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Messages - obi-dad

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: Who wants two army builder waves?
« on: July 7, 2006, 01:36 AM »

- x3 VOTC style Stormtrooper
- x2 Snowtrooper (new sculpt)
- x2 TIE Pilot (SAGA/OTC repack)
- x2 Rebel Fleet Trooper (new sculpt)
- x2 Endor Rebel (new sculpt)
- x1 Imperial Officer (POTJ/SAGA repack)

Well, if rumors turn out to be true, then we'd have to wait until after the 2007 Vintage Snowtrooper, but I'd be all for this case.  Changes I would make would be:

- x3 VOTC style Stormtrooper
- x2 Snowtrooper (new sculpt)
- x2 TIE Pilot (SAGA/OTC repack)
- x1 Rebel Fleet Trooper (new sculpt)
- x1 Endor Rebel (new sculpt)
- x1 Imperial Officer (POTJ/SAGA repack)
- x1 Death Star Trooper resculpt
- x1 Death Star Gunner

The only way I would buy this would be if it included:

SA Mace
SA Jango Fett
And, stealing from mister_palpatine,
Geonosian Warrior (Sun Fac repaint with new head and same weapons.)

Accessories:  The force field chamber thing that held Obi that was included in a TRU BP a few years back that had only repacks of figures that I refused to buy simply for the accessory.

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: VTSC Greedo
« on: July 6, 2006, 08:10 PM »
Ok... I'm getting tired of writing this, but another great review, Jesse.   However, I will argue that even knowing they are going to do other background characters, I'd say this was still a bad choice.  Between most of us not feeling like we needed a resculpt on this one (well, a lot of the resculpts this year proved us wrong on this point) and the fact there there were so many other more desired characters that need the SA treatment, I believe Greed could have waited a few rounds for this treatment.  Just like in the original vintage characters and then in 95 when they started coming out again, I believe you start with the core characters and when the background figures are mixed in, at least do the more interesting ones.   Just my thoughts on this choice.   I did buy him.

I'm getting this for the figure just as much as for the Snowspeeder.   I'd love to see an AT-AT closer to the correct scale, but if the current one is going to run $80 for a repaint (no retooling and removed the electronics) then how much would a larger, all new sculpt AT-AT cost???   The size of the Snowspeeder never bother me either... how far (percent wise) is it off?

Be nice if we could get a Sarlaac  ;D
Yeah, but to get one worth having, would take something bigger than an accessory in  a BP.   Maybe it would work, but I would think with the mouth coming out and tentacles, it would need to come in a bigger package.    I would be glad to provide my own sand, though.

Battlepacks are, to me, a great way for new collectors to get a whole scene at once but does nothing for me since I have all of those figures anyway.  I'd like to write a big ol' PASS on this BP, but objectively I think this'll be great for new collectors.

I agree.   The problem I have is Hasbro's tendency to resculpt or add one new (figure or accessory) to these.   They did the same thing with Cinema Scenes and other multipacks since then.  I think ruiner nailed it on the head with the link to Hasbro's pics.  To get me to buy this, I would need either a repaint (blond Wequay) or resculpt any of Jabba's Skiff Guards (from the Cinema Scene) with knee and elbow articulation.  Or... for that matter, Lando skiff guard with articulation. 

The RS rumor said,
Not unlike the previous Battle Packs, the 2007 assortments will feature four figures and a few small related accessories, and will utilize retools, repaints, and maybe even a new sculpt or two.
Wequay could definitely use an all new sculpt.  Make him articulated and I would get this set.  Then they could reuse the sculpt to make a carded figure and even a deluxe/utra figure of Ak-rev with his drums.

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: R5D4
« on: July 6, 2006, 05:35 PM »
Maybe I'm remembering wrong since no one has addressed it yet.  I really think the color is off on the strip right above the 2 red horizontal panals right below his dome.  Hasbro painted light gray, but I really thought it was blue or at least a darker color.   

Other than that... another great review Jesse.  I have to agree with Nicklab about not needing a removable panel for arms (though since Hasbro continues to maintain they make these just as much or more for kids instead of collectors, I'm sure kids would love that feature).  Here's where I agree with Jesse... I would love to see more (or atleast one) accessory.   How about any of the small droids in the line up (or minimally a Jawa, though... I would rather see some of the missing droids from the sale of the droids).  Considering this is 80% (or more) resculpt, then we should get more.  On the other hand, Hasbro also claims to balance out the cost/profit they make with figures by cutting profit on one figure and making more on others.  If we see the benefit on a really nice basic figure with articualtion and accessories (ewok deighty 3PO?) then I see no problem.  But, for most of 2006, we've missed out on a LOT of articulation.   I don't need accessories just for the point of having something, but if they are scene specific and accurate, then I'm all for them.

Y'know this goes back to my "What makes a good figure?" thread.  In truth, I find no figures boring.  Redundant, yes (clones, clones, clones) but I want Rep Been as much as a SA Snowtrooper.  They're equal in my noggin.

I agree 100%.   When I read posts about boring figures... sometimes it just makes me wonder.   Actually, I'm quite tired of seeing clones (and I know I'm in the minority here), but I love those background characters that round out a scene that makes a diorama look empty or like it's missing something without them.

OT Uncle Owen.  That CS version sucked hard.  Pack him with one of the small unmade Sandcrawler droids.
   I think the CS Owen was as bad as the missile firing R5.  We had to wait long enough for the resculpt of R5 and now it's time for Owen... actually time for the OT and PT Owen and the rest of the PT Lars clan.

As far as the rest of the boring figures, I don't have time to think of all the "boring" figures we need made or even resculpted.  But, I'll be glad to put this on the back burner to think about and post later.

This set WILL be all repacks

my picks

ROTS Kit Fisto (w/ TSC Pilot Obi Soft Goods)
ROTS Mace Windu (w/ TSC Pilot Obi Soft Goods)
ROTS Palpatine (w/ new hands, right saber hilt, Lightning on finger tips)
ROTS Agen Kolar (w/ TSC Pilot Obi Soft Goods and Blue Saber)

This is one of the ones I'm least interested in.  I go with the above guess.

I like ...
1 x Yoda - new sculpt, eyes closed, raising the X-Wing

So, with that in mind....

1x Yoda - new sculpt, eyes closed, raising the X-Wing (body possibly based on VOTC Yoda)
1x OTC Dagobah Luke Skywalker (possibly with articulated knees & elbows)
1x OTC Dagobah R2-D2
1x OTC Obi-Wan (Dagobah Jedi Spirit)
1x VOTC or 500th Vader with POTJ Dagobah head
-Various Crates, Boxes, Etc

Since Hasbro thinks the POTJ RFT is a good sculpt, I wouldn't be surprised to see it in the pack.  If they corrected the paint job on the helmet, that would be a good first step.   Realistically, I would like see:

2x Rebel Fleet Trooper with separate helmet with chinstrap (corrected paint app)
2x VOTC Storm Trooper
1x (any of the following: Antilles, Leia, Imp Officer, Vader, astromech droid repaint, or silver 3PO - possibly the Ep1 droid or C-3PO repaint)

I'd buy multiples of that set, if they just did a new head sculpts with removable helmets on the RFT, even with the old knee & elbow articulation.

Guess I'm confused on my figure names... thought that the pic was a droid...  ;D   Check it out!!!


p.s.   Seriously, at $8.99 a fig plus shipping, are there many people going this route to pick up hard to find figures?

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: VTSC Luke X-Wing Pilot
« on: June 29, 2006, 04:24 PM »
A Hoth X-wing suit update would be awesome!
Another great review Jesse I agree 100%

I've have been wanting some decent, non-buff snowspeeder pilots forever.   Now that there's a picture posted of the new Target exclusive Rogue Two Snowspeeder  with Zev, I'm excited again to start seeing some.   I don't even mind the lack of articulation, though I guess it's always remotely possible that he has some knee articulation.

As far as Luke goes, I already have 2.   I'd probably buy more to do head swaps if Luke wasn't that much shorter than everyone else.  Great review again, Jesse.   I may have to try the boil -n- freeze method.   I'll have to watch ANH again... without seeing it, I think I like the dirty helmet that came with the last Luke W-Wing.

Another great review Jesse.   The main problem I have with this figure is that for me it makes all the old Sand People obsolete.   If I finally make a diorama with the Tusken standing over Luke on the rocks, that's one thing.  But  if I stood this one with it's cool cloth robe (and I don't usually like soft goods, but this one really works), the other ones look more like plastic toys now.

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Commander Cody
« on: June 29, 2006, 12:09 PM »
I think you nailed this guy dead on, Jesse.  I almost didn't even buy this figure after reading this review (and so many similar comments when people first bought the figure).  I'm a loose collector and this one is still in the package, if that says anything.  It's probably where it looks best, unfortunately.

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