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Messages - Mandalorian Madman

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Saga '02-'04 / Re: ...More than they can chew?
« on: June 14, 2003, 11:37 PM »
50 sounds like a lot. seems kind of crazy greedy but I guess sheer numbers translate to big money which is fine but I would rather see quality figures everytime I go in a store, not 20 taun we and bespin securtiy gaurd.  maybe they and retailers have the supply (or distribution or whatever it was) problem nailed down. spacing I think would be important as far as reease so they don't flood the aisles and figures don't get overlooked (ha ha yah right). but the way it seems to me 50 next year means we see 10 and then the other 40 over the next two years. maybe I'm just jaded but I hope they are able to do it.

Power of the Jedi / Re: Best POTJ Fig?
« on: June 14, 2003, 11:30 PM »
300th fett. I agree there wasn't much deluxe about him, I guess maybe hasbro thinks a cool box makes him special. anyway, yah he had crappy articulation compared to some figures but the looks, sculpt, and detailing were all top notch.  articulated kness and elbows and maybe he is one of the best ever but as he is I still really dig him.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Legends
« on: June 14, 2003, 06:05 AM »
yah dc direct isn't the greatest line...they use this really weird glaze on hands (green lantern especially). I like the new super friends boxed sets though. sinestro looks good and so does black manta. and if they do a wonder twins set it will be the greatest set ever. as long as it comes with gleek.

anyway, saw some carded shots on ebay of punisher, gambit, and beast. any word on when they will be out? punisher looked pretty nice.  looks like he comes with a cart load of weapons.

must have conan the barbarian.

I hated figthing blanka with his crazy electrical deal. but it didn't matter who I used, my buddy would use chun li and waste me everytime until I  ahhhh! irritates me still!

Newbies / woooooot! this site rocks...
« on: June 14, 2003, 05:50 AM »
wow, just had to post here in the noob section.  it's 3 am and I need to lay of the mountain dew.  I really dig it over here at the defender, everyone seems very...relaxed and not so eager to just lay into you for differing opinions or be so antagonistic.  I like the enthusiasm and the friendliness in the posts.  I don't know, manners maybe, or just respect, seems like.  anyway I like it and looking forward to hanging out.  so to speak.

Kubricks / Series 2
« on: June 14, 2003, 03:16 AM »
congrats matt! awesome score! man, 1 in 96, how sweet is that feeling when you pop it open and see it.  and yah, wookie, I'd keep it carded, just for the shelf with all my other carded fett stuff.

the alien line looks sweet. the face hugger is too funny. if they do colonial marines from aliens, you're gonna hear me squealing like a little girl.

anybody here pick up the tron sets?  keep watching them on ebay.

man I'm telling you these things are plastic crack.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: PS2 - Return To Castle Wolfenstein
« on: June 14, 2003, 02:18 AM »
that sounds awesome.  and if the ai is that smart, I'm gonna go and buy it tomorrow. I am so tired of ai that just stands there and lets you pop it or continues to try and walk thru walls while you're wailing on the bad guy (wolverine's revenge?).  I had it in my hand the other day but put it back.  may have to go back and give it a try.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Animatrix
« on: June 12, 2003, 02:42 PM »
I have it but on a scale of 1 to 10, I don't know.  there are the shorts (which you can watch all together) and there are several commentaries, a featurette on the history of anime, and some online access stuff I haven't watched yet.  it certainly is not as expansive as say the new blackhawk down which is mind-boggling or boxed fotr (which would both be 10s imo) but I feel like there is enough offered to justify my money.  I'll post more as soon as I watch the commentaries and see how in depth they are but if you are a big matrix or animation fan it's worth it, outside of that don't know.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Your Bands...
« on: June 12, 2003, 05:49 AM »
black sabbath

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Book Club: What Are You Reading Now?
« on: June 12, 2003, 05:47 AM »
neuromancer (again) by gibson
quiet american by greene
warrior politics by kaplan

Watto's Junk Yard / Animatrix...
« on: June 12, 2003, 05:44 AM »
has anybody else watched the animatrix? holy crap it's awesome, I was totally blown away by the depth of the stories and the animation. I know a lot of people were disappointed by reloaded (I wasn't--I really liked it) and many aren't fans (I am) in general (at least it seemed at RS every thread was a matrix bashing thread). the animation shorts do a great job of answering some of the questions I had about matrix as well as just giving a brief history up to the movies.  I thought last flight of the osiris was really cool just becasue it was so brief and to the point (plus I really dig the animation on that one). anybody else seen it? thoughts?

Kubricks / Series 2
« on: June 11, 2003, 11:19 PM »
I also like the vintage focus to the kubrick line.  greedo? sweeeet.  I like the carded ones and I might try and get one of the carded fetts to go with my vintage fett collection, depending on the price, but prolly pass on finding and shelling out for the rest since I primarily tear them open anyway.  either way, nostalgia factor with these guys is very high. kind of started once I saw that early bird set which is just too cool.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: desert island figures
« on: June 11, 2003, 11:14 PM »
would have to be the all time king and lord of the back yard sandbox wars...vintage fett.

Toy Reviews / Re: Boba Fett The Pit of Carkoon
« on: June 10, 2003, 04:26 AM »
I think it's a very cool figure, but there are some mistakes about it.  Here's my little beefs about this figure, but don't get me wrong... I do love this figure!

2) There should be black circles painted on the top part of his gloves.

3) His lift wrist unit should be yellow and not red.

i didn't think the jedi version had the black circles or yellow gauntlet.  I thought both were red in jedi.


visual guide

the costume for the boba fett stand up has all of that but I think it was changed before esb actually made it out or at least before rotj (notcie the blaster is completey different too as well as the belt webbing)


either way, I hate this figure (loose--he still looks good in the package--and that's coming from a die hard fett fan) mainly because of the one leg articulation and puny missle. would also have liked actual pinned elbow joints.  the action feature really ruins the sculpt for me also (mainly becuase of the misslle) and the fact that you can't really do anything with his arms unless your pressing the missle. 300th is still my fave despite being a one pose wonder

anyway, I may or may not be right. it's very late and I should've gone to bed 2 hours ago.

rebel commando with a ton of stuff like rifle, blaster, helmet, backpack, bdu's, poncho, charges, belt, lots of satchels, etc. did a custom one just to play around with and see how it looked but I had to give the poncho and helmet back to luke since he can't ride his speederbike without them.

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