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Messages - Matt_Fury

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 452
You guys cannot post about Jimmy Carter right ahead of his 100th birthday in this thread of all places.

I saw the family photo that the family should never have released.  Let the man have some dignity!

I heard today that Dikembe was battling brain cancer....damn shame.

If you're going to celebrate Jimmy Carter, my grandmother has him beat, she will be 104 in January!

Found this guy at my local Walmart yesterday...picked up two of the five there and cancelled my Amazon order.

Nice figure...we're definitely getting a BoBF version as well at some point.  Not 100% sold this should've been a deluxe figure.

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2024 Disney Star Tours Starspeeder 3000
« on: September 28, 2024, 11:21 PM »
Well, I just bought an RX-24, found a seller who took $145 for it.  Thats’s still too much but is less than half of where we started.

They’ll be widely available before you know it.  You’re welcome everyone.

(In all seriousness I might leave it carded for a few months to see how it shakes out… resell the limited edition one if he’s released in another format).

I'd leave it carded since they are numbered.  There's a bagged Rex that comes in the box with the Speeder as well.  I hope the folks at Hasbro are taking notes for future Haslabs!

I'm playing on an X-Box series X and have only hit one glitch with a cutscene where it would crash the game.  Just skipped the cutscene and played on.  A couple of minor glitches in gameplay but nothing terrible.

I honesty do not get all the hate for this game.

Anyone else playing this game?  I'm about 30 hours in and most of that has been doing side contracts and exploring the different planets.  I'll get to the actual story eventually!

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2024 Disney Star Tours Starspeeder 3000
« on: September 18, 2024, 10:46 PM »
I went to Disney Hollywood Studios and checked out Tatooine Traders today.  They had 31 of these all over the store with a limit of two per customer.

Almost criminal what Shop Disney did to people who can't make it to the parks.

Is that legal? ???

"I will make it legal." /sidious voice

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Streets of Mos Eisley Playset
« on: September 14, 2024, 11:00 AM »
It's nice.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Blurrg & The Mandalorian
« on: September 11, 2024, 09:43 PM »
That was the first thing I did.

Did the same thing...until I find my extra Cara Dune figure!

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2024 Disney Star Tours Starspeeder 3000
« on: September 11, 2024, 09:48 AM »
I'm going to DHS next week and will do a scouting report....if they're still available.

James Earl Jones has passed at 93.

The ones that come with the Ghost itself I'm keeping carded, along with one of these sets.  The regular TVC releases are going in the Ghost, and this Sabine and Chopper will be in front of the Ghost with my second set of regular TVC releases of the crew.

Also, I made a review of this set as it came in two days early!

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Blurrg & The Mandalorian
« on: September 6, 2024, 11:01 PM »
My Blurrgs arrived today and They are really cool.

Check out my review and unboxing!

According to FedEx I'll have these on Monday.

I should have my blurrgs, Oshas and Maes by tomorrow evening.

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