Author Topic: Ralph McQuarrie (CV book available)  (Read 32628 times)

Offline Crackbrick

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Re: Ralph McQuarrie (CV book available)
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2010, 03:53 PM »
Did this sell out at CV?
Confussed on how many they made if it did.
Maybe the limit was just what they would sell at CV and make the rest available to people who could not attend.

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Offline efranks

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Re: Ralph McQuarrie (CV book available)
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2010, 04:25 PM »
I think it said on the website that there were 1000 of them.  But I don't believe it sold out at CV.  I'm pretty sure they still had them on the table Sunday when I stopped in for the trading cards.

I know Joe K bought a copy, Doc, and I think a couple other PSWCS members did also, but through all the stops I made to the McQuarrie room I don't think I saw anyone else buy one.  The Metallix prints on the other hand, those were flying even at $60 a pop.

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Offline Crackbrick

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Re: Ralph McQuarrie (CV book available)
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2010, 06:03 PM »
I think it said on the website that there were 1000 of them.  But I don't believe it sold out at CV.  I'm pretty sure they still had them on the table Sunday when I stopped in for the trading cards.

I know Joe K bought a copy, Doc, and I think a couple other PSWCS members did also, but through all the stops I made to the McQuarrie room I don't think I saw anyone else buy one.  The Metallix prints on the other hand, those were flying even at $60 a pop.


Love his stuff.
I have a small print that they sent to people who Pre ordered the Art of RM book, should get that framed, its a neat pic.
Wonder what edition Joe K got of that one, I know he is a big fan as well.
When is he having a meeting again?

LMK next time yoiu guys are going to hang.

I Dream of Yumbos...

Offline efranks

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Re: Ralph McQuarrie (CV book available)
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2010, 07:19 PM »
There were a lot of prints of McQuarrie's stuff at CV, ranging from about $50 up, including the 12 Metallix prints and the show piece which was $180.  At CV I bought the Art of Ralph McQuarrie book and I know Joe has it also, but I think he ordered it and didn't pick it up at the show.  There's also the Japanese book in softcover that's out, and now this one which has the new art that was found recently.

I'm kind of hoping Joe or someone else in the Scranton/WB area holds a meeting sometime as those are close enough for me to drive down for.  I think Brad K's September meeting is the last one on the books right now for this year, but there's time to get in another before the toy drives in December.

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Offline BrentS

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Re: Ralph McQuarrie (CV book available)
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2010, 06:25 PM »
I got my books today.  Its really well done - I didn't think it would be "full size".  I've only flipped through it so far but I'll put it on the nightstand and read it later this evening.