Author Topic: Switches from Concord Aerospace.  (Read 256 times)

Offline Matt_Fury

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Switches from Concord Aerospace.
« on: December 29, 2024, 06:28 PM »
I came across this company about a year ago and really thought they made some cool stuff:

Concord Aersospace

They make some cool switches and I got one for my birthday last year which is the Hyperdrive levers from the Millenium Falcon.

Installed and works great.  For Christmas I received two more the Jedi Training 101 and The Force Selector Panel.

These things are awesome!  I'm not sure where to put the Force Selector Panel as of yet because it's a three way switch, but the Jedi Training 101 switch will be in my Home Office/Star Wars Toy and Prop Museum (& Arcade!) once I install it on a switch plate.
This is the way.

I have spoken.