Collecting > Star Wars Ships and Vehicles

Correct scale Millenium Falcon WIP (pic heavy!) 10/15/11

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Jesse James:
No clue honestly.  I've not kept up with it.  I liked his project too, but customizing projects are just something I don't watch much any longer.  I kinda went off on my own direction with customizing and lost interest in the overall community after a while (started getting a little chippier, bitchier, etc.).

I love any scaled ship being done though.  I appreciate guys who are picky with that stuff.  :-X

Jesse James,

Thank you for the reply!

By "chippier", do you mean some people in the customizing community have a chip on their shoulders?

In any case, I hope rogue1 resurfaces.  Would be nice to know how he / she is doing.

Jesse James:
More that they are generally not as hospitable as when I joined them back in the old FFURG listserver days.  It's gone from less a community to more a place where criticism isn't appreciated, discussion is limited, and most are out to make a buck in profit off the hobby rather than share knowledge and expand customizing.

At Celebration III we (FFURG) put on a great basic customizing tutorial/display... It wasn't just diorama'ing and all that stuff, it was actual boil/popping, building, painting...  It was hands-on, it was active.  It had interest from Hasbro's reps, it had interest from fans of all ages, it had interest from celebrity guests.  It was really fun, and embodied getting knowledge out there about this niche within the hobby.

Now...  It's more about showing things off and expecting praise, an inability to take anything but, and a lack of desire to share techniques I've noticed.  I see this in other customizing too, like G.I. Joe.  A lot of "secretive" guys come out.  I've seen some outright lie about how easily things can be done because they want people to not try it themselves (since they sell it).  It was disappointing to see, and I dropped out mostly because of that stuff.  I make things for myself, not for Ebay.

Now that STAR WARS Episode VII: "The Force Awakens" is out in theaters, I am once again wondering how this project is going.  Always wanted to see a Falcon to scale with the 3 3/4" figures we've known since childhood.

Would love to hear from Rogue 1 if he's still around at all.

May the Force be with us.

Jay Tee Erricck

Are you going to include the fresher modified for Wookie physiology? #wookiedump


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