Count me in as someone who likes the way the situation with all of the lightsabers played out.
-Rey re-forging the Skywalker legacy lightsaber gave a nice sense of continuity from the previous two films. The leather band around the damaged section seems in keeping with Rey's scavenger background
-The fate of the Kylo Ren lightsaber was incredibly well thought out. Rey used that weapon to end Kylo Ren and then healed Ben Solo. And the following sequence with Ben reliving his last moments with his father on Starkiller base? It was an amazing mirror image of how that scene played out in TFA. And then handling of the lightsaber, and to toss it away? I was genuinely surprised and touched by the way it played out. And I can't express enough how much I like the way both Harrison Ford and Adam Driver played it out.
-Leia's lightsaber was a revelation that I didn't realize we would see. Her own status as Rey's teacher at the beginning of the movie cemented the idea that she had been taught by Luke following the events of ROTJ, but until that point had not really devoted her efforts to being a Jedi. But as events demanded, Leia rose to the occasion. When Luke led Rey to the lightsaber on Ahch-To, I thought that it might have been his lightsaber from ROTJ. To see that it was Leia's? That was eye opening. And for Rey to use it at the end of the movie was very fitting.
-Ben using the Skywalker legacy lightsaber seemed equally fitting. Although the way he got it in time to fight the Knights of Ren was somewhat puzzling. Did Rey get it to Ben through a telekinetic throw, or was it a situation like earlier in the film, when Kylo Ren snatched the necklace from Rey through their Force link?
-I liked how Rey was able to use both lightsabers to deflect the Force lightning. It harkened back to how Mace Windu came so close to defeating Palpatine in ROTS by deflecting his own power back at him.
-Rey's new lightsaber was a great point to get to. Again, it was a reminder of Rey's history as a scavenger. It was linkage to Rey's staff which had been the source of so much fan conjecture (anyone else remember the whole theory that it must have been Darth Plagueis's staff?), but was really just a big part of her identity and life on Jakku. For the blade to be yellow? The history of fans *thinking* there were yellow lightsabers back to the OT era because of some of the toys. The Jedi Temple guards also had yellow lightsabers during the Clone Wars era. So why shouldn't Rey?