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Topics - JediMAC

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Feedback / vader8080's feedback
« on: August 12, 2005, 02:59 PM »
Got a quick money order sent down from Jason here for a C3 Vader.  Smooth transaction, and a recommended trader.  Thanks!

- Matt

Feedback / zachmoe's feedback
« on: August 10, 2005, 01:16 AM »
I see that Zach has finally signed up at JD, so it's time to get him started with some well deserved feedback here.  He sent me a Red Clonetrooper 3-pack a couple weeks ago, since I was having a hell of a time tracking one down.  Good trader, and recommended to all the JD'ers here.

Thanks Zach!  Hopefully we can do it again sometime...

- Matt

Feedback / jr87mustang's feedback
« on: July 30, 2005, 03:14 PM »
Just got a super fast payment from jr87mustang here for one of my leftover C3 Vaders.  Good communication, and a recommended trader to everyone here at JD.  Thanks Joshua!

- Matt

Announcements / Store Reports section is now PRIVATE!
« on: July 28, 2005, 02:29 AM »
Hey everyone.  Just wanted to make a brief, but exciting, JD announcement here.  I just modified the Store Reports section of our forums, and we've gone totally private with our Finds section now - at least to anyone who's not a registered, or logged in, JD user.  "Guests" can no longer view the Store Reports section, and neither can any of us unless we're logged in here (so keep your JD Cookie intact).

We'll probably be able to notice any newly registered members watching any respective Finds threads, but not participating (mods can see what members are doing when they're online).  So if we see that happening much, we'll be sure to drop the member a line to see what the deal is.  Hopefully this will eliminate any unwanted eyes from spying on your guys' great store reports.

So we hope you enjoy your newfound privacy! If you have any questions or comments about this, just drop Jeff or I a line and we'll be happy to discuss it with you...

- Matt

Feedback / psu189's feedback
« on: July 27, 2005, 02:17 PM »
Just got a lightning quick payment from psu189 for a Comic Con exclusive I picked up for him.  First time dealing with Brian, and it's been a pleasure.  Good communication, and a smooth transaction.  Recommended to all JD'ers!  Thanks Brian...  8)

- Matt

Feedback / Jon's (pks Darth Slothus) feedback
« on: July 26, 2005, 02:44 PM »
Just got a bigtime hookup on the elusive ROTS Red Clonetrooper 3-pack from Darth Slothus here.  Jon's only been at JD for less than a week, and he's already kicking ass on helping folks out.  Thanks a ton Jon!  Thank your bro for sending it down to me too.  I owe ya' one!  Your Tarkin (and another ROTS figure) will be waiting for you...  ;)

- Matt

Saga Collection '06 / Welcome to the new Saga Collection forum!
« on: July 13, 2005, 06:58 PM »
Well, we've been mulling over whether it's time to start a new forum section here on whatever line it is that Hasbro has in store for us once the Revenge of the Sith line has (soon) run it's course.  So that brings us here, to the new "Whatever the hell it's called" forum.

Might just be the somewhat redundant and potentially confusing The Saga Collection, per RS's rumored label.  But we'll wait and see what Hasbro has to say on it before we decide for sure.  We'll start it out with a few of these threads that for sure fall into this line, though we'll likely move some more in here soon.  Sounds like there's going to be a slight change to the packaging from the OTC/Post-OTC run, so if that's really the case, then we'll definitely keep this section going.  But if it's nearly identical, maybe we'll move it all back into the OTC one.  Could be a long running subline too, worth of it's own section here.  Time will tell...

Or, would you JD'ers just prefer things to remain status quo, and have us just lump everything into the OTC/Post-OTC forum like we've been doing?  We're open to your thoughts on the matter, as always...

- Matt

Feedback / Ook's feedback
« on: July 9, 2005, 12:42 PM »
Just polished off my first transaction with Ook, and it went very smoothly.  Fast payment!  Highly recommended trader...  Thanks Ook!

- Matt

Modern Classifieds / FS: C3 exclusive Vaders - $15 each
« on: July 8, 2005, 04:49 AM »
Updating this with some leftover C3 Vaders that I still have, from folks who canceled their orders on them with me after I got back from Indy.  So holler if you want any (MOMC).  $15 each.  No C3 Starcases though.  Sorry!

- Matt

I've decided I don't need quite so many VOTC extras, so I'm ditching a few tomorrow night (before my TRU receipt expires), but figured I'd see if anyone else may want them instead of TRU.  So if you're interested, they're $10 each and MOMC:

2x Boba Fett
2x Darth Vader (both pending)
2x Chewbacca (both pending)

Holler quick if you do, otherwise they'll be back on the pegs by nightfall!

- Matt

Now that we've finally run out of exclusives to hand out, it's on to Round 6 of JediDefender's giveaway bonanza.  Up next: A Clonetrooper Army Building Set!  Yep, five of your very own ROTS #41 super-articulated Clonetroopers for your army building pleasure...  So head on over to our main page and click the Clone Army Giveaway button for all the juicy details on how to enter...

Good luck to everyone!

Anyone nab an extra copy (or two) of the free ROTS "Who's Your Daddy" Vader poster that theaters were giving away on Father's day this past weekend?  If so, give me a holler!  I could trade you the ROTS figure poster from C3 for it, or toss you a couple bucks for it instead...

Also looking for Series 1 of the Walmart Titanium ships and the Stormtrooper/IG-88/Aurra Unleashed wave (loose is fine).

I've got extras of pretty much anything from the ROTS line, except the Red Royal Guard, and the Crispy Anakin wave.

I've also still got a C3 Vader or two lying around that I could trade...

- Matt

Anyone nab an extra copy (or two) of the free ROTS "Who's Your Daddy" Vader poster that theaters were giving away on Father's day this past weekend?  If so, give me a holler!  I'd toss a couple bucks your way for one, or could trade you the ROTS figure poster from C3 for it...

I'm also looking for Series 1 of the Titanium ships from Walmart, along with the Stormtrooper/IG-88/Aurra Sing Unleashed wave (loose is fine).

Wow, this one looks like a beauty!  I think this is gonna be one of those real must-haves as far as Star Wars reference books go.  Almost a coffee table type of book, it seems.  Beautiful cover too.  It sounds like it's going to be a giant compendium of all of DK's previous books: Incredible Cross-Sections, Inside the Worlds of... and Visual Dictionary, for the entire Saga.  Wonder what it's gonna cost...  I'm guessing at least $50, probably more.

From the Official Site:

This Fall, the time is right for Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide, written by saga expert Ryder Windham. The entire Star Wars experience is explored -- from the films, expanded universe, behind-the-scenes, collecting, Star Wars fandom, and more. It's the perfect introduction for new fans and an invaluable addition to every fan's collection. Here's a preview of some of the spreads in the book, which is due out in October.


Announcements / Sorry for the downtime this week.
« on: June 17, 2005, 07:26 PM »
The entire JediDefender staff would like to apologize to all of our members, friends, and readers out there for the lengthy downtime that we've experienced this week.  Chris Berry has been busting his ass for the past 3 days to move JD to an all-new server after some increasingly problematic technical issues we were starting to experience recently.  Looks like things are finally back up and running smoothly now, so hopefully there's no further bumps in the road.

We thank you all for the support you've shown, and for stickin' around.  Now get your asses back into the forum and have some fun!  :P


Yes, it's already that time again.  The Holo Yoda has now been won, following in the footsteps of the exclusive Lava and C3 Vader figures.  So step on up for Round 4 of JD's ROTS exclusives giveaway!  On tap this time is Walmart's exclusive Early Bird kit.  So if you're in need of one, and are an active member of the JediDefender forum community, swing on by the main page and register to win one of these sets, and the four new figures that will soon be accompanying it...  8)

Good luck everyone!

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