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Messages - MeBeJedi

Pages: [1]
The Original Trilogy / Re: Anything give you the willies??
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:31 PM »
"Jedi well it's gotta be the crappy background paintings when jabbas barge blows up and when the magnet comes down"

And the Falcon behind Han and Lando.

"I *dont* like the new circular rings when the DS's blow up."

I know someone who is DE-SEing the DVDs, and another person just pointed out that the Anamorphic WOW footage shows the ROTJ DS explosion without the rings. It should be very easy to splice in.  8)

The Original Trilogy / Re: Why have a 2nd Death Star in ROTJ?
« on: February 12, 2005, 02:24 PM »
"I think if we got ROTJ today, we'd see the third act be the rebellion battling in the skies over Coruscant, paralleling the ROTS opening battle, and the Jedi showdown taking place somewhere more resonant, like in a Sith controlled Jedi Temple. Put the Emperor's chair in the circular Jedi Council, and you'd bookend the trilogy just dandy"

You are more right than you know, considering that in the early writings of ROTJ, Luke encountered Vader and Palpatine on "Had Abbadon, capital of the Galactic Empire. The planet is completely covered by cities and is shrouded in a sickly brown haze. Orbiting the polluted planet is the Green Moon." - Annotated Screenplays.

Of course, above this planet, there were two Death Stars being built. ;)

Funny how the "city planet" became a forest planet occupied by ewoks, and the number of Death Stars was knocked down to one. (Oh, the final lightsaber battle took place under the surface of the planet, near lava.)

"and the Endor Space Battle still ranks as one of my most favorite moments of Star Wars."


The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Anakin is Vader Before the Suit?!?
« on: January 8, 2005, 07:32 PM »
"I always thought he'd be Vader after the whole...


Mace confrontation and the Jedi Temple raid. "

According to spoilers, this is when Palpatine finally spills the beans about himself being a Sith. Then he shows off his awesome abilities by killing Mace. Therefore, Anakin would become Vader after this scene, but before the suit (which was only intended to keep him alive, not to make him a Sith.)

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: VOTC/OTC Purchases
« on: January 7, 2005, 09:19 PM »
I saw about 5-6 Millenium Falcons at Target (Southern California), but other than that I've seen almost no Star Wars that I can recall.

The Original Trilogy / Re: The Return Of Spaceballs?
« on: January 6, 2005, 01:01 AM »
" Well I'm sure Mel will come up with some good stuff.  There is just too much material for him to sink his teeth into."

All he need do is re-release TPM with the title "SpaceBalls: The Search for More Money".  I laughed through it the first time, and I'll do so again. ;)

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Picture Thread
« on: January 5, 2005, 11:39 AM »
"Thanks!  Don't know if I mentioned, but I love "collecting" all the video clips on SW anytime I can find them.  I have hrs. upon hrs. of TV clips, local news broadcasts, commercials, etc.

so, anytime you guys run across something  SW blurbs coming on TV, please post it."

bobafett14, you will like this link.

Click on Natalie's pic.

Interestingly enough, it looks like Kenny Baker was not there, as I had originally joked. And if you look carefully, Yoda has no head!  :o  ;D

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Picture Thread
« on: January 4, 2005, 11:21 PM »
"I think it's kinda funny that the OT guys distance themselves from Lucas!!"

They are afraid he might change them. He does own the rights to their likenesses. ;)

JediMAC, are you the same one from TF.n?

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Picture Thread
« on: January 4, 2005, 09:24 PM »
"And welcome to JD MeBeJedi"

Thank you. I'm more interested in the movie boards, but since no one has responded there lately, I've been reading the toy threads. Neat stuff there.

"but where's Ray Park, dammit!"

LOL. In that vein, how do we know that Kenny Baker is really in R2? ;)

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Picture Thread
« on: January 4, 2005, 02:25 PM »
"This is the movie for people who didn't quite get the last two but enjoyed the first three," says JIM WINDOLF, contributing editor for Vanity Fair. "They're going to understand because there's going to be Wookies. So you can't go wrong with a lot of Wookies in the movie."


"I have hrs. upon hrs. of TV clips, local news broadcasts, commercials, etc."

And I thought my LD-to-DVD project was obsessive.  ;)

Actually, I've been collecting non-SW clips that make reference to the films (hockey game in Strange Brew, anyone?) to put on my DVDs. Do you have anything like that?

BTW, why is this the only movie thread getting any action?  :(

"I knew there was a rumor it could be PG-13 but nothing from Lucas about it until now.  Nice!"

Well, he also said he thought ROTS would make the least amount of money as well. That being said, I'm sure he's not too concerned about how well ROTS will sell, either at the theaters or the stores.

Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Get any Star Wars for Christmas??
« on: January 2, 2005, 10:11 AM »
"and the Holiday Special on DVD"

The SW equivalent of coal in one's stocking.  :P

I got the Millenium Falcon for Christmas. I'm lucky I did, since my wife said I spent my Christmas money on the X-Wing/Tie Fighter set at Costco.

Interestingly enough, the figures that come with the Falcon box don't have blasters or such. Only Kenobi has a lightsaber (hilt, no blade),  and you can't make him sit down with that damn robe.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode 1 - Balance of the Force?
« on: January 1, 2005, 06:45 PM »
You can find more information about this, as well as Magnoliafan's other works, at Rikter will send you a copy for the price of a DVD.

The Original Trilogy / Re: ROTJ Sound Funny?
« on: January 1, 2005, 05:34 PM »
Hi, first time poster at these boards, but quite a regular at many other SW boards.

Just wanted to say it's a nice change to see more people who are not so blinded by the LFL gods as to not see (or worse yet, try to explain away) the atrocious changes made to the OT, in the form of the SE's or the "straight-to-video" DVD versions.

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be much traffic in this OT forum, but that just means there's less BS than at other boards.  ;)

BTW, myself and other like-minded individuals are working hard on various restored versions of the OT to put on DVD. If this interests you, head down to OriginalTrilogy.Com/Original Trilogy Preservation. Make sure you sign the sign the petition  as well. A quick glance will show you that more than 5 people are upset about these changes.  :D

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