Author Topic: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ  (Read 202321 times)

Offline Jesse James

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #435 on: February 3, 2011, 08:07 PM »
No, 2, I duplicated that when I was deleting stuff (didn't delete enough and wound up losing count)...  2 Wedge, 3 Gammies, 1 Vader, 2 Endor Commando, 2 Luke...  Fill the last two slots with whatever then.  Ackbar and Bar2?  Woof and Ackbar?  Whatever.

4 of just about anyone will pegwarm.  You could ship 4 Gammorean Guards in the case, and I have a feeling you'd see saturation fast if the case is ordered in any abundance.  As it is, 3 gammies is a risk.
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #436 on: February 3, 2011, 08:46 PM »
I think more ROTJ is what everyone's asking for and will do fine.  I hope Wedge sees further distribution than this, though, since most of us will be interested in mainly him at this point.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #437 on: February 3, 2011, 09:10 PM »
And I'd say it's only your area with all the Daks, CHEWIE.  Everyone I've talked to anywhere said he was one of the better sellers out of wave 1. ;)  Even K-Mart and TRU sold out of him and they were higher prices.

Success or lack thereof can definitely be regional as I seem to recall you saying Star Trek was hot in your area, while the rest of the country the entire line seemed to flop and couldn't even get past the first wave.

The Targets in these parts went nuts with Vintage Wave 1, and those assortments all seemed to be the one with Dak in them - for a while it was an army of Daks vs. 4-LOM in the vintage section.  I believe he was only in a revision case in Wave 1, making him essentially a short packed figure which probably helped him sell through at other retailers. And all indications from what I can tell shows it was a fine decision to keep Dak in what appeared to be a lower production, as I don't see requests for people ever looking for him or a high asking price for him on ebay.  I know you're a bigger fan of pilots than I am though, I'm just burnt out after what seems like dozens of them and Hasbro can't even keep the damn plastic orange the same color for uniformity.  I really want to see more of an emphasis on ground troops by Hasbro, and for that reason I'm also a bit biased I admit.  The number of Rebel Pilots we've seen vs. Rebel Troops is staggering.

Back to Wedge though... is it really going to be that head sculpt?  

I always thought that face looked a bit cartoony and deterred me from buying the X-Wing with him at Target.  I hope that's not the head we actually get on the figure.
« Last Edit: February 3, 2011, 09:30 PM by CHEWIE »

Offline Jesse James

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #438 on: February 3, 2011, 09:42 PM »
I thought they said they were doing a new headsculpt for Wedge and that was partially why he's been so long delayed in the first place...  IIRC.

During the film's release, Star Trek did sell well here...  It stagnated here like everywhere else eventually though and a LOT was in the pipeline it seems because even where they sold out, more fresh cases wound up surfacing.  You could always tell that if you saw Spocks and Uhura's miraculously turn up.  So ultimately my area was the same there eventually.  But during the Summer and into the months leading into Christmas stuff was moving through for that line.  You could always tell because new stuff would turn up after pegs sat empty.  Now, there's still a few of both playsets lingering on at Big Lots here.  Such is life I guess.  I like to hope a 2nd film will have new figures but maybe toned down dramatically.

The Rebel pilots are in abundance because they've got the molds, and no real reason beyond that I think.  I'd like to get what we can, especilaly from the films, while Hasbro's willing to crank them out...  I'm hopeful Rebel ground troops come out in abundance too, but so far Hasbro's not reissuing them like I'd like to see.  Since I've kind of championed Rebel Troopers since going back when it was considered almost blasphemy to a lot of people to even request it, I think it's pretty established I've been anxious for new grunts on the ground.  I'd like to hope that once they're all done, Hasbro maybe re-issues some of them.  Maybe new heads too.  I'd like to see some of them make the Legends assortment.  I'd buy more if they were made available routinely.  I'm pretty ok on anything in white armor right now unless they update the Scout Trooper with hips and a removable helmet or something.  Unfortunately they're not going that route right now, for one reason or another.
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #439 on: February 3, 2011, 10:00 PM »
I can still find Commandos on pegs around here. I'd say take one of him out and put in a pig-guard.

Offline Jesse James

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #440 on: February 3, 2011, 10:42 PM »
I've not seen a Commando since the wave first hit here.  It varies by the area I guess.  Some guys didn't see Bar2 and we had a TON of him.  The wave sold through almost completely though here too.
« Last Edit: February 3, 2011, 10:43 PM by Jesse James »
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #441 on: February 3, 2011, 11:24 PM »
Still waiting for the ROTJ wave to show up locally. 

I just found it at Polo TRU this morning, so you should check it out. :)

Thanks  :)
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #442 on: February 3, 2011, 11:39 PM »
I'd say that in rank of what was hard to find in the ROTJ wave, it went like this in my area:

- Gamorrean Guard
- Wicket
- R2-D2
- Ackbar
- Luke
- Rebel Commando
- Woof

Basically, the Gamorrean and Wicket were so hard to find that it was almost ridiculous.  I don't see how anyone who didn't go on toy runs very consistently ever even saw them in my area.  R2-D2 was also rare... you can find an occasional Ackbar at some Wal-Marts, and a handful of Luke, Rebel Commandos and Woofs... but by no means would I say those are easy to find either.  That whole was was just amazing and I think it's great they are going to do a revision case... I just hope that they find a way to get the Gamorrean and Wicket into more case assortments later on in the line, and perhaps Ackbar too because he's such an amazing figure.

As for Rebel Troops Jesse, I really hope we see Hasbro give them more attention... the upcoming Fleet Trooper looks so good, I would really be disappointed if we don't see them not only in abundance, but also with other head sculpts before too long.  We've seen a somewhat decent approach to this with the Hoth Rebel, so many they'll do the same for this guy.  And a Legends repack would be awesome for 2012... and heck, I'd be all for them putting a couple of them in a new version of the Tantive IV Battle Pack with two good Stormies too.

« Last Edit: February 3, 2011, 11:40 PM by CHEWIE »

Offline Jesse James

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #443 on: February 3, 2011, 11:46 PM »
The only thing in the way of that is that the Hoth Trooper's head/hat were tooled.  When we'd posted the test shots of them way back they were all tooled up and hasbro just canned the running variants.  :(  It sucked hard then, and still does.

So I don't see Hasbro giving us that kind of treatment with a head variant...  At least not right now.  Maybe they'll warm up to it on unmasked army builders though because they really could pull in extra.  Again I'd love to see Legends get Endor, Hoth, and Fleet Rebels with different heads...

though the Endor Rebel has a lot of costume variation they can run with.  Vests, camo coats...  I'd like to see those too, but then again I'd like seeing them retool the neck first if they're going to update the figure at all for some variety. 
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #444 on: February 4, 2011, 08:17 AM »
Plus all the Goatee variations they can do.
Light brown
Sandy brown
Dark brown

That's 5 right there.

Offline Keonobi

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #445 on: February 4, 2011, 10:01 AM »
I was at WM last night and the pegs were packed (with massive helmet clones and Woof).  Of the 60 TVC figures they had on the pegs 20 were Woof, about 15 were the ROTS clone, they had about 15 Sandtroopers, 5 Anakins and then a handful of Ackbar and Endor Rebels.

IIRC wasn't Woof packed at the same ratio as the Gamorrean Guard?  (Who I saw exactly once and didn't buy  :'(  )  I know Hasbro sends stuff out in fixed case ratios, but why, oh why, did they use the same ratio for those two?  I guess Hasbro could claim they didn't know how well the Gammy was going to sell, but Wicket was also at the same ratio and Hasbro knows that Ewoks (in most instances) sell pretty well.  I can't imagine that they thought Woof was going to be as popular.

Still, Woof was just striking to me because of it being a fairly obscure character (compared to the Clone and Sandtrooper) and being very well represented on the pegs, but even if Hasbro had packed that figure more lightly, there would still be white armored troopers just sitting in the store.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #446 on: February 4, 2011, 10:38 AM »
I think it's a given that they need to get that Gamorrean back on the pegs... Wicket too.  I'd think that they could pack the Gamorrean at one per case in each assortment in 2011, and he'd still be moving great.  The figure is simply that good.

As for the Fleet Trooper, I am hoping that Hasbro finds some sort of way to get that figure readily available.  Because I can see it being as hot as the Gamorrean Guard... if tunghori gets the Fleet Trooper in, I'm going to probably buy a dozen just to guarantee I have at least a decent size group of them.

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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #447 on: February 4, 2011, 01:10 PM »
I only saw this wave in whole (excluding the Gam.Guard) at Target once, the rest of the time Klaatu was leftover. Even R2 was hard to find. Maybe releasing Wedge in an entire ROTJ case is a ploy by Hasbro to get this wave out there again.
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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #448 on: February 4, 2011, 01:21 PM »
It's really funny.  Collectors clamored to get Wooof made in the modern line, and when we saw that the figure was coming out there was genuine excitement.  And the figure really has not disappointed.  

But then what happens?  Wooof quickly became the biggest pegwarmer of the ROTJ wave.  The irony is staggering.
« Last Edit: February 4, 2011, 01:21 PM by Nicklab »
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Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« Reply #449 on: February 4, 2011, 01:46 PM »
In my neck of the woods, it's Ackbar and Rebel Commando that hold pegwarming bragging rights from the ROTJ wave.
« Last Edit: February 4, 2011, 01:46 PM by Jayson » Owner/Content Manager
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