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Topics - danielb

Pages: [1]
Star Wars Action Figures / First Star Wars Custom
« on: June 4, 2005, 02:01 PM »

I got email from chewie saying I should check this place out, so here I am.
I've become addicred to ROTS figs and when I saw Aaylas arms I knew I had to do something. 

The link below takes you over to her post at joecustoms,  I hope you enjoy,
and chewie thanks for the envite.

All I did is add a set of VvV Scarlet arms to Aayla's shoulders.

I cut her arms off just below the shoulder and scarlets off right
beneath those bowling balls she calls shoulders. I used a hot needle to
make two pilot holes in the meaty part of both the shoulder and the
upper arms. Then I glued in pins made out of needles and attached
the lower to the upper.

I sanded the lower arms to match but left the forearm guard on the left.
I attempted to paint to match but never quite nailed the grey color I wanted.
I always liked the look of obi in clone armor so I wanted to add a bit of that
I also added knee pads so her legs wouldn't bend all crazy.

The only thing I don't like right now is her right hand. When I first had the two pieces of
arm together I was all excited and in a rush. I was also way too tired. So the peg hole isn't as straight as I'd like.

Let me know what ya'll think.


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