Author Topic: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice  (Read 113573 times)

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #75 on: February 24, 2008, 01:15 PM »
The chase figures have varied somewhat, and occassionally figure variations corresponded to one or the other location (cantina band members are an example). There have even been chase figures that took the place of a regular figure in the rotation leaving you short of a regular basic set of 6 (yakface came in the gamorrean box, meaning you are short one gamorrean guard if you got yak face).

Series 7 Jeff got 7-8 mastercases from Robby, and there were some of each rare (anakin old man and yak). So in series 7 (and I believe 6) there was no difference between the mastercases from mainland or hong-kong.

The short answer is, we won't know until a bunch of master cases have been cracked what the breakdowns will be in the next wave, or if they are tied to where they originate.

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #76 on: February 24, 2008, 01:49 PM »
thnx for the info guys (although it's still a little confusing).

btw. are there any ideas on how the ratios for S9 will be.

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #77 on: February 24, 2008, 03:07 PM »
I couldn't find this on the board, but can somebody tell me how many basic sets you get on average from a full case ?

On average, in a Master Case you will get:
 3-4 basic sets of 6
 2-4 "easy" chase figures
 1 "hard" chase figures
 and a bunch of common figures.

If you look through our various Kubrick Features, you'll find a section in each feature that talks about case rations and things for each series.  Lots of info on there on the breakdown of the chase figures and such.

So in series 7 (and I believe 6) there was no difference between the mastercases from mainland or hong-kong.

Correct.  There really haven't been any "true" differences between the HK and Japan cases since the Cantina Band variants in Series 3.  For the most part, the chases are pretty well divided among the sources.  Like Dan said, for Series 7, my Master Cases from Robby (all Japan boxes) had a pretty even breakdown of the chase figures.  Out of 7 Master Cases, we found 4 Yak Face and 3 "Old Guy" Anakin figures.

btw. are there any ideas on how the ratios for S9 will be.

Not yet, we will need to wait until closer to release to know the ratios...
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Offline icruise

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #78 on: April 4, 2008, 02:47 AM »
Hello everyone. I'm new to the forums and relatively new to Kubricks. I have most of the Alien/Aliens Kubricks, but I had put off getting the Star Wars stuff since there was so much of it and many of them seemed so expensive. But I finally couldn't resist any longer and bought one box of 12 from series 6 and 7 (and I also have series 8 and 9 preordered). I'd like to get all the regular figures from the previous series, but it does look like it will be an expensive proposition, even if I don't want the chase figures.

That brings me to my question. I was lucky enough to get a Veers chase in one of my boxes, and I see that it's relatively valuable. I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it to try and get more (or all!) of the chases, or if I should just try and be satisfied with the main figures. I'm thinking of selling Veers and using the proceeds to buy some more regular figures from the earlier series. I don't really see myself spending lots of money for a single Kubrick, so it may not be realistic to try and collect chases, but I might find that after I get the regular figures that I just have to have the chases...  :-\

Also, does anyone have any regular figures from series 1 to 5 that they'd like to sell?  ;D

Offline Dan

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #79 on: April 4, 2008, 07:12 AM »
Welcome icruise! Just in time for two series to hit back to back, not a bad time to get in as it should get very exciting in the next 6 months or so-

I picked up the 1st three sets loose off of ebay not long after they were released. Then I began ordering boxes with series 4 and 5, and master cases with 6 and 7. Having a mindset of just getting the basic figures is a good way to start- it keeps the goal manageable and you'll probably be surprised how quickly you get there.

If I were in your shoes, I would absolutely hang on to the Veers. Finding a chase figure is just such a rare thing, he may become a centerpiece in your collection, and will always be a conversation piece when you explain Kubricks to others. The first Chase I found opening a box was a Luke Stormtrooper- and when I open up my cabinet, I see him and remember that.

You can always pick and choose which chases to get as time goes on, I have passed on the series 3 vinyl cape jawa so far myself due to price and its' looking almost identical to the regular version. Unless someone dumps one for way cheap, I will probably never own one, but it doesn't bother me in the least. The other chase figures from the early series I picked up little by little between regular releases. Since Medicom took the last year and a half off, it was a good time to do a lot of catch-up.

I know I have some regular releases still available- I'll check my stash and send you a private message.

Enjoy the Star Wars bricks, and you picked a great forum to join. There are many knowlegable collectors here, and a great database of the releases.

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #80 on: April 4, 2008, 08:14 AM »
I was lucky enough to get a Veers chase in one of my boxes, and I see that it's relatively valuable. I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it to try and get more (or all!) of the chases, or if I should just try and be satisfied with the main figures.

When I started collecting Kubricks about 6 months ago I had the same thought, I would just get the main figures and not worry about the chases.  As I finished off the main characters I realized that I really wanted the chases too.  My advice, keep the Veers because you may regret getting rid of it later on.  Especially if you're just going to use the money to buy more bricks...  However, if you do ultimately decide to get rid of it, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands ;D.

Welcome to the boards and to the addictive world of Kubricks!
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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #81 on: April 4, 2008, 08:26 AM »
Don't sell Veers now.  I honestly think you'd regret it down the line.  My friend I am Sith  and I are perfect examples, he was more than happy to just get regular series.  However, eventually we (him and I) both caved and started getting the chases too.  Once you get past the "are you kidding me, $90 for that?!?" phase, collecting the chases becomes quite enjoyable.  Given that you "lucked" into one of the most expensive chases right now, I'd say sit tight and enjoy him!!

Offline Outkast34

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #82 on: April 4, 2008, 10:29 AM »
I'm going to pretty much echo what I am Sith and BrentS said. I got into Kubricks just wanting the regular kubes. And I too was lucky to stumble onto a Veers when I bought a sealed set of an etailer. I'm very glad that I held on to him because now I'm not only looking for the chases but the box sets and carded ones too. I would definitely hold on to him. Welcome to the very highly addicting world of Star Wars Kubricks.

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #83 on: April 4, 2008, 10:57 AM »
I've got to say, I'm quite surpised that these etailers still have boxes of 12 with the chase in there floating around.  Perhaps its the skeptic side of me, but I just assumed all these guys would have sorted out all the chase boxes already.  Kudos to the ethical etailers!!  Can either of you post where you got the lucky boxes from?

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #84 on: April 4, 2008, 12:57 PM »

I'd echo what the other guys have said - keep Veers.  I got in at the very start on series 1 and decided no chase because the Fetts were $100+ at the time.  Then Indy came out and I absolutely had to have him.  Well, then it just got carried away to the point where I had to have all the chase figures.  It's likely to happen to you as well, unless you have some form of willpower severely lacking in the members of this board. 

But be warned, going after those chase pieces will be a very expensive proposition, you're looking at a couple of hundred per series minimum in pricing.  Some are definitely cheaper but those 1/96 pieces are killer. 
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Offline icruise

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #85 on: April 4, 2008, 02:16 PM »
I've got to say, I'm quite surpised that these etailers still have boxes of 12 with the chase in there floating around.  Perhaps its the skeptic side of me, but I just assumed all these guys would have sorted out all the chase boxes already.  Kudos to the ethical etailers!!  Can either of you post where you got the lucky boxes from?
I got mine from National Console Support (NCSX). Of course I didn't know much about the distribution of the figures or about how unlikely it might be to get a chase at this point in the game when I ordered them, so I guess I was lucky in more ways than one.

And thanks for all of the advice everyone. I'm going to hold onto Veers for a little while at least.

Offline Crackbrick

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #86 on: April 4, 2008, 03:55 PM »
Well, then it just got carried away to the point where I had to have all the chase figures.  It's likely to happen to you as well, unless you have some form of willpower severely lacking in the members of this board.  

I know that feeling.
I've changed my tune though because of other priorities, like a roof on the house!
I am happy I kept Indy though, even if there is another one on the way.
I like the chase a bit more than the new one, the idol is just great.
Another non-Star Wars Kube chase I kept is the Kane Chest burster from the Alien line, that's one of my favorite Kubricks ever.
The only 1:96 Star Wars Kube I have now is Tarkin, who I have to keep so I can put him with Dooku.
I think its cool to have two Hammer Stars that were in the SW films in Kubrick form.

And welcome aboard, but be warned...Kubricks are evil.
Despite all the $$ reasons I gave for giving up being a completest, I have to say that finding another Japanese line to collect like the Koto Magnets helped BUT I'm having trouble with a few of those chases, which are cheaper, but seem to be harder to get than the Kubrick Chases.

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Offline Outkast34

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #87 on: April 5, 2008, 01:06 AM »
I've got to say, I'm quite surpised that these etailers still have boxes of 12 with the chase in there floating around.  Perhaps its the skeptic side of me, but I just assumed all these guys would have sorted out all the chase boxes already.  Kudos to the ethical etailers!!  Can either of you post where you got the lucky boxes from?

I can't remember off the top of my head. I found it on yahoo shopping. I think it might have been

But I'm not 100% sure on that.

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #88 on: April 5, 2008, 12:37 PM »
I would keep the Veers too, it always starts out with 'I'll just collect the regular figures....' then you stumble onto a chase and you start thinking..... :) The rationale you'll probably settle on is something like 'yeah they're expensive, but they only come out with 4 super hard to find chases a year and that's not bad....especially compared to my Medicom 12 inch figs which run 150 a piece and probably produce 5 to 10 figs a year.....' OK this was MY thinking anyway! :)

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Re: Kubrick Newbies - Questions and Advice
« Reply #89 on: April 5, 2008, 04:34 PM »
Welcome to JD icruise, glad to have ya aboard. Yep, hang onto Veers even if you don't plan to get the other chase Kubs. Just nice to have one.  ;)