Dear Hasbro,
Long time, no chat. It's me, your old pal Jeff here.
Let's talk about your Black Series 6" Rancor project. Actually, let's not. Instead I'm just going to offer up some great ideas for your HasLab parking lot. When I'm done, go ahead and look over the list and see if you can figure out what I'm telling you without telling you.

Jeff's HasLab Parking Lot:
TVC 3.75"
GR-75 Rebel Transport in TVC ESB box
* You know the TVC crazies want everything Kenner remade and you know you can't put this on the shelf at Target. But 3.75" TVC "finish the Kenner Stuff" guys will back this. 100% lock.
TVC 3.75"
Death Star playset in TVC ANH box
* Let the Kenner micro-series Death Star World playset be your guide for inspiration. 3.75" TVC guys will back this. 100% lock.
TVC 3.75"
Ghost in TVC Rebels box
* Maybe a bit of a harder sell since it's not OT, but you know people want it. Tie it into the new Ahsoka TV show maybe.
TVC 3.75"
Tantive IV in TVC ANH box
* Ok, look the hallway playset was fun and all... but what about something Sail Barge sized that opens up? You can use it for ROTS, RO, or ANH. People will buy it...I think. You can make it work. Probably.
TVC 3.75"
Hoth Ion Cannon in TVC ESB box
* Not everything has to be a vehicle. Yeah, we're dipping into the Kenner micro-world for inspiration here too. Crank up something like that Kenner Micro-series Ion Cannon set for 3.75" figures and it'll look great in our Hoth Dioramas next to all our Turrets you've already done.
TVC 3.75"
Endor/Ewok Village playset in TVC ROTJ box
* Start with the Kenner playset and let your design guys go from there. A new hut for 3PO to tell stories in. A bridge for Han and Leia to talk. A way to display Ghost Jedi. Bonus points if you
finally give us that Funeral Pyre Vader set as an unlock.
TVC 3.75"
AT-Hauler in TVC Solo Box
* As a shameless Han Solo fanboy, I'd be remiss if I didn't include something Han-centric. GREAT opportunity to put it out there for Solo's 5th Anniversary in 2023! Plus it increase my odds of getting TVC Beckett, Rio, Val, or even TVC Vandor Han Solo. AND, if you focus on new Solo stuff in 2023 for the Solo 5th Anniversary, maybe we can finally get a ******* 3.75" Dryden Vos figure. Thanks!
TVC 3.75"
Imperial Transport aka "Stormtrooper Drop-Ship" in TVC The Mandalorian box
* Inspired by Season 2 of The Mandalorian. Dropping Stormtroopers to help steal a baby - ah, what won't the empire do? So many unlock pack-in choices - Grogu on a
magic Jedi rock Jedi Meditation Stone, Stormtrooper with Fett-smashed armor damage, Artillery Stormtrooper, etc.
TVC 3.75"
First Order Troop Transport in TVC TFA box
* Look at me, throwing the ST people a bone. Now we can cart all of our First Order Stormtroopers to Jakku to kill
Max Von Sydow Lor San Tekka. Um...I mean, it's Stormtroopers so I guess it would be OK. Actually, no - forget I said this and go back to the last one with The Mandalorian Stormtrooper drop-ship.
TVC 3.75"
Krayt Dragon in TVC The Mandalorian box
* Inspired by Season 2 of The Mandalorian. This guy is never, ever ever getting to store shelves but he can still make it to our collections. Give him one of those Tusken mega-crossbow thingies as a pack-in. And TVC Cobb Vanth too while you're at it maybe?
So, there you go. Ten great starter projects across a range of dollar amounts for your next Star Wars HasLab project. I'll let you go ahead and fill in the unlocks and the details and whatnot. Anyway, thanks for reading!
Your Pal,