set itself is strange anyway, why isn't it three versions of Luke from ANH? Like Tatooine, Stormtrooper & X-Wing Pilot or a version of Luke from each OT  movie? Why is it two versions of Luke from ANH and one from ROTJ? Or did someone at Hasbro think that that X-Wing Pilot Luke was "close enough" for him in ESB?

My Stormtroopers are on their way and I just noticed that EE has up for order individuals of all the other figures in this wave, so I put in an order for another young Lando and a Phasma and Praetorian just so I could have one of each of those to open.

This figure is available on Hasbro Pulse for $12.99

just in case anyone is still looking/needing it...

I have been hoping for this wave to show up on Hasbro Pulse as well - since the case is not evenly packed, Hasbro Pulse is my only hope to score a 2nd opener of the young Lando figure (which is AMAZING). I got a case from EE, plus I already ordered another five of the Rogue One Stormtrooper so I can have 6 of those open. I really don't need more of the Chewie, Phasma or Praetorian guard, but if I could score another Phasma and Praetorian for MSRP or cheaper, so I could open them and add the cardback to my cardback collection from all the vintage figures I've opened I'd be happy, but I won't be devastated if that never happens.

Have these figures shown up anywhere besides places like EE, BBTS and Dorkside? I haven't even seen them listed on Amazon.

My Amazon order got cancelled as well. I have two on pre-order with Hasbro Pulse as well, so now I just need to decide if I want more than one to open, which is why I had the Amazon order.

Maybe I will order one from EE...

It seems to me it’s in certain site’s best interest to keep claiming things are going to be super rare, super hard to get, or limited in availability in some way, without ever saying why they think this.  They just do because I guess that’s more interesting to readers.  It’s a tad early for the sky to be falling though.

You're right and guess what happened? This morning it was up and available for order again.

I was alerted by a friend and I jumped on the WalMart app, which I had set up with the item on my "list" and quickly added it to my cart and purchased.

So much for reporting "facts". The post about stock being "depleted" was nothing more than fear-mongering.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2019 Kenner Retro Collection
« on: May 14, 2019, 12:29 AM »
I was able to grab a set of these on Sunday. Had to ask to have them brought out. The employee brought out a case, I asked if I could take all six figures in the case since they were all different, at first she was like "well, since they had a street date, we usually limit, but since they are all different, sure, go ahead" - I was the only person in my Target actively looking for these things when the store opened.

Unlike with the modern sculpts, I'm getting one set to keep MOC and that's it. I do not need to get a set of these to open. I *may* grab a 2nd board game so I can put a carded Tarkin with the six other carded figures on display some day and also play the game - haven't played that game since I was a kid, but it was a favorite of ours on game night when my sister and I were little.

Well, if the JTA post about this item from May 11th is to be believed, it looks like I may have missed this item and my only shot may be scoring it at retail in the fall. Which considering the state of all my local WalMarts, means no chance whatsoever.  :'(

I guess my plans for getting three of these (one to keep MIB, one to open everything, one to open and keep the figures MOC to put with my MOC TVC collection) will not come to pass, I'll be lucky if I get one to add to my collection.

I'm hoping that it will be in Disneyworld in late May, I'll be there then - fingers crossed.

I already was on the fence about the whole retro line, this just does not appeal to me.

If I can get one to have as a "sample", I'll keep it carded, keep it with the other eight which I only plan on getting one of each to keep carded and that will be it, but if I miss it, I will not be disappointed.

If they make it available online as a red card exclusive, like they did the Lego Bust, which was super easy to get, and I'll get 5% off when I buy one, sure.

Since they are selling them at the EE booth, I'm kinda surprised that they aren't letting EE sell some of them online as well.

Mine is set to arrive on Tuesday. I'm hoping the odds of having four in the box will net me at least one worthy of keeping in the MOC collection.

My gamble didn't pay off - the box was very roomy, packed with lots of those airbag things and unfortunately, none of the cardbacks were without flaws. I have two candidates that I can "live" with if I have to, but I'm hoping that like the Mimban Stormtrooper, this will eventually hit the stores and I'll be able to cherry pick one off the pegs for my MOC collection.  :(

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