Author Topic: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)  (Read 262242 times)

Offline Muftak

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #300 on: January 5, 2020, 03:17 PM »
Quote from: Nicklab

Oh no, please don't buy into that conspiracy theorist BS.  Someone on reddit started a rumor about some JJ Abrams cut, and that the studio stepped in to make drastic changes to the movie.  It's the same kind of nonsense that happened when DC movie fans started clamoring for a so-called "Snyder cut" of the Justice League movie.

No, I am not buying into any conspiracies, but I totally believe Disney would hedge their bets after "Solo" underperformed by making sure the movie could squeeze one more showing in per day to bolster the numbers, rather than play as a 3-hour movie with some time for scenes to breathe and plot threads to come to a conclusion. I am not saying it was done for any of the conspiracy reasons, just the number-crunching Disney math. I am leery of thinking that it was done behind JJ's back, but I can buy that in the end he was not in charge of the final edit. The most telling part for me is that JJ intended for Finn to tell Rey he is Force-sensitive. If he was going to cut the reveal, I have to assume he would go back and cut the teases leading up to it as well. That is kind of basic storytelling there.

To me this is totally different from the Snyder Cut situation, which would be more analagous to what happened to the Gareth Edwards cut of "Rogue One" before Tony Gilroy reworked it with rewrites and reshoots.

This is more like Peter Jackson's "extended cut" of the LOTR films, where the vision behind the story is the same but things are allowed to unfold a little less breathlessly. I would happily plunk down cash either in a special theatrical run or a home video release to get to see a "less compressed" version of the film.
« Last Edit: January 5, 2020, 05:24 PM by Muftak »

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #301 on: January 6, 2020, 01:23 AM »
I have heard there’s a lot extra footage out there and hope they are able to bundle it all someday.  I’d love to see things that got cut like the aforementioned forcey Finn stuff.  I don’t necessarily need it integrated or anything.  I just love cut footage.  I’m boggled at how much Jackson cut from the Hobbit films.
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Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #302 on: January 6, 2020, 10:05 AM »
I have heard there’s a lot extra footage out there and hope they are able to bundle it all someday.  I’d love to see things that got cut like the aforementioned forcey Finn stuff.  I don’t necessarily need it integrated or anything.  I just love cut footage.  I’m boggled at how much Jackson cut from the Hobbit films.

I'm boggled at how much Jackson put into the Hobbit films.

On another note, my wish was granted by the Resistance cartoon with an appearance of Sidon Ithano and his Meson Martinet. Now I have to find that ship in ROS.

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #303 on: January 7, 2020, 09:37 AM »
Well according to the leaks from last summer, the movie was supposed to begin with that Luke/Leia training scene, which was much longer than what we got. So there's at least an extended scene of that.

Also, the tank thing Lando is in at Pasaana is reused from concept art from TFA!
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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #304 on: January 7, 2020, 10:42 AM »
I'm highly skeptical of this rumored JJ cut of TROS mainly because this whole thing was started by some rando on reddit.  Seriously, when  did reddit become the arbiter of all knowledge where any person can put up a post in a thread and it becomes fact?

Is there a lot left on the cutting room floor?  Absolutely and I hope to see most of it on the Blu Ray release.

Did the Mouse try to get the runtime down to allow for more showings and to get more box office revenue?  Possible, but I doubt that they went behind the director's and writers' back to do those edits.

Will we see a extended cut of TROS released by Disney?  Doubtful since that didn't happen with any other Star wars movie, but I wouldn't mind seeing one....I expect a fan edit incorporating as much of the deleted scenes as possible to be available on the internet at some point. (Could someone forward this to Adywan?)
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Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #305 on: January 7, 2020, 11:32 AM »
Regarding a JJ cut... I have noticed coincidentally that all the dialogue in the movie is pretty tight in a good way. There's a lot of fast conversations with few lulls to slow things down. I've even wondered if they reshot some scenes just to produce off the tight dialogue as it feels like they started with a tight pace to begin with. That or they just got really lucky.

On an unrelated topic... I was originally not pleased to see another desert planet in the original trailer. However, I felt the time spent on Pasaana depicted such a different culture with the celebration and the pace so moved quickly that I was happy we weren't spending another 30-40% of a movie on yet another desert planet. In my five viewings I've never been reminded of Tatooine or Jakku. Pasaana just feels like Pasaana.

« Last Edit: January 7, 2020, 02:08 PM by StBrianOfMinneapolis »

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #306 on: January 15, 2020, 05:11 PM »
Oh boy. Here we go.

I definitely wanted Luke to visit or haunt Ren a little bit. A lot of the rest of this sounds really bad. Fixing Ren's face with smelted Mandalorian armor? Who let the 13 year old fan boy write a script? I wonder if they meant fixing Ren's helmet.

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #307 on: January 15, 2020, 06:04 PM »
The breakdown I just read in that article does not sound like a better movie than Rise of the Skywalker.  I think maybe I'm just an older OT guy and younger people aren't into it, but I rather liked most of the new movie, particularly that Palpatine was pulling the strings the whole time.  Despite Darth Vader, Palps is really the core villain from Phantom Menace all the way to Return of the Jedi, I didn't have any problem with the idea that he was basically behind the First Order and had bigger plans the whole time.

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #308 on: January 16, 2020, 12:12 AM »
The dude gushing over that had me loling in my mind.  Don’t get me wrong, I can see parts of it being ok...  but some of it is so comical too.  Hell it sounds like a dark side version of ESB in many ways.  Some of it sounds like it’s just trying really too hard to impress some 45 year old cosplayer and stuff...  I am glad we got what we got. 
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Offline EdSolo

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #309 on: January 16, 2020, 07:07 AM »
I think the major problem with the sequel trilogy is they didn't map out all three movies at the start.  Things like Rey's lineage should have been set in stone before TFA filmed.  While Lucas' plans changed along they way, he really didn't know he would get to do more than the first movie and made adjustments after the success of ANH.  Disney knew from the date of purchase that they were doing a trilogy.  Ultimately, it ended up where I thought it would.  I figured Rey would be a Skywalker as to carry the lineage through the three trilogies.  While not one by blood, she still adopted the name.  My thoughts after TFA was that she would be Luke's daughter and marry Finn, who had no last name, as to carry the Skywalker name into any future movies.

I'm a bit skeptical on the leaked script.  I think it may be a mixture of truth and fan fic.

I enjoyed the movie overall.  I guess we may see more explanation through novels and comics.  I would like to know if Palpatine was in a cloned body or if actually survived ROTJ somehow.  The other thing I want to know about is Snoke.  I could have sworn I read something post TFA that stated that Snoke had been around before Palpatine became Chancellor.  That is certainly still a possibility, but I would like to see where he came from and how Palpatine used him.

Offline StBrianOfMinneapolis

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #310 on: January 16, 2020, 11:37 AM »
The other thing I want to know about is Snoke.  I could have sworn I read something post TFA that stated that Snoke had been around before Palpatine became Chancellor.  That is certainly still a possibility, but I would like to see where he came from and how Palpatine used him.

Yeah, it was stated somwhere in canon that Palpatine knew of Snoke and was unconcerned for some reason.

Also, Leia and Han have been dropping Snoke's name like everyone knows about him.

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #311 on: January 16, 2020, 12:01 PM »
I still can't believe Snoke didn't end up being Plagueis.  The character designs are similar, the cheating death and relationship to the Emperor is clear and obvious... it would have made the whole Return-of-Palpatine plot line more believable to just roll with that.

I was traveling for much of the time since TROS came out, and didn't want to post longer opinions from my phone, but I'd just say that I enjoyed it a lot.  I don't know if it was great or anything, but I do think that JJ Abrams had a nearly impossible task, to tie up a 9 film arc in a way that made sense, to pay homage to earlier films and a ton of characters, to work around the passing of Carrie Fisher, and to do something big and exciting.  I think he did a stellar job, even if it's not going to make half of the fans happy.  It's weird to me how many people seem to totally hate it.

While I think the planet killing cannons on the Star Destroyers was a moderate twist on a tired idea, and just a massive fleet of twelve bazillion Star Destroyers and troops would have been a less over the top thread.... I particularly loved all the Sith Temple stuff... the Emperor being back really worked for me and I felt like he brought a gravitas to the threat that the First Order just never had... I wish they hadn't killed off Luke and he could have had a bigger role, and I honestly would have been fine with Ben being redeemed and then also surviving... and him and Rey living happily ever after to rebuild the galaxy and the Jedi Order but I get why they did it this way.

So yeah - as a 39 year old OT purist, my take was that it was far better than TLJ and did the best it could to wrap things up.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 12:04 PM by Rob »

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #312 on: January 16, 2020, 03:29 PM »
I still can't believe Snoke didn't end up being Plagueis.

Post-viewing, I thought it would've been a nice twist if Palpatine was revealed to be Plagueis.

Offline Matt_Fury

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #313 on: January 16, 2020, 05:22 PM »
Is there any example in Legends where a Sith apprentice became the Sith Master without killing their master?
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Offline Muftak

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #314 on: January 16, 2020, 06:20 PM »
Post-viewing, I thought it would've been a nice twist if Palpatine was revealed to be Plagueis.

Palpatine: "I am every Sith!"

So there you go...