Author Topic: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!  (Read 46078 times)

Online Jeff

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #90 on: May 26, 2004, 10:11 AM »
Hey, wait a minute:
Do you think they've fixed the rocket/button atrocity or they just used an old pic for the list?

I don't think so.  I think that the figures on the checklist MUST be taken with a grain of salt.  Hasbro is being awfully liberal with the "product may vary" statement lately.

If you take a close look at the cardback from the HoF R2-D2:

You can see that the R2-D2 pictured is the BaR2-D2 figure with the drink tray removed (the third leg is the give-away).  Since, we know for a fact that the figure is definately a repaint of the PotJ R2 (Naboo Escape) figure, we can only assume that they were just too lazy to take a new picture.

This photo from the back of the Hall of Fame R2 is the one used for the OTC checklist.  This is causing some people to assume that the OTC R2 (#12) is not the PotJ Naboo one, because the pictures don't match.  That makes no sense to me becuase they've already given us an R2 figure that doesn't match the picture once.  What's to stop them from doing it again?

Another example is the figure with cup Hoth Pilot Luke.  Again, what we got doesn't match the picture.  The photo shows a removable helmet Luke, but we got a PotF2 head.  Lazy or cheap?  You decide.

With that in mind, I also noticed that the picture of Fett on the Bar2-D2 card is the same as the OTC checklist picture, with the "good" rocket on the pack but that's not the figure we got.  I'm going to have to go with "re-used old photo" and the standard Hasbro "product may vary" crap.

The whole OTC line screams of lazy/rush job to me, so I highly doubt that any re-tooling is done.  The only changes we've seen so far (Hoth Vader, Bespin Luke) have been minor changes (+/-) to paint decos.

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #91 on: May 26, 2004, 10:21 AM »
Never noticed that before, good eye Jeff and its certainly a dissapointment.  I sure hope Bespin Luke doesn't change because I am actually looking forward to that rerelease.  The rest though hopefully don't rot on the pegs :-X :'(

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #92 on: May 26, 2004, 10:56 AM »
I agree, I'm also looking forward to the Bespin Luke re-release...that's a good variant idea actually I think.  I know I'd like to have a "clean" version in the collection as well.


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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #93 on: May 26, 2004, 11:14 AM »
I, too, am looking forward to the "clean" Bespin Luke.

These are the type of changes that would be easy for the Big H to do and probably get a lot more people interested.  I can't see them re-tooling anyone or any parts, but I can see them changing the Paint Deco slightly (Like Vader Hoth and Luke).  In fact, this "clean" Bespin Luke is probably cheaper for them to do because he takes less paint applications than the original.

Here's a quick look at how they could have released "old" figures, but change them up quickly and easily to be "new" figures.

#17 Wicket (Return of the Jedi) - repaint and call him generic "Ewok", fans can fill in the name later.  In fact, repaint him twice (dark brown and gray) and reuse the same package a la the Luke variations

#22 Greedo (A New Hope) - A few different colors and he's "Beedo" the rodian in Jabba's Palace

#27 IG-88 (The Empire Strikes Back) - remold in a light gray and call him IG-72, use the photo from the Bespin scene where he's laying in a pile of junk as Chewie retrieves 3PO from the ugnaughts.

So many wasted ideas...

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #94 on: May 27, 2004, 01:33 PM »
You know, looking back at the Cargo Bay for pics of the OTC, one of the re-releases I'm really looking forward to is the Gam. Guard.  I missed out on this figure the first time around, and when looking at these pics, the paint seems to be changed considerably (for the better).


Looks pretty good to me anyways.  Hopefully he won't be too tough to find.


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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #95 on: May 27, 2004, 10:23 PM »
What a difference a paintjob makes. The original Gam still holds up well - I can't think of anything to really change on him, sculpt wise. Hopefully he'll be around in enough quantity to army build.

I wish that freakin' Bib didn't make it though. That's a disaster. Only topped in suckiness by the Scanning Crew Tool.  >:( I don't see how they could even consider these figures when compiling the OTC release list. I mean, come on, show some dignity.

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #96 on: May 29, 2004, 04:51 PM » has carded pictures up for:

#12 R2-D2 (A New Hope)
#13 C-3PO (A New Hope)
#14 Boba Fett (Return of the Jedi)
#15 Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope)
#16 Stormtrooper (A New Hope)
#17 Wicket (Return of the Jedi)
#18 Princess Leia (The Empire Strikes Back)
#19 Cloud Car Pilot (The Empire Strikes Back)
#20 Lobot (The Empire Strikes Back)

Pretty cool cards... if they weren't dang resculpts :(

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #97 on: May 29, 2004, 04:54 PM »
Do you think they've fixed the rocket/button atrocity or they just used an old pic for the list?

Note the old non-rocket button on fett:

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2004, 04:56 PM »
Looks like R2D2 is denifately the PotJ version, despite the different picture on the back of the package and the checklist...

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #99 on: May 29, 2004, 07:03 PM »
Yeah, pretty cool.

A couple odd choices of backgrounds to match the figures though. 3P0's cardback is great, if they had been releasing a Tatooine-dirtied figure. The Yavin ceremony steps behind him would have made more sense. Same with Ben - good background, wrong figure in front of it. He wears his cloak until the MF. I guess I'm picking nits though.

Shame about that Fett missile.

The POTJ R2's third leg is fixed, not retractable, right?

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #100 on: May 30, 2004, 09:44 AM »
I'm starting to wonder if the Bespin Luke might not be new afterall and they'll release him with the blood and dirt.  if so I've just saved $15 and Hasbro will have try and pawn those off on some new sucker

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #101 on: May 30, 2004, 12:03 PM »
I saw something yesterday on one of my toy runs that proved to me that the rehashes are selling. There was a group of around 5 or so kids (probably 6-7 years old) crouded around the Star Wars pegs, they had arm fulls of figures, mainly the rehash ones. One kid said to his mom: 'Mommy, look at all these cool Star Wars figers!' It proved to me that the rehashes do sell and that kids are still interested in the line.
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #102 on: June 3, 2004, 02:50 PM »
Over the past 10 years, I've never seen a kid buy a SW figure myself.

Crazy carded rehashes galore in this OTC line.  So are we still really just dealing with the two new waves of 7 new figures and that's it?  Definitely disappointing if that's indeed the case.  I'm sure there's going to be a few new waves that we don't know about yet prior to Ep. 3's release, since there's just too much time in between.

But I've gotta say that these new OTC cards are really sweet!  I'll definitely be picking some of them up just for aesthetic reasons.  Just too nice to pass up.  Weird that Hasbro goes through all the effort to nail the perfect packaging, and then puts NO effort into the figures themselves.  Very strange.


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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #103 on: June 3, 2004, 06:31 PM »
If I were to average my sightings of kids versus 25-35 year old males, over the entire modern era, I would give it a ratio of 1in20. The only time I noticed kids more was during early Episode 2 days, say June, 2002. That's not to say no one is there buying these for their kids, or are in that 25-35 demo and just getting into the line.

The new packaging should do a lot to draw people to the SW aisle for sure. It's purdy, nostalgic, and classy. Having an assortment of core characters makes sense, too. Both are sure to draw new customers and all us completists in initially.

Not offering great figures to back up the potential of the packaging and concept is amazingly dimwitted, however. OTC seems to be a greatest hits line, which would be fine, but please – Bib Fortuna POTF, Wicket, Scanning Technician? These are terrible, horrible figures. Are these the examples of the line’s quality you want to impress upon new customers?

I’m not all against repacks. Just release good ones and have a little dignity, for the love of all things holy.


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Re: Recarded rehashes up the ying yang!
« Reply #104 on: June 11, 2004, 08:40 PM »
So the clean Bespin Luke looks confirmed:

and I think I was pretty dang close on this one!  :P I like my "action" scene better though.

It also looks like they're really rushing these cards. The Star Destroyer Bounty Hunters have pretty vague and dodgy backgrounds, and the TIE Pilot one is pretty iffy, too. There's no contrast between the figures and their BGs. Too dang dark.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2004, 08:43 PM by Tydirium »