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Messages - Kit Fisto

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A lot of sculpting I guess. Looking at the pose the dangergirl is still in, I think he took the original fig as base and went nuts on it with sculpting materials and paints :)

It looks like it. Odd it took him so long to do so. I know he's pritty good at selling to people who ask him (me being one of them), but I never sptooted his work on ebay before.

I don't know if this is the right place to post it, but I just received a PM trough Ebay fro ma few fellow sellers. They warned me for this guy ani2luke85. This guy has been bidding on all kinds of custom auctions and getting very high prices. But he never pays. He seems to have more then one alias. Others are 501stclone and Vadertater92. So watch out for this punk! He has really bad feedback as well. I blocked him from my auctions.

I've been working on a beast custom these past few days. I'm building the "horse" yoda rides in the last season of the Clone Wars cartoons. I hope to have pics up soon. Still a lot of work to be done on it though...

I like the protocol droid idea and the new alien species. But what do you mean by "new"? Species that are SW but aren't plastic yet? Or really, own creations?

I've sold about 10 customs on commission, I don't know if that counts as an unsolicited offer. I never asked a lot of money for them. Mostly just the money I payed for the parts + shipping.

About that bussiness thing, I think you're right. There  are people who make customs, JUST to be able to sell them. They come on custom boards, post their (awesome) work, and every body wants a piece of the action. Then you don't see those guys online for like months. And suddenly they are back, with more "goods" to sell...

Hey that's a Glassman clone! I didn't know he was selling those.

Yeah, he's changing his mind about selling customs and parts. It all started with his awesome helmets.


Modern Trading / Re: Custom 4 Custom?
« on: July 14, 2005, 07:14 AM »
As promised, here are some customs i would like to trade. I made them all myself.

1) Alien Jedi 1

Parts: clone wars jedi 3pack twi'lek body, pilot ten numb headcast

2) Alien jedi 2

Parts: clone wars jedi 3pack Rodian body, hands and head vintage quarren

3) Luke Skywalker NJO

Head: luke degobah POTF2, body obi wan ep 1

4) Jorg Sacul

head; jorg sacul cast, body: POTJ luke x-wing

5) Montross

Legs: Djas Phur, torso, head, backpack, gun and lower arms: jango preview, second gun: gi joe, cloak: piece of darth sidious ep 1upper arms: general army fig

6) Mandalorian warrior

Head, arms: jurassic park 3 fig, rest: jango fett kamino escape

I'm not looking for any custom in perticular, but if interested, I'm always open for offers.


Modern Trading / Re: Custom 4 Custom?
« on: July 12, 2005, 04:22 AM »
Superb idea! I think I have some customs I wanna trade! If it's permitted, I'll make some pics an post them here ASAP.

About the Katarn, he's really cool, but I don't have an extra Fox up for trade... yet! ;)
I'll look in to it

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Lagoon Trooper
« on: July 8, 2005, 04:19 AM »
Very impressive indeed!

What did you use for the tubes and backpack?

Could you please post a pic of the base figure you used? I can't seem to find one on the net...

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Commander Cody (Bantha5's kit)
« on: July 7, 2005, 04:35 AM »
Well, I don't want to promote other sites, but I found a topic about the kits at the forums, at customizing. There you can contact him.
But I should warn you, the requests for these kits have been off the scales. So Bantha ismaking as much kits as he can but, can't keep up with the demand... You can try though.

Fan Art / Re: Some of my work:
« on: July 6, 2005, 04:36 PM »

Thanx for the great feedback man!!

Things like these really help!

To answer you questions:

I mostly use pens to ink my work. Sometimes I combine, but mostly I keep it clean.

The coloring:
Most of the coloring I do with pencils. Sometimes I use ecoline to get a more dramtic effect. The others are done with the PC, mostly Photoshop.

Anyway, thanx for the remarks. I'm gonna look into them and keep them in mind, the next time I pick up my penscil!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Commander Cody (Bantha5's kit)
« on: July 6, 2005, 04:30 PM »
Indeed, I used a 6 for cody, mostly because of the removable sholderpatch.

For the Neyo, I'm planning on using a nr 41, IF i can find one...

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Commander Cody (Bantha5's kit)
« on: July 5, 2005, 10:49 AM »

this is the kit I'm talking about:

Bantha4's kit

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