The General Grievous series artwork could be A LOT better. I just picked up #3 (along with Republic #76) at lunch time and I'll be reading them tonight.
I did thumb through the GG #3 and to be honest, what I was looking forward to more than anything else was that Grievous' "experiment" actually came to fruition. While I know to some people that may seem cruel, but a month or so later from the time period of this book, all of the Jedi children are slaughtered anyway, so to see the technology of GG's body wedded to one of those younglings would have been a dark and interesting look into how truly perverted and evil Grievous is. I think the series in general would have been better served with (a) better art and (b) a more adult storyline as opposed to (a) kindergarten level art and (b) a kid-friendly story.