Author Topic: Much Needed Resculpts  (Read 5837 times)

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Much Needed Resculpts
« on: January 16, 2005, 10:27 AM »
Reading the thread on Post-ROTS repacks got me thinking about many of the figures that have come out over the years that are either outdated, sculpt-wise, now or that could use some retooling to make a better figure.  So, in my anal retentive way of doing things (and since it's Sunday morning and I need to get my mind off of financial woes for 20 minutes at least), I went through the list of POTF2/TPM/POTJ/Saga figures and looked at what figures I thought could really use a resculpt, maybe for some kind of "farewell" line of figures in a year or so.  I also have an idea for a subline at the bottom of the list that hits on some other people that may seem left out in the initial list.  I'm very interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on these:


-OOM-9 (they could just release the Trophy Edition sculpt and include a mini-Nute and Rune hologram)
-C-3P0 (as much as I love the Episode I figure, an updated version with a lot of attention paid to the paint would rule)
-Pit Droids (release the overseas exclusive pack-ins as a Clone Trooper-esque variant thing; 2 per pack with different colors and accessories)


-Anakin Skywalker in Peasant Disguise (no action features, please)
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (in full Jedi robes with great articulation)
-Padme Droid Factory Chase (with new head and "unaction" cape)
-C-3P0 (metallic, thank you very much)
-Taun We (in scale)
-Jar Jar Binks (non action pose)
-San Hill (yes, he's obscure, but the three pack version sucked)
-the Drugged Out Kaminoan (those of you who have watched the "Puppets to Pixels" doc on the AOTC DVD know of whom I speak; dare I say the "Ice Cream Maker Guy" of the PT?) ;D


-Owen Lars (now, please)
-R5-D4 (again, now, please)
-Rebel Fleet Trooper (okay, I have no problem with the POTJ version, and this is just thrown in as a shout-out to Jesse)
-Han Stormtrooper (VOTC body with AT-ST Han head and a new helmet)
-Luke Stormtrooper (VOTC body with new head and helmet)
-Grand Moff Tarkin
-Death Star Trooper
-Ceremonial Luke Skywalker
-Wedge Antilles (Gold Leader body with mods and a new head and helmet)
-Biggs Darklighter (GL body with mods and a new head and helmet)
-Red Leader (GL body with mods and a new head and helmet)
-While we're at it, let's make a series of Rebel Pilots in X-Wing gear with switchable heads and helmets)


-Princess Leia in Hoth Gear
-Hoth Rebel Soldier (mega articulation please)
-General Veers (with removable helmet and armor)
-Captain/Admiral Piett
-Zuckuss (at the very least they could "seal" his cloak)
-Bespin Security (white box army builder with different heads and hands)
-Han Solo in Carbonite (go all out on this one)


-Darth Vader with Removable Helmet
-Ishi Tib (Jabba's Palace)
-Gammorrean Guard
-Bib Fortuna
-Sy Snootles (vintage with feathers please)
-Leia in Boussh Disguise
-Chewbacca as Boussh's Bounty (VOTC with chain would work)
-Weequay Skiff Guard
-Emperor Palpatine
-Admiral Ackbar
-Mon Mothma
-Endor Han Solo (soft goods coat)
-Endor Princess Leia (soft goods cloak and removable helmet)
-Endor Luke Skywalker (soft goods cloak and removable helmet)
-Wicket the Ewok
-Logray the Ewok
-Paploo the Ewok
-Biker Scout (mega articulated with a speeder bike)
-Spirit of Anakin Skywalker (with Hayden's head)
-Spirit of Yoda (pack-in with Anakin?)

Also, with the general success of the VOTC line, I figured it might be cool to have a "Prequel Wrap-Up" version of the line with unique characters from the Prequel trilogy.  Each of these would be "ultimate" versions of the characters done on vintage styled cards in the clamshells like the VOTC:


1.  Battle Droid (super articulation)
2.  Darth Maul (cloth cloak, splitting lightsaber, super articulation)
3.  Jar Jar Binks (super articulation)
4.  Qui-Gon Jinn (cloth cloak, super articulation)


1.  Jango Fett (removable helmet, switchable backpacks, and super articulation)
2.  Mace Windu (cloth cloak and super articulation)
3.  Count Dooku (cloth cape and super articulation)
4.  Padme Amidala (white outfit with super articulation)


1.  General Grievous (cloth cape and super articulation)
2.  Palpatine (cloth cloak and super articulation)
3.  Anakin Skywalker (cloth cloak and super articulation)
4.  ???

Thoughts?  Am I mad?

Offline Darby

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2005, 08:33 PM »
You're only mad when it comes to the SA Jar Jar.   ;)

Offline CloneF13Y35

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #2 on: March 3, 2005, 03:47 PM »
A bunch of characters come to mind for decent/updated resculpts to match the current sculpting and articulation. In no particular order:
C-3p0 - come on, we need a fully articulated droid here!
Jango Fett - needs ball socket joints while keeping the removable helmet.
Owen/Beru Lars (young and old) - lukes' family, we need them!
Nute Gunray, need a figure in a more posable design.
Zuckuss and 4Lom - bounty hunters! Need we say more?
Obi-wan and Anakin from ep2, decent sculpts and articulation.
Queen Jamilla from ep2.
Admiral Piett, Capt Needa, and other on screen Imperial officers.
Adml Ozzell - one who looks like the actor.

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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #3 on: March 3, 2005, 09:37 PM »
Well, I like your ideas.  I would add in a new Sio Bibble to the EPI basic figure mix along with resculpts of the Naboo Guards.

For the VOTC, I don't think a Battle Droid is a good idea.  $10 is just too much for this army-builder.  Not that your ideas are bad, but here's my VPTC list -


Qui Gon Jinn
Obi Wan Kenobi
Darth Maul
Nute Gunray


Jango Fett
Padme Amidala (Arena)
Count Dooku


General Grievous
Anakin Skywalker
Emperor Palpatine
Mace Windu


Offline Pete_Fett

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #4 on: March 7, 2005, 12:45 PM »
Call me crazy, but I would love to see a SA Battledroid that is made out of sturdy plastic AND has the ability to go from "storage mode" to "deployed".

Unlike the Droideka, the "folded" mode of the Battledroids is simplistic enough that this should be possible to make.

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Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2005, 12:23 PM »
The can update almost any POTF2 scuplt, but at the top of my list are:

Death Star Trooper
Imperial Scanning Crew member
Luke X-wing (the POTJ was pretty whimpy)
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Offline John C

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #6 on: July 2, 2005, 12:28 AM »
R5D4 is a must, as is X-Wing Luke.  The older versions are lacking IMO.  I would also like to see a soft goods Jawa, a Death Squad/Star Commander, Endor soft goods Luke, Han and Leia and the Ewoks that have not been updated.

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #7 on: July 2, 2005, 12:01 PM »
Well, I like your ideas.  I would add in a new Sio Bibble to the EPI basic figure mix along with resculpts of the Naboo Guards.

For the VOTC, I don't think a Battle Droid is a good idea.  $10 is just too much for this army-builder.  Not that your ideas are bad, but here's my VPTC list -


Qui Gon Jinn
Obi Wan Kenobi
Darth Maul
Nute Gunray


Jango Fett
Padme Amidala (Arena)
Count Dooku


General Grievous
Anakin Skywalker
Emperor Palpatine
Mace Windu


I really like your lineup, Chewie.  I'd change 2 things.  Replace Nute Gunray with a Destroyer Droid, and C-3PO with a Clone Trooper.
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Offline Brian

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #8 on: July 6, 2005, 02:40 PM »
Although a lot of people might disagree, there's actually several OT characters from the POTF2 line that I'd like to see get resculpted.  Some weren't too bad for the time, but after seeing the more recent offerings from Hasbro, I think they all can be improved upon.  Sprinkled in with "all new" figures of course as well.  Much of this might be because I missed the early stages of POTF2, and just started collecting towards the end, but I do think there are a number of improvements that could be made to the majority of the figures.

Main Characters

Han Solo - Endor, Stormtrooper, Carbonite
Luke Skywalker - Stormtrooper, Endor, Jedi Duel
Princess Leia - Ceremonial, Endor, Boussh
Chewbacca - After VOTC and Early Bird versions, should be ok with Chewie.
R2-D2 - Probably pretty good here as well, maybe a "lightsaber launching" version if done decently.
C-3PO - Not necessarily a resculpt, but maybe one with articulated knees (Endor Throne?)
Lando Calrissian - Probably set here as well after VOTC, OTC General, and Saga/OTC Skiff Guard
Darth Vader - VOTC/Evolutions should cover us.
Stormtrooper - VOTC - re-release it....all the time :)

Supporting Characters

This list could go on and on, but here's a few that I wouldn't mind seeing

Bib Fortuna
Grand Moff Tarkin
Wedge Antilles
Hoth Rebel Soldier
Hoth Snowtrooper
Biker Scout (SA)
etc., etc., etc.

Like I said, many/most could be done much better now...but keeping the balance between all new characters and resculpts would be key.  Looking over the list by Doctor Padawan, that probably covers the majority that would be nice to see.  I hope we see a return to more OT next year, because after re-arranging my figures into display cases this weekend (one for PT, one for OT)...after removing out-dated POTF2 versions, the Prequel display is quite a bit beefier (thanks to the movie years), and that just ain't right ;).

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2005, 02:54 AM »
Somewhere around here I probably have a big list of the resculpts I want. And I would like to see most of the ones people mentioned above.

But off the top of my head the three I would like most right now are:

--SA Tusken Raider that comes in a couple of robe and gear variants, a la the ROTS Wookiee figures.

--an entirely fresh sculpt of "mobile Jabba" from TPM and the ANH DVD (the two models are pretty similar)

--SA Jango with interchangeable jetpacks and removable helmet. I bet you could even reuse some of the components of VOTC Boba.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2005, 03:00 AM by Valin Kenobi »
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Offline Brian

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2006, 12:23 PM »
After posting in the VOTC/VTSC thread, it got me to thinking further about the original rumor about the "entire vintage line seeing this treatment" that we heard awhile back.  Looking at the list of vintage figures, we've gotten quite a few nicely sculpted, and in most cases, well articulated re-dos throughout the OTC, VOTC, TSC, and VTSC lines (and EB set) the past couple of years.  Others have decent figures from previous POTF2, POTJ, and Saga lines...but just looking at the past couple of years, with how far sculpting has come in that time, we're still doing pretty good.  I also left some off the "crossed off" because they could probably be improved upon (Jedi Luke, Bespin Han/Luke, Emperor, etc.)  Looking at the list of vintage figures, quite a few have been covered:

Star Wars
Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
Han Solo
Darth Vader

Death Squad Commander/Star Destroyer Commander
Tusken Raider/Sandpeople

Walrus Man
Death Star Droid
Luke Skywalker: X-Wing
Power Droid
Boba Fett

The Empire Strikes Back
Bespin Guard - White
Han Solo - Hoth
Lando Calrissian
Luke Skywalker - Bespin
Princess Leia Organa - Bespin
Rebel Soldier - Hoth

Han Solo - Bespin
AT-AT Driver
Princess Leia Organa - Hoth
Imperial Commander
Rebel Commander (Derlin?)
AT-AT Commander (Veers?)
Luke Skywalker - Hoth
R2-D2 w/Sensorscope
Bespin Security Guard - African American
Cloud Car Pilot
C-3PO - removable limbs
TIE Fighter Pilot

Return of the Jedi
Admiral Ackbar
Lando Calrissian - Skiff Guard
Nien Nunb
Bib Fortuna
Biker Scout
Chief Chirpa

Royal Guard (ROTS version?)
Gamorrean Guard
General Madine
Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight (Saga Version - maybe could be improved upon though?)
Princess Leia Organa - Boussh Disguise
Rebel Commando
Ree Yees
Squid Head
Klaatu - Skiff
The Emperor
AT-ST Driver
B-Wing Pilot
Han Solo - Trenchcoat
Princess Leia Organa - Combat Poncho
Rancor Keeper
Wicket W. Warrick

Power of the Force
R2-D2 - Pop up lightsaber
A-Wing Pilot
Han in Carbonite (TSC?)
Imperial Dignitary (SAGA?)
Imperial Gunner

Luke Skywalker - Stormtrooper
Anakin Skywalker
Lando Calrissian - General
Luke Skywalker - Combat Poncho
Yak Face

Max Rebo
Sy Snootles
Droopy McCool

Some we've gotten in re-release form from POTF2 (Barada would be an example), but could probably still be quite improved upon.  Just seeing what they are capable now sculpt-wise after seeing figures like Hammerhead, Garindan, AT-AT Driver, Dengar, etc. which already had pretty nice POTF2 figures, I think many of these could use some resculpts as the line continues on.

Offline speedermike

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2006, 04:07 PM »
Dr. Ezavan, period.  He's only been sculpted once in a crappy 3 pack in Hasbro's early SW days.  I'd love to see a ROTS quality version of him, all fat and sloppy and stuff.
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Offline Matt R.

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2006, 04:43 PM »
My list of figures that should be resculpt, if they redid them I would be happy


SA Qui-Gon
SA Obi-Wan (like EP3 Pilot Obi)
Yoda (The Digtal Version)
SA Gungan Warrior
SA Naboo Royal Security
SA Padme (Battle)
Padme Naberrie (Tatooine)


SA Mace Windu (w/ Interchangeable Arms)
SA "Ultimate" Jango Fett (w/ Removable Head & All of his gadgets)
SA Kamino Obi-Wan
SA Arena Obi-Wan
SA Super Battle Droid


SA Emperor Palpatine (Yoda Duel)
Tactials Ops Trooper (SA Clone Sculpt)
SA "Ultimate" Mustafar Anakin (Battle Damage too)
SA Duel Mace Windu (w/ Removable Arm)


Stormtrooper Han (VOTC Stormtrooper body with New Head)
Stormtrooper Luke (Same has Han)
SA "Ultimate" Obi-Wan
Grand Moff Tarkin
SA Death Star Trooper
SA Jawa


SA Hoth Han
SA Hoth Luke
Hoth Leia
2-1B Medic Droid
SA Zuckuss
Admiral Piett
Imperial Probe Droid
SA Snowtrooper
Bespin Guard w/ New Head
SA Hoth Rebel Soldier
Snowspeeder Luke
Snowspeeder Wedge
Carbonite Han (Better Carbonite Block)


SA Luke (Death Star Duel)
SA Emperor (w/ Force Lightning)
Leia (Endor Gear)
Leia (Ewok Celebration)
Weequay Skiff Guard
Nien Nunb
B-Wing Pilot w/ Removable Helmet
Y-Wing Pilot w/ Removable Helmet
A-Wing Pilot w/ Removable Helmet
SA Wedge Antilles
Admiral Ackbar
Gamorean Guard

that wraps it up.

Offline Darth Broem

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Re: Much Needed Resculpts
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2006, 05:31 PM »
I would not mind seeing these resculpted. 

Dr Evazon
Uncle Owen ANH (throw in a vaporator)
Death Star Trooper SA
Hoth Rebel Soldier (white & brown variants) SA
Ree Yees
Qui Gon Jinn SA
Kenobi (both TPM and AOTC) SA
Jango Fett SA
BARC Trooper SA
Snowtrooper SA
Grand Moff Tarkin
Weequay SA