Author Topic: CHEWIE's customs updated 06.22.2012  (Read 520788 times)

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 08.10.07
« Reply #2625 on: September 12, 2007, 01:01 AM »
Sorry I don't post here much more these days guys, too many sites, too little time.

Anyways, I appreciate the feedback on these and also like the idea that you have Speedermike... I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Here are some of my more recent customs.

Troffar the Terribe - Another version of this Gran from the photonovels.  This is probably going to be how he appears in the next chapter he shows up in.  I've been looking for the right parts for this guy for a couple years now... have had a few versions that I like, but this one is my favorite by far... and it was one of the harded to put together that I've made because of the way the Narnia figure was constructed.

head - POTF2 Ree Yees
torso - Chronicles of Narnia Cyclops
biceps - Evolutions Darth Vader
forearms - Comic Pack Villie
gloves - Comic Pack Villie
tunic - POTC Gotal
thighs - Comic Pack Asharad Hett
shins - Evolutions Darth Vader

Toram Tal Kinsa - In the Rykrof Enloe series there will be Jedi he encounters who survived the purge.  Hence, this one has removed his Padawan braid, feeling he could have saved his master had only he matured faster to becoming a Jedi Knight.

head - Spy Kids
torso - SAGA Outlander Club Obi Wan
tunic - SAGA Outlander Club Obi Wan
arms - Comic Pack Leia
legs - Comic Pack Leai

Trukall - Dantooine resident, for the Rykrof Enloe series.

head - POFT2 Pote Skikin
torso - TAC McChewie
tunic - Order 66 Mace Windu
arms - POTF2 Pote Snikin
legs - TAC Umpass Stay

Sith Lord - made this one for the current customzing gig going on at

head - GTG customs Quilan Vos
torso - TAC Death Star Trooper
biceps - Comic Pack Villie
gloves - Evolutions Darth Vader
legs - TAC Death Star Trooper
tunic - Evolutions Darth Maul

Dantooine Peasant - For the photonovel series, of course!

hat - POTF2 Flashback Luke
head - SAGA2 Endor Rebel
torso - TAC Tatooine Luke
arms - Comic Pack Asharad Hett
legs - Comic Pack Villie

Sarbul the Henchman - Another Badoo Corba baddie...

head - POTC Pablo Jill
hands - POTC Pablo Jill
torso - TAC Umpass Stay
arms - TAC Umpass Stay
legs - TAC Mustafar Miner

Ki Kee Lo Bok - This Crime Lord is my entry in Yakfinities this month.  He is essentially an arms dealer, and runs an illegal operation on Dantooine.  Ki Kee has been known to supply the Badoo Corba terrorist organization as well as acquire goods from the Trade Federation in exchange for his services, which often include the indirect hiring of Bounty Hunters to keep Nute Gunray's hands clean of any involvement. Look for him to appear in the Rykrof Enloe series at some point too! 

head - SAGA 2Kitik Keedkak
arms - SAGA2 Kitik Keedkak
torso - SAGA Elan Sleezbagano
vest - Tantive IV Rebel Fleet Trooper
holster - SAGA2 Garindan
legs - SAGA2 Kitik Keedkak

Pilos the Oracle - A Givin Oracle who will appear in the Rykrof Enloe series.

head - TAC Elis Helrot
torso - TAC Elis Helrot
shoulders - Evolutions Darth Maul
forearms - TAC Elis Helrot
hands - TAC Elis Helrot
tunic - ROTS Mas Amedda
belt - McQuarrie Obi Wan Kenobi

O'nnarga Granno - Just a female Gran, this is just for diorama filler.  Easy custom.

head - ROTS Ask Aak
torso - TAC M'iiyoom Onith   
legs - SAGA Elan Sleezbaganno
hands - ROTS Saesee Tiin

Ranta Rousers - Jedi H'nemthe that will appear in the Rykrof Enloe series.

head - TAC M'iiyoom Onith
hands - VTSC Tusken Raider
torso - ROTS Zett Jukasa
legs - TAC M'iiyoom Onith
tunic - Evolutions Palpatine, SAGA2 Bousch Leia

Felgo the Lost - A nomad Gotal who lives on Dantooine and will appear in the Rykrof Enloe series.

head - POTC Gotal
torso - TAC Elis Helrot
arms - ROTS Mas Amedda
hands - POTC Gotal
thighs - TAC Elis Helrot
tunic - TAC Elis Helrot
shins - Comic Pack Asharad Hett
scarf - TAC Elis Helrot

Also a few photonovel pics from recent chapters if you feel so inclined to check them out.   8)

Offline Deanna Rash

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.12.07
« Reply #2626 on: September 12, 2007, 03:30 PM »
 :o :o :o :o HOLY ****!!!! Chewie!!! THOSE ARE AWESOME!!! 8) 8) Can't wait to see your PN! Great Job on the Customs as always you definatly ROCK!!!! 8)
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.12.07
« Reply #2627 on: September 21, 2007, 12:08 PM »
Thanks Deanna.  I'm really getting behind on photonovel work, but having a kid really changes things!  I'm still committed to them though, but updates will be less frequent moving forward.

But, here's a small custom update.

IMPERIAL RECON SANDTROOPER - My entry for a recent contest over at - just a fan fiction design.  It didn't win the contest but it was still a fun contest to enter.

helmet - SAGA2 Sandtrooper
visor - ROTS Clone Commander
pauldron - SAGA2 Sandtrooper
torso - VSTC Scout trooper
shoulders - VSTC Scout trooper
forearms - SAGA2 Sandtrooper
thighs - ROTS SA Clone trooper
shins - VSTC Sandtrooper

ANAKIN SKYWALKER - A shirtless version that I've been wanting to do for almost two years now.  Before I even got the figure to customize, DD was already making something similar, which is no surprise!  The blue tattoos were removed with Goof-Off.

head - ROTS Evolutions Anakin
torso - TAC Tattoo Anakin
arms - TAC Tattoo Anakin
legs - ROTS Evolutions Anakin
belt - ?

RYKROF ENLOE - The hero of the photonovel series returns to Coruscant in the next chapter... still a bit weary from his captivity with terrorists.

head - SAGA Endor Rebel
torso - TAC Death Star Trooper
arms - TAC Jedi Luke
gloves - ?
tunic - TAC Death Star Trooper
legs - ROTS Prisoner Palpatine

KALA MLY SHUNDI - After an encounter with Count Dooku in Chapter #20 of the photonovel series, Kala is beginning to question the Jedi Order itself.

head - SAGA Jedi Youngling
hood - Evolutions Darth Maul/POTC Pablo Jill mesh
torso - Comic Pack Asharad Hett
arms - Evolutions Palpatine
hands - Comic Pack Darth Vader
legs - Evolutions Darth Maul
tunic - Comic Pack Asharad Hett

Offline patreektherodian

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.21.07
« Reply #2628 on: September 21, 2007, 08:30 PM »
So when and wher can we see this novel

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.21.07
« Reply #2629 on: September 24, 2007, 12:46 PM »

They are in the photonovel section here - but here's a couple links to the most recent ones -




I haven't had time to get started on Chapter 21 yet, but should be able to get it made in October.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.21.07
« Reply #2630 on: September 26, 2007, 10:42 AM »
Got another small update here -

JUNO TASK - Bounty Hunter for the customizing contest this month at - I might use him in a photonovel someday.

helmet - Concept Boba Fett/OTC AT-ST driver
torso - TAC Legends Boba Fett
arms - TAC Legends Boba Fett
legs - TAC Legends Boba Fett
kama - ROTS Clone Commander?

NEETLE NUG - Whacky fan fiction alien.  Just felt like doing something different with this one!

head - some ant creature from Walmart
torso - SAGA2 Lushros Dofine
arms - some squid creature from Michaels

YAKFACE - Vintage style!  You guys will see in October why I made this one.

head - POTF2 Yakface
fur - POTF2 Yakface
torso - VSTC Greedo
arms - POTF2 Yakface
legs - POTF2 Yakface

Offline AmanaMatt

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.26.07
« Reply #2631 on: October 2, 2007, 12:30 AM »
Vintage Yakface is AWESOME!!!! Oh, man, that is great. Let me know if you do side jobs?
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Offline Phrubruh

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.26.07
« Reply #2632 on: October 2, 2007, 03:25 PM »
My favorite of the current set is NEETLE NUG.  He would go good with the praying mantus guy.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.26.07
« Reply #2633 on: October 26, 2007, 12:08 AM »
Thanks guys.

AmanaMatt - I used to do side jobs on customs some but have really had to cut back due to work and adjusting to parenthood.  But if I do get time for a commission on a Yakface like that, I'll shoot you a PM!

Phruby - Ha, I figured you'd like Neetle Nug... kind of think I could see him having a beer with Mongo Beefhead...  ;D

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.26.07
« Reply #2634 on: October 27, 2007, 09:14 AM »

Lots of material I missed over the last few updates. Outstanding. Great photography as well.
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.26.07
« Reply #2635 on: November 14, 2007, 02:47 PM »
Thanks Anton.  Also, looks like I'm due for an update... not much but hang on tight anyway!

Jobo the Ithorian - Look for this guy to eventually appear in a photonovel.

head - SAGA2 Hammerhead
torso - SAGA Dengar
arms - TAC Galactic Marine
runic - SAGA2 Hammerhead
hands - SAGA2 Hammerhead
legs - TAC Roron Corobb
feet - TAC Roron Corobb

Jenesa - Twilek lady who lives on Coruscant, for the Rykrof Enloe series.

head - POTF2 Ooola
arms - POTF2 Endor leia
torso - Annika figure
legs - Pirates Elizabeth Swan

Vampire Imps - Made for the Halloween Yakfinities theme this month, but I think I'll also end up using these guys in a photonovel.

head - Van Helsing bat creature
hands - Van Helsing bat creature
torso - TAC Jawa
wrappings - TAC Asharad Hett

Han Solo - Bespin gear, and I actually tried using the torso from the SAGA2 Carbonite Han as the base for this figure but it didn't turn out well at all.  So I tried using the parts below instead - it's not perfect but I do like it enough until Hasbro makes a definitive version.

head - VOTC Han
torso - VSTC Endor Han
arms - TAC Bespin Han
jacket - TAC Bespin Han
legs - VSTC Endor Han
holster - VSTC Endor Han

Luke Skywalker - In ROJ Final Duel gear, this isn't perfect but good enough for my diorama of him fighting Vader.  I had to insert a plastic rod between the torso and crotch piece since the Palpatine figure doesn't have a peg in the crotch.

head - TAC Jedi Luke
torso - TAC Jedi Luke
arms - TAC Jedi Luke
hands - TAC Jedi Luke
crotch - ROTS Prisoner Palpatine
legs - ROTS Prisoner Palpatine

CZ-22 - Just a droid cobbled together from the new 4-LOM figure - taking apart the 4-LOM is very tricky because of the way he is constructed - I wouldn't recommend trying to take that figure apart after what I went through on this one.

head - TAC CZ-4
rest - TAC CZ-4/TAC 4-LOM kitbash

CZ-3 and CY-12 - The first one is meant to represent the CZ droid we see in ANH.  All I did was use some Goof Off on him to remove some of Hasbro's paint, then touch up with regular acrylic paint on the eyes.  The second droid is a fan fiction one, just repainted. 

parts used - TAC CZ-4

This second pic shows a comparison of the CZ type droids I've customized over the past month or so.  The first one on the left is an unaltered Hasbro version.

Marvel Style Duros - I had a leftover Duros just sitting in a box that I had tried painting about 5 years ago, that looked awful.  Finally I decided to give him a bit of a Marvel style look from the late 1970 Star Wars comics.

parts used - POTJ Ellors Madak

B-3PO - This is a fan fiction droid, I kind of remember seeing something simlar to this paint scheme on a droid back in my childhood from the old Marvel comics.  In addition to the Star Wars parts, I used some real wiring to make him look like he's falling apart.

head - TAC Jabba's Palace C-3PO
torso - TAC CZ-4
left arm - TAC CZ-4
right shoulder - TAC 4-LOM
legs - TAC CZ-4

Creipus - This guy is my second entry for YAK BASH this month.  He's a fan fiction alien that will show up in the Rykrof Enloe series.  Might not look like much, but I actually painted the shirt several layers to get it the color tone I liked; which is a subtle difference from the base figure.  I realize the hands aren't from a squid head, but I like this change for some reason.

head - POTJ Tessek
hands - POFT Hammerhead
torso - ROTS Plo Koon
arms - ROTS Plo Koon
legs - ROTS Count Dooku

Givin Berserker - Here's another entry for this month's Yakfinities.  I might throw this guy into the Rykrof Enloe series at some point.

head - TAC Elis Helrot
hands - TAC Elis Helrot
hood - ROTS Bust Up Mustafar Anakin
torso - TAC Umpass Stay
arms - TAC Umpass Stay
skirt - VSTC Tusken Raider
legs - POTF2 Pote Snikin

Gran Badoo Corba Troopers

head - ROTS Ask Aak
hands - TAC Umpass Stay
rest - TAC Koffi Arana

Rykrof Enloe

head - SAGA Endor Rebel
arms - TAC Lando
torso - ROTS Prisoner Palpatine
legs - ROTS Prisoner Palpatine
hands - TAC McQuarrie Luke
belt - TAC Baron Fel

Alyssa Enloe

head - GI JOE Bombstrike
torso - TAC Bultar Swan
arms - TAC Bultar Swan
legs - TAC McQuarrie Luke

I'm aslo working on the sets for the next photonovel chapter, and it's taking me a lot of time.  Chapter 22 will have a focus on events on Naboo and to do this, I need to create the Enloe Homestead as well as some landscape, and possibly even part of the Theed Palace interior.

So, here's where I started with the homestead, after about six hours of cutting, measuring, glueing and sanding styrene -


I'm going to make it two sided - the front will be the outside portion of the homestead, with the back being the interior.  It's going to end up taking up too much room (and time and money) if I try and make it much bigger, so I'll use some digital trickery to try and make the house itself appear larger than it really is.

The next thing I did was add some balsa wood to it to give the appearance of a roof.  Then, I added some wood paneling to give some extra details.  After that, painting and adding greenery.

Here's where I'm at on the homestead - still have a few touches to add, but for the most part the actual building is complete.

I went the easy way and made this kind of modular - the front is an outside wall to the home, the back is part of the interior.  I went with just one wall because I'll be only using this for a couple shots in the next photonovel.

I need to get to work now on some small details as well as working on the landscaping.  Hopefully by the end of November the homestead will be complete... I haven't done too many projects like this so it's not turning out as good as I hoped it might but it's been fun and a learning experience.

I am considering using magnets to make pieces of the interior removable (windows, panels, pictures, etc.) so I can make it look like it's more than one room.

I also worked on my custom of Caldin Enloe last night for several hours - it's almost done... ignore the picture of that baby in the picture, all I ended up using from it are the hands.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2007, 02:50 PM by CHEWIE »

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 09.12.07
« Reply #2636 on: November 15, 2007, 09:12 AM »
Okay, your new stuff, all high quality. The background environment is sweet. But this:

is one of my all time personal favorites.
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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 11.14.07
« Reply #2637 on: November 24, 2007, 01:47 PM »
im new here but i always browse through all the customs.i would just like to comment first on chewies customs because they are all first class no disrespect to any other customizer on here but the quality of is painting is for his photo novels they are expertly done and im looking forward to chapter 22.once i get used to the forums i will post my customs

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 11.14.07
« Reply #2638 on: November 26, 2007, 02:53 PM »
Thank you very much darth krayt, that's very nice of you to say.  And I'm looking forward to seeing your work!

I also have a new update to share, whoo hoo...

Naboo Landscape - For my next photonovel chapter too.

It was made mainly from pink insulation foam - sanding it down is very, very messy.

Caldin Enloe - Son of Rykrof and Alyssa, for the photonovel series.  Shown with his mother to show scale.  This was very hard to do because I don't sculpt... ever.  This is where Caldin is only about two years old.

face -  ROTS baby Luke Skywalker
head - sculpey
hair - sculpey
collar - sculpey
hands - miniature baby from hobby store
rest - SAGA Tusken child

Rykrof Enloe - Made for the series of course.  Love the new Jango body and thought this might work for a Rykrof.  I might do some painting on this one still (I did retouch the neck already).

head - SAGA Endor Rebel
torso - TAC Jango Fett
arms - TAC Jango Fett
wrists - VSTC Han Solo
hands - TAC Rebel Honor Guard (I think)
legs - TAC Jango Fett
feet - Evolutions Darth Maul

Alyssa Enloe - This is a revised version of the one I posted a couple weeks ago.  Brent pointed out that the old one's legs were manly, so I went with something else.  Her knee caps look funky with the joints but if I use this version in a photonovel, I can clean that up.

head - GI JOE Bombstrike
torso - Comic Pack Bultar Swan
arms - Comic Pack Bultar Swan
hands - Comic Pack Bultar Swan
belt - Comic Pack Bultar Swan
legs - TAC McQuarrie Starkiller Hero

Lava Ti - This is just a no paint kit bash for this month's Yakfinities.

head - SAGA Twilek
torso - POTC Swan
arms - POTC Swan
legs - POTC Swan
hands - SAGA Twilek

Queen Jamila - This is a new version of her, for the photonovels.  There are also new guards in this image too.

Queen Jamila
head - Comic Pack Bultar Swan
torso - Lucas Daughter (Twilek)
arms - Lucas Daughter (human)
hands - Lucas Daughter (human)
collar - TGC Nicole Kidman

helmet - EPI Naboo Guard
head - 21st Century, POTF2 Admiral Motti
torso - OTC General Madine
arms - OTC General Madine
gloves - OTC General Madine
legs - Evolutions Darth Maul
armor - SAGA2 Death Star Trooper

Bledda - This is a new version that I just finished up for the Rykrof Enloe series.  I needed something with more articulation and I liked the idea of a cloak.

helmet - TAC Jango Fett
head - you'll find out in the photonovel series
torso - TAC Jango Fett
arms - ROTS Royal Guard
thights - ROTS Royal Guard
shins - ROTS AT-RT Driver
poncho - TAC Jango Fett

Padme Amidala - A new version of Padme, will probably appear at some point in the photonovel series.  This was a pain to make, the material was very hard to work with and I hate having to paint faces to match other skin tones and then detail the eyes!

head - SAGA Lars Homestead Padme
arms - POTF2 Princess Leia Collection Ceremony Leia
torso - SAGA Lars Homestead Padme
robes - TGC female figure, cut and reworked

Offline Deanna Rash

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Re: Customs by CHEWIE updated 11.14.07
« Reply #2639 on: November 26, 2007, 03:56 PM »
 :o Totally Cool Chew! Eagerly await the next PN! Your customs are cool too!Keep up the great work!
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