This might not be the right thread, but its interesting to see Disney+'s smashing success and the fact that The Mandalorian and its unique content is a meaningful part of this success. Current data has Disney+ at 87 million subscribers. Assuming people are paying $70 a year for this (not counting any ESPN+ or Hulu bundles) that totals $6.1 billion a year in revenue!! When they launched the service this was their five year goal. They just hit that at the end of their first year.

They say they should have about 250 million subscribers by 2025.
Granted creating a show like The Mandalorian isn't super cheap. Its reported that an eight episode season costs $120 million to make. But I think they've done the math and have realized that a good show like this is a cash machine with new subscriptions and all the licensed products that spin out of it.
Its also interesting to see the flop that HBO Go and HBO Max have been. They've been getting roasted for their weak content and subscriber numbers. Warner Bros is getting a lot of flak for dumping all their 2021 movies to HBO Max as well and its seen as just trying to prop up HBO Max.
COVID has flipped the world of blockbuster media and I think Disney is the fastest to adopt to the new model.
I've no idea if all these shows Disney/Lucasfilm has in the pipeline are going to be as good as The Mandalorian, but if half of them are this is going to be awesome.